Move into a place of continual worship, praise and thanksgiving. He is our Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener and Standby. In other words, once the Holy Spirit starts to become very active in your life, and He then starts the process of guiding you and teaching you in this life, from there, God will want you to work very closely with Him. But since He did, this tells me that He wants His people to have access to this revelation and from there, they can then decide if they want to try and develop this part of their walk with the Lord. The holy spirit will never leave us or forsake us. the first that come to mind are thomas merton and anthony de mello as they are contemporary- there are many more. I would say “was that really you God?” How dare I question God when He was giving me what I had prayed so long for. This happened to me…as I’m typing this, I’m tearing up already. It met my expectations Put these two verses together with the first two verses above about having direct fellowship and direct communion with the Holy Spirit, and you can tell that God is letting all of us know loud and clear that we can enter into this supernatural realm with the Holy Spirit. whatever your walk may be and the seeking therein, it has been brought to my heart to offer those verses above that you may start simply with the cornerstone of faith. As we grow in being led by the Holy Spirit, we will grow to be truly the There must come a time when you are willingly led of the Holy Spirit, and you must do this by an act of your will. No, you just need to accept that Jesus Christ is your lord and savior and that he is the one true God. To be led by the Holy Spirit is to be obedient to Him as we hear His voice and sense His urgings in our spirit. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 91,627 times. ", "It helped me to understand the words of the Bible more deeply.". My best guess on why most pastors do not attempt to educate their flocks on how the Holy Spirit will lead us and communicate to us in this life is either because they themselves do not have a full understanding on this subject matter, or they are too afraid to open up this subject matter to their flocks for fear that it will open up a door to the spiritual realm, and from there, they could possibly make contact with demonic spirits who will try to masquerade as the Holy Spirit or God Himself. I have been on a Holy Spirit mission for about a couple of years and I have been led to more and more material to add to my understanding and help my growth. I thought I was sick. This teaching was very helpful. There be voices inside and voices from outside. 1 John 3:22-23 And we receive from Him whatever we ask, because we [watchfully] obey His orders [observe His suggestions and injunctions, follow His plan for us] and [habitually] practice what is pleasing to Him. Scripture taken from New King James You can ask for help with specific issues or just ask Him to give you strength in your everyday life. By praying in tongues, you give the Holy Spirit opportunity to speak the perfect will of God in your life (Romans 8:26-27. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Here are two very key verses from the apostle Paul telling us that we are allowed to have direct communication and direct fellowship with the Holy Spirit Himself: The two key words in these two verses are the words “communion” and “fellowship.” And both of these two key words are being tied in direct to the Holy Spirit Himself. go with blessings. this may be expounded upon in john, where Jesus shares that those who love Jesus will keep His commands- and the Father and He will enter in that person. So, we have our body with our spirit inside and the Holy Spirit is in our spirit. This article helps me to believe in myself more and have empowered me to continue in the Spirit of The Lord. For more information, including some relevant Bible passages to consider, read on! Romans 8:14 – “For as many as are led … The other thing to pick up on these verses is that they are more proof that the Holy Spirit does have a specific ministry with all of us and that He can become very active in our daily lives. How can I understand the word of God and get revelations? Otherwise we will never be able to pick up from Him exactly what He is trying to teach us or tell us to do. Before you can believe that the Holy Spirit can guide you, lead you, and teach you in this life, you will need the specific Scripture verses showing us that He does have this kind of personal ministry with all of us. Power, Love, and Sound Judgment Thursday, 7/18/2019. They are afraid if they open up their flocks to supernatural communication from the Holy Spirit, then they may also open them up to communication to demonic spirits as well. And if the Holy Spirit has the job of guiding us and teaching us in this life, then this means He is going to try and supernaturally communicate to all of us from time to time. Thank so much for helping me to give my life back to the Spirit. He led Jesus to the wilderness to be temped before he began his ministry. Paul looked straight at the Sanhedrin and said, "My brothers, I have fulfilled my duty to God in all good conscience to this day. Now, it may be true that the Holy Spirit guides and directs believers to make certain choices rather than others, but that is not what Paul meant by being led by the Spirit. I thought I was confused and sick as a schizophrenia. Your faith and your actions, paired with your prayers, can keep you free from all crafts and evil. Also the holy spirit strengthens us in the inner man, through the word of God that we listen daily. It is very important to confirm everything learned, even from videos, in the Bible, because it isn't false or deceptive, neither is it misleading. You have helped me to understand a little more clearly of the voice that keeps speaking inside me. I lost my marriage and everything I owned. be careful not to squash the spirit by straining the gnat of language. Some people use the Holy Rosary for certain prayers. All rights reserved. Remember Simon Magus from the Book of Acts. He writes from his experience and leading by the Holy Spirit. Used by permission. the fruits of Jesus were pure- yet, that did not make his reception welcome. If you rebel and resist the Holy Spirit, then you are rebelling and resisting God Almighty Himself and His Son Jesus Christ. There is nothing in this world that can make you understand. For example – per the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, demons can counterfeit the gift of tongues. In other words, the apostle Paul is telling us that we can have direct communion and direct fellowship with the Holy Spirit Himself. Praying His will by praying in tongues (also referred to as praying in the spirit) opens the door for the Holy Spirit to reveal to your spirit—which in turn reveals to your mind—what God is doing and how you fit into His plan (Proverbs … For days, nothing feels right. the Spirit has moved my heart to offer ecclesiastes 12:12-14 and john 14:23. though there is much to wonder after in God, as kjv translates, it may all be summed up by fearing God and keeping His commandments. Hi Mr. Noah. I´m afraid of that vast glory, and I´m not used of it. I am very sad, because I´m resiting the holy spirit. Again, I know some pastors are afraid to open up this supernatural realm to their flocks, but these verses all are all straight forward and they are meaning exactly what they are saying. "[1] This was the first time He ever gave me a scripture to look up. Ngozi Ezeilo November 15, 2015. pastor steve, peace be with you. He will ever be by your side. Thanks so much for conformation. At his baptism, the Holy Spirit descended upon our Lord in the form of a dove. But being led by the Spirit is actually a very practical part of living the Christian life. X How can one overcome witchcraft attacks or marine spirit attacks? To "be led" does not always mean to move, sometimes it means to wait until He prompts. The key to flowing into God’s perfect Will is learning to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14). I just start reading the scriptures for hours on end.. Praying, reading, singing, listening to gospel songs, listening to messages, just being in his presence.. Then one day, I heard Him.. (I’m smiling broadly just thinking about it) Oh how I missed Him.. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. The joy of knowing He’s here with you, talking with you, communing with you, is another kind of joy. "This article has helped to reaffirm and re establish the truth about leading of the Holy Spirit through our, "This a great lesson for many people who have the desire to be led by the holy spirit! It is very hard to obey God and please Him if we are not being lead by the Holy Spirit. God has given us the Holy Spirit as a Helper and Guide. Even Jesus followed His conscience (Mark 2:8). The Holy Spirit is our guide, our best friend in the supernatural spiritual realm. Now onto some very key Scripture verses on the Holy Spirit that will set this kind of stage up for you. But He does so much more: He also helps us to understand Scripture and enables us to … Sometimes it´s like I could gain it just through an insight, a deep remeberence of me being an old human being, having been on planet earth for sooo long, so I should know to tap old knowledge, other spirits as which they are in the world now. God gives his people both a promise (“I have given you this land”) and a command (“Go in and take possession of the land”). now i am anxious to hear the 8 different ways will use to communicate. God will not want you to resist Him, quench Him, grieve Him, or rebel against Him. Thank you for writing this article. His writing is deeply inspirational and makes you hunger and thirst to drink from the well that never runs dry. I was confused when hearing the holy spirit daily. Rather, look to the Trinity to fill you with Grace. Now I do understand that it is the voice on the inside that is my helper (The Holy Spirit). I pray to Jesus to give me a deep belief in God. One time, I literally feel the Holy Spirit leave.. Oh… You don’t want to know that feeling.. He warned me of what was coming. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. As a result, I believe these verses should be taught by the churches so their people will at least know what the Bible has to say about this subject matter, and from there, each person can then make up their own mind as to whether or not they want to tread into these kinds of deeper waters with the Lord. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name. Our connection to God – We are a spirit, we have a soul, we live in a body (1 Thess 5, 23) – If we are to connect with God we must worship him in spirit and truth, as God is Spirit, and he is wholly true (John 4, 23-24) 2. God speaks to us today through his word, the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the God head – Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. I so want and need Him to teach me, lead me, and guide me again. Simply put, to be led by the Holy Spirit just means to be obedient to Him. Last Updated: October 8, 2020 Dear Albana, let not your heart be troubled. I believe that He is speaking to me. I literally told Him, I missed Him.. I ask him to actually speak to me, but he won't. “However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! This was in Jan 2017. now i will soon learn both word and action. much love to you. It has blessed me. It is not good to seek spectacular signs like voices or visions because the devil can deceive people with exterior signs (II Corinthians 11:14). Once you put these additional Scripture verses all together on this topic, then you will see very clearly the different ways that the Holy Spirit will use to help guide us and communicate to us in this life. If God is telling us that the Holy Spirit will be guiding us and teaching us in this life, then we can comfortably enter into that realm with Him so He can then begin to do that kind of deeper work with each one of us. 1 Corinthians 2:10. Being led by the Holy Spirit is a major characteristic of all believers and a practical part of the Christian life. Remember that God is spirit and we are spirit in a body. The following verses I will now give you are major key verses on the Holy Spirit Himself, and they will all set the stage for you to be able to receive direct supernatural communication from Him from time to time. Here are four key verses giving us these four specific words: When you really study the intense wording of these verses, you can tell that God the Father is telling all of us loud and clear that once the Holy Spirit starts to move in on you and your life, that He will want us to work in cooperation with Him. It probably sounds really spiritual. you may feel kinship in those experiences with many of the mystics of christian history. So whenever you feel far away from God, just pray! Thank you God! God will take all things, even what the enemy uses for evil, and make it for our good. True faith will lead you to small steps of victory. Otherwise, there would be nothing to quench. you have to follow that that's religion. Maybe I have to work very hard and it is not a cheap thing to enter and to then achieve the promised land. Thank you so much for this article, I have learn a lot about the holy spirit’s guidance. The new people he has put in my life that also understand this realm it amazing! It was a struggle to come out, but because God knows my repented heart, and because I continued to seek Him, He pulled me out of that pit and redeemed me. though the Holy Spirit does not make one a magician, your comment did not affirm the large things they are communicating of the experience they feel the Spirit is moving through them but focused solely on your attachment to the words to the sole end of censuring this label of magician- and of directing them towards smallness and away from the experience they feared resisting. The important thing for you is to keep praying, keep trying. greetings albana, thank you for sharing! I will break down these 8 specific ways God will use to communicate to all of us under the following 8 captions so you can keep all of these different ways properly sorted out. By using our site, you agree to our. It is filled with miracles, visions, and sensitivity. seek after Jesus and His teachings first, and you will find rest for your struggle. How do I heal my conscience? Promises and commands work together. Study the bible as often as you can and try to incorporate God’s wisdom into your life. How To Be Led By The Holy Spirit In this new series Derek Prince teaches how to be led by the Holy Spirit so we may become mature sons of God. And to be led by the Holy Spirit, we need to be willing to surrender our plans and desires to God’s plans and desires. Thanks for the information. I´m sooo sad to resist the holy spirit. Recognize that the primary way that God will lead you is through your conscience and the Bible (Romans 8:14-16, John 17:17). Today at our ministry/ church the be well! ",, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. The leading of the Spirit consists of five inward witnesses, the voice of the human spirit and the voice of the Holy Spirit. He never leaves us or forsakes us. This article has been viewed 91,627 times. 1. Not only can we develop a close personal relationship with both God the Father and Jesus Christ, but these two additional verses are telling us that we can also develop a close personal relationship direct with the Holy Spirit Himself. I was fasting and praying and starting a bible study in my home “CALLED, unlock and live your calling” by John Bevere. Both are … This is why Jesus has said that without Him, we can do absolutely nothing in this life. But again, just because demons can do this does not mean that we should totally shut down God in those areas of our life, and refuse to accept the supernatural ways that He still likes to use to communicate to all of us. I knew He’s always there, just as he promised, but I also knew something was wrong.. Each of these areas can be taught and acquired. If the Holy Spirit is going to start to supernaturally communicate to you in a wide variety of ways, then the first thing you are going to want to do is to make direct personal contact with Him, since you are now going to be working very closely with Him if you want to develop this part of your walk with the Lord. All 4 of these words are very strong words, once again showing that the Holy Spirit is not only living on the inside of each one of us, but once He is in there, He wants to become very active in our daily life so He can help us complete our divine destiny with the Lord, along with helping us to become the kind of a person God wants us to become in Him through the sanctification process He wants to do with all of us. To be led by the Spirit of God, we must put His Word above all else in every situation. i am somewhat still learning and thank you very much for helping clearly understand in words but i do know it by action. These next set of verses are now going to tell us that we are not to resist, quench, rebel, or grieve the Holy Spirit. 6 Responses to “What Does It Mean to Be Led By The Spirit?” John Lannigan October 8, 2014. In this case, 96% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. 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