But I do know that the Holy Spirit plays a critical part in our prayer life; He empowers our prayers! What if a Christian athlete is praying for clear weather and a Christian farmer is praying for rain? Jesus and the Holy Spirit. No one stayed with him. Keep us from this, that we may know the fulness of the glory of these promises fulfilled in our lives in this day and age. He is called there because of some murderous activity that is going on, and he comes up to the address that has been given him, and knocks at the door, and says, "Open in the name of the law." It is time now in our study of prayer to relate the subject to the total spectrum of Christian living. Then you are in rebellion against the Spirit of God, and to have him dwelling in you means the total collapse of all that revolt until you are saying, "Lord Jesus, whatever you say, your word is my command. These 9 prayers for the Holy Spirit’s power will help you to reach out for the Lord’s guidance and strength. Now, we will say, at ten o'clock that night, that same policeman is drunk. Your Heavenly Father will surely send Him if you ask for Him. Why? At the age of twenty-one he had never seen a Bible and it was years later, as a married man, that he finally was given a Bible. This is what he means, "Greater work than these shall you do, because I go to the Father." He is out in a residential area and for some reason on his own, in his drunken stupor, he stumbles up the steps of a house, and knocks on the door, and says, "Open inna name of the law." Why not? John must wait till a fuller and richer endowment than all of these came on him. Dwell in us. Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. This is the first time we have ever heard anything that seems to suggest an answer. There is a little sign, seen occasionally in offices, which says: Sometimes when we try to lay hold of a promise of God, and it seemingly does not work, the reason is we have never followed directions. Much of his teaching on prayer is found in this rich and fragrant passage, which is called The Upper Room Discourse, found in John, Chapters 13 through 17. Whatever! In the Christian life, faith is always the operative word. You are not laying hold of his indwelling life, and for all practical purposes he is not there, he is only with you. The projecting power of praying is the measure of the Holy Spirit in us. We urge the seeking of the Holy Spirit. I felt inadequate, I felt the tremendous challenge and my own inability. He brings to us the Spirit of the Father. I don't rebel against him." Men left their work and their cities and their ordinary activities of life and went out to hear what he had to say, following him hours upon end. The truth is we seek after the Holy Spirit just as we seek after God, just as we seek after Christ, with strong cryings and tears, and we are to seek always for more and more of His gifts, and power, and grace. Though filled with joy by believing in Christ, and though received into the Church by water baptism, they did not receive the Holy Spirit till Peter and John went down there and prayed with and for them. That was the beginning. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is more than a church doctrine, it is a promise from God to His people. This is the reason why, though we know these promises must be true because of him who spoke them, yet we see so dismally little evidence of it in our living. You can Fellowship with the Holy Spirit Because of What Jesus has Done ‘May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.’ (2 Cor 13:14) Here are three contexts to help us experience the fellowship of the Holy Spirit: A. Intimacy with the Holy Spirit Relationship with the Holy Spirit How to know the Holy Spirit. It is the simplicity of the child's asking of the Father, who gives with a largeness, liberality, and cheerfulness, infinitely above everything ever known to earthly parents. The Spirit of Truth -- there is nothing more magnificently Christian than this ability to see truth clearly. He who is appropriating by faith that which I am will do these things. He said that he will be "another Counselor." No one opens the door, so after he knocks again and requests that it be opened in the name of the law and there still is no answer, he breaks it down and goes in and makes his arrest. Here are eight ways: 1. Why, I'm a Christian. They will never understand them because man is both the specimen to be examined and the examiner, and the problem is that the error that is in the examiner affects the examination! (A traditional Catholic prayer) Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Frequently as we read these great passages of the Scripture, we are either so dazzled by the promise that we fail to heed the condition, or we are so frightened by the condition that we pay little heed to the promise. How complex, confusing and involved is many a human direction about obtaining the gift of the Holy Spirit as the abiding Comforter, our Sanctifier and the one who empowers us! At this time, these words will become the words of the Spirit. Would we grow in grace in particular? Prayer. The role of the Holy Spirit: to give us strength and help in our fight against sin. Perhaps in this place, more fully than anywhere else, our Lord unfolds to us the unique secret of Christianity, that aspect of life that has been called "the exchanged life." It means the total collapse of all your rebellion against him. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children, – Romans 8:16. How are we to obtain the Holy Spirit so freely promised to those who seek Him believingly? The gift of the Holy Spirit was vital to the work of Jesus Christ in the atonement. Policemen do their business "in the name of the law.". The projecting power of praying outwardly was the projecting power of God in us. One was truly done in the name of the law, the other was done outside the law, even though the same words were used. Not any, nor all of these, though spoken with angelic wisdom, angelic eloquence, can execute the gospel with saving power. To His disconsolate disciples, He said, "I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Comforter." The Holy Spirit confirms our relationship with God. Let me ask you: "What kind of life are you living? Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. But it is necessary that we take very seriously both aspects of what our Lord has said. We read the tremendous words that came from his lips,The Sermon on the Mount, the parables beside the seashore, these mysterious, marvelous, compelling things that he said. So that it is true the stars would fail to shine before the asking, the seeking and the knocking would fail to obtain what is needed and desired. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will come upon us and we will receive power, tongues were not mentioned in Acts 1:8. We need Him, and we need to stir ourselves up to seek Him. There is no passage that does it more effectively than the passage before us. Purity, power, holiness, faith, love, joy and all grace are brought into being and perfected by Him. The gospel cannot be executed but by the Holy Ghost. 5:25). Now that does not mean "He who is a Christian." Our Lord is promising here that the One who will come to make his home in every Christian's heart and life is nothing less than God himself! What he is saying is, as the Risen Christ, he will do through us greater works than he did as the Incarnate Christ living among men. While he was here on earth the fullness of God was available to man only in one human body, the body of Jesus. In this bewildering world, this perplexing age in which we live, don't you sometimes almost physically hunger for someone, somewhere, somehow, who can tell us the truth? St. Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit. This is the explanation for the prevailing weakness in Christian living. His work in us to make us the children of God and His Person abiding with us and in us, as children of God, are entirely different stages of the same Spirit in His relation to us. After all, I am not Jesus Christ, and, therefore, I cannot be expected to do what he did." Now let us come quickly to this last passage, the fact that the secret of the Christian's life is borrowed deity. In the third verse above on the Holy Spirit, the first two sentences are giving us another powerful piece of revelation on this whole topic. The Sevenfold Holy Spirit: The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord Hey everybody, I'm taking the plunge into a major life change to become a full-time missionary. As the pilot takes his stand at the wheel to guide the vessel, so the Holy Ghost takes up His abode in the heart to guide and empower all its efforts. The key words are: “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. Because Jesus says "... he dwells with you, and he will be in you," and there is a vital distinction there. God's children need Him more and more, need His life, His more abundant life, His super-abundant life. After he had finished singingHow Great Thou Art, I saw one of the mayors wiping the tears from his eyes. It’s trusting in faith and relying on God to hear, understand, and act. If it lies in the direction of the moving of Christ in the affairs of men today, whatever you need, ask. Before He returned to heaven, Jesus said, “… you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit … But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” Acts 1:5-8. He does not, like earthly teachers, teach us the lesson and then withdraw. Now, please don't nail me to the mast for heresy. No, this promise cannot be limitless. Which one wins? The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. These great promises have a condition linked with them that qualifies them, and without the fulfillment of the condition the promise will never work. But when you come to the end, where are the crowds? The coming of the Holy Spirit is dependent upon prayer, for prayer only can compass with its authority and demands, the realm where this Person of the Godhead has His abode. Only the Christian can be led by the Spirit of God into the nature of reality, into truth. Let me illustrate again by referring to the breakfast in Newport Beach: It was my responsibility to bring a message there, and, as I frequently do in a time like that, I felt very inadequate, helpless. The other night at our Board of Elders meeting we were wrestling with this problem. The Holy Spirit is the only member of the Trinity who is still here on earth helping us remain on the righteous path. I have learned, by long experience and by the Word of God, to recognize that that feeling of inadequacy is an excellent thing. 8 Functions of the Holy Spirit as Taught by Jesus. When we ask in Jesus' name we are to ask within the realm and scope of his work and his character. He is the Father's greatest gift for the child's greatest need. A significant amount of the teaching on the School of Intimacy and Prayer is devoted to developing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. We can see problems arising. The Holy Ghost executes the whole gospel through the man by His presence and control of the spirit of the man. He enables us to discharge the functions as members of that body by His gifts. This is the law, a condition brightened by a promise and sweetened by a relationship. Rain on Us Prayer Holy Spirit, our Comforter, and our Friend, as … How simple and direct is our Lord's direction -- ASK! It is significant to note that, though Jesus never taught his disciples how to preach, he did teach them how to pray. To express thanks for the guidance and spiritual nourishment the Holy Spirit provides. Why is this? He has given the Holy Spirit to you to draw you closer to Him for a more intimate relationship. Until you have grasped that as the mystery and key of Christian living you have not graduated from the kindergarten level of the Christian life. We may be Bible-taught, but we are not Spirit-taught. There is a condition to this, however. Don't you hunger after truth sometimes? "According to," says the Apostle, that is, after the measure of, "the power that worketh in us." In particular, Lloyd-Jones, as a man of prayer, taught me how to pray in the Holy Spirit. When we speak of the relationship between prayer and the Lord’s word, it includes these two aspects: the words of the Spirit and the words of the Scripture; or the Lord’s word in the Scripture and the Lord’s word in the Spirit… To know the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how to have a relationship with Him, we must know His functions. The Spirit that ever linked Christ to His Father and the redemptive mission is the same Spirit that would strengthen the disciples in their journey of faith. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it. I know of no more challenging part of the Word of God than this. . "Whatever you need," he says, "ask for it and it shall be done." We understand, receive, and discern spiritual truth through our human spirit by the anointing of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14; John 14:26). "If ye, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" We wonder if there is not a catch somewhere. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. Now do you see what he means when he says "greater works than these will you do, because I go to the Father?" (John 14:13-14 RSV). What is it? Our ability to work for God, and to pray to God, and live for God, and affect others for God, will be dependent on the measure of the Holy Spirit received by us, dwelling in us, and working through us. "Whatever you need, ask, and it shall be given you," that's all. As Jesus did not begin His work on earth till He was anointed by the Holy Spirit, so the same Holy Spirit is necessary to carry forward and make effective the atoning work of the Son of God. 2. As long as men remain worldlings they are blinded to the ultimate nature of things. Being a person, the Holy Spirit has feelings. Paul's praying was God's proof to Ananias that Paul was in a state which conditioned him to receive the Holy Spirit. It was a challenging meeting, an opportunity to speak in the name of God to men who would otherwise never give an ear, and I felt it. There is nothing quite as pagan, or silly, as this meaningless phrase, "this we ask in Jesus' name," added to our prayers without any understanding or regard as whether or not the prayer is actually being asked in Jesus' name. There must be, we say, for is Jesus really saying that Christians living today, in this 20th century, do not only the works which he did but greater works than these? The feeble operation of God in us brings feeble praying. See who the Holy Spirit is. He is not saying that dedicated Christian men and women are really going to transcend what he accomplished as the Son of God Incarnate among men. It came to his ears that this woman had told some of her friends that she was praying that he might be her son-in-law. It is not our relationship with Jesus Christ which counts before the world, it is our resemblance to him. It is theoretically acceptable, but it is practically unbelievable. I was down this weekend at Newport Beach speaking at the Mayors' Breakfast held in Balboa Bay Club, a lavish setting with yachts and pleasure boats anchored right outside the window. Our human spirit is the element through which the Spirit of God dwells in us after being regenerated by Him (Romans 8:15-16; 1 John 2:20). There is no elect company here, only the election of undismayed, importunate, never-fainting effort in prayer: "For to him that knocketh, it shall be opened." A total failure! The Apostolic Church in action illustrates the same great truth. But there is a very significant promise uttered in the midst of thisUpper Room Discourse that he addresses to these disciples. Scripture about Praying in the Spirit “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. That seemed to me to capture exactly what Jesus is saying here. They look amazed that you intend to take these words seriously, and act on them. Ask with urgency, ask without fainting. Here is where we need to listen very carefully to exactly what it is he is saying. We were asking ourselves this question, "Why is it that though truth seems to be poured out continually in this place, through our teachers, in the pulpit and in so many ways, yet in many of our peoples' lives there is such a superficial shallowness? He welcomed our team to come down the next week and hold Breakfast Meetings throughout that entire area. No one dared move from Jerusalem to proclaim or utter the message along its streets to the dying multitudes till the Holy Spirit came in baptismal power. By the strength and indwelling life of the Father he did all the works that we marvel at as we read the story of his life. I simply tried to call attention to the moral revolt that is widespread in the United States today and the fact that it is eating away at our national life and destroying the very foundation of our government, things that you read and are hearing today on every side. The secret of prayerlessness is the absence of the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Praying in the Spirit is a gift to be received through faith in Christ Jesus. In Luke we have "good things" substituted by "the Holy Spirit." In this latter work, His gifts and works are greater, and His presence, even Himself, is greater than His works or gifts. God moved in a visible way at that meeting, and when we had finished, I overheard two men discussing it. It is the child waiting, asking, urging and praying perseveringly for the Father's greatest gift and for the child's greatest need, the Holy Spirit. How is it that Christians can know so much and experience so little?" When our friend, Mr. Hendricks, was a single young man in college he met a young lady whose mother immediately had designs on him. There is so little reflection of the truth our ears are hearing. And we do not wonder at the crowds that followed him, hounding him, following him even into retreat, insisting upon his ministry, so that the news spread like wildfire throughout the land of Israel that here was a prophet risen in Israel again. As His anointing by the Holy Ghost at His baptism was an era in His life, so also is the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost a great era in the work of redemption in making effective the work of Christ's Church. It is a passage that is filled with astonishing concepts. But what he is saying now is, that as the Risen Christ, ascended to the throne or the Father, he himself will do through us, in terms of our personalities, and by the activity of our lives, greater works today than he did in the days of his flesh. And when he is out there, nothing works; but when I yield to his sovereign direction in my life, and I begin to act on what he says, then he is in me and things begin to happen." He puts and makes us members of the body of Christ by His work. That is the condition. I asked for three things: I asked that what I said might be relevant, that it might come to grips with the situation in which these people found themselves. He began to read it and he discovered that this was the answer to his life-long search for what he called "a book that understands me." "In you" means that you are under the control of the Holy Spirit, and yielding obedience to his totalitarian sovereignty. Now, in Verse 12, the promise is tremendously plain. One can desire a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit for the wrong reasons. In my experience I have discovered it is possible to have God at arm's length, dwelling with me. Anything! Mary could not live over that Christ-life in the home of John, though she had nurtured the Christ and stored heart and mind full of holy and motherly memories, till she was empowered by the Holy Spirit. Present at the meeting, I knew, would be scores of men who were not in any way outwardly identified with Christian faith and many of them would be typically shallow, rootless, unconcerned modern pagans. Silence leads to awareness I welcome it now, because I know it is designed to lead me to ask for what I need. The Gospel without the Holy Spirit would be vain and nugatory. Each of these divisions in this passage consists of a staggering promise of tremendous possibility, and linked with it is a statement of a limiting or qualifying condition. One man, evidently a Christian, said to the other, "Well, you know, I think God was pleased with what happened this morning." ". For the higher and graduating lessons in prayer we must have the Holy Spirit. 1:4; 22:17). He is not saying everyone who is a Christian, and, in that sense, a believer, will automatically be able to do these things. Anything! The meeting would be held in lavish surrounds, I knew, and in such a resort area, oftentimes great religious indifference abounds. The Bible by express statement, as well as by its general principles and clear and constant intimations, teaches us that the gift of the Holy Spirit is connected with and conditioned in prayer. The believer receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, also called the promise of the Father. The prayer inwrought in the heart by the almighty energy of the Holy Spirit works mightily in its results just as Elijah's prayer did. "Filled unto the goodness of God" Ephesians 3:19), is Paul's prayer for us, that in the possession of the Holy Spirit we may understand and realize that the One who comes is God himself indwelling us. 14You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. 1. The promise is so staggering that we attempt immediately to soften it. Invest your life into the salvation of souls. Amen. We marvel as we read the story or the beginning of his ministry. The Holy Spirit helps to guide us and leads us towards living a more Christ-filled life. I strengthen my relationship with the Holy Spirit by consciously choosing to include Him in every conversation, every interaction, as often as possible. The marvelous facts of Christ's life told by hearts unanointed by the Holy Spirit will be dry and sterile, or "like a story told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us … Immediately after the meeting two Chiefs of Police who were present from the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa came right up to me, visibly moved, and shook my hand and said, "We know what you are talking about. In the execution of the atoning work of Jesus Christ, in its general and more comprehensive operation, or in its minute and personal application, the Holy Spirit is the one efficient Agent, absolute and indispensable. Prayer is the primary way for the believer in Jesus Christ to communicate his emotions and desires with God and to fellowship with God. It is his work in us. John could not utter a word, though he had pillowed his head on Christ's bosom and caught the pulsations of Christ's heart, and though his brain was full of the wondrous facts of that life and of the wondrous words which fell from His lips. With Him, it is, it ever has been, and ever will be, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." This incident destroys every theory which denies prayer as the condition of the coming and recoming of the Holy Spirit after Pentecost, and confirms the view that Pentecost as the result of a long struggle of prayer is illustrative and confirmatory that God's great and most precious gifts and conditioned on asking, seeking, knocking, prayer, ardent, importunate prayer. You say, I am a believer. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. . It is too wide to take unreservedly. One of the most interesting verses where the Holy Spirit, prayer and boldness come together is found in Acts 4:23-31. The Holy Spirit Will Help You With Your Prayer Life. John 15:16). Praying this Prayer to the Holy Spirit throughout the entire year will allow young people to develop a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. Though we have the Spirit available to us, we are as deluded and as blinded as any worldling living next door. The power of God to do for us was measured by the power of God in us. The prophet Joel writes, The mightiest operation of God in us brings the mightiest praying. Whatever he is interested in having done on earth, then we, as the instruments of his activity, are involved in accomplishing it. Even within a marriage, if our relationship is based only on mutual feelings or common values and not on the Spirit, it runs the risk of being swallowed up by the erotic and emotional. In previous teaching, we studied who is the Holy Spirit. I never read it without feeling tremendously humbled in the experience of it. It did not remain; it had no enduring effects. Direction -- ask throughout that entire area. `` be said, `` you know,! This world so much and experience so little reflection of the Holy daily... Slum area of mystery and beauty and glory filled up a resort area, oftentimes great religious abounds... Arm 's length, dwelling with me. we read the story or the beginning of his,. 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