Pre-processing of Computer Aided Design (CAD) models derived from the digital representation of sub-systems, i.e., Digital Mock-Ups (DMUs), into Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) models requires usually many tedious manual tasks of model preparation and shape transformations, in particular when idealizations of components or assemblies have to be produced. The description of an object as an initial gross shape that has been successively modified by the adjunction of form features enables a hierarchical idealisation of the object through simple and fast processes. The combinations of such minimal cells that result in maximal volumes are found by traversing a search tree which is pruned by examining the relationships among these minimal cells.One application of this decomposition method is recognition of machining features. An innovated integration framework was proposed based on semantic modeling and unified feature technology, and designed to support semantics, patterns, association, and change propagation. The edges within the convex hull belong to faces that form a feature. Thus, the disjoint cellular structure of a modern solid modelling kernel is enhanced to include a hierarchy of geometrically overlapping features. The author identifies several transformation/mapping mechanisms, and • Bibliography. In this paper, an innovative partial encryption approach, which is able to represent a CAD model into the granularity of sharing information in order to address various collaboration scenarios and customized requirements from the model owner and collaborators, is presented. See more ideas about diagram architecture, architecture drawing, architecture graphics. ObjectARX is used as a tool in AutoCAD's secondary development, meanwhile VC++2005. Model security for collaborative product development in a networked environment (or called networked manufacturing, grid manufacturing, and cloud manufacturing) is an important and also challenging research issue. The clustering analysis grouped all the images into 25 clusters with the highest internal and the lowest external similarities. The current trend in industry to encourage engineering designers to take an active part in the analysis of their own design solutions is apparent in many companies today, domestically as well as abroad. Completion amounts to computing a maximal volumetric feature that is compatible with the corresponding hint and does not intrude into the desired part. • Bibliography. The engineering design process is a common series of steps that engineers use in creating functional products and processes. Recently, three-dimensional CAD systems based on feature-based solid modelling techniques have been widely used for product design. Besides, because the effective zone of a feature is independent of the data structure of the model, the multi-resolution modelling algorithm based on the effective zone can be implemented on any 3D CAD system based on conventional solid representations as well as non-manifold topological (NMT) representations. THE DILEMMA OF MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS IN PRODUCT CONCEPT SYNTHESIS – NEW APPROACHES FOR INDUSTRY AND ACADEMIA. Processing component shapes and formalizing the information involved at the interface between the Design and Engineering Analysis activities is essential for properly performing behaviour simulations. Designing with features: the origin of features, ASME computers in engineering, San Francisco, USA, July/August. The contribution herein proposes an isogeometric generalized n th order perturbation-based stochastic method for exactly modeling/representing composite structures comprising of different materials with particular attention to both static and dynamic analysis of structures with random material characteristics. Brun JM, Tehari A, Bouras A. and fuses the faces using energetic method. In order to apply morphological analysis to product design, we simply identify the critical functions in our function structure diagram and then identify many different solutions for each function. To resolve this problem, this study suggests a way to control effectively the LOD of large-scale B-rep assembly models. Corresponding algorithm and the computation expression were also proposed. An approach to automatically converting a design feature model to an analysis feature model for downstream finite element analysis is proposed. The results revealed that stimuli category and gender difference, caused different variations in fixation count, fixation duration, pupil diameter, and hit ratio. On the left side of the chart the functions are listed, while on the right side, different mechanisms which can be used to perform the functions listed are drawn. IFIP interna-tional conference on feature modeling and recognition. Views are maintained using feature conversion techniques, in- cluding constraint techniques. The strengths of MA lie in formulating, structuring, linking and evaluating possible combinations of the variables given in the problem. This paper presents a CAD model simplification procedure that consists in recognizing and suppressing blend chains of certain types. Fourteen pairwise Kansei image words were obtained by collecting, screening, surveys, and statistical analysis method. This method can be used as part of an adaptive process of geometric simplification. For each face in a chain, a local topology analysis is performed to determine the corresponding sequence of Euler operators which are supposed to eliminate that face. Significant efforts are required to define an accurate representation of the problem and draw relevant conclusions about relationships between input parameters and output performance measures. The concept of interface design has been developed into an inevitable aspect in new product R&D, particularly in highly interactive products, such as information technology, which is commonly seen in our daily life. The overall aim of the work is to enable analysis to respond to changes in the design and also to allow seamless integration between spatial and functional design and analysis. Note that the larger the problem size is, the more efficient the proposed method will be. Efficient modelling of many problems in the finite-element analysis of structural and other continuum problems requires substantial simplification of the design geometry. With increasing demand for improved medical equipment and healthcare, next-generation biomedical engineers need strong design skills. Quels impacts sur mon système d'information ? It is also robust because it handles parts with complex and interacting features. Existing methods which leverage feature information appear to use the complete feature parameters to decide the suppressibility. The main advantages of FAR lie in its ability to model a complex problem in a non-quantitative manner through a systematic procedure, and its flexibility in being able to be combined with other methods (Rhyne, 1981). Experimental results are also shown to demonstrate the proposed method’s effectiveness. 507-512. This paper reviews the state of art of feature-based modeling approaches by concentrating on how features are conceptualized. The research process consisted of four parts: collection of interactive interface design samples and adjective phrases, selection of representative interactive interface design samples and adjective phrases, establishment of relationships between key characteristics of interactive visual/hearing interface design and users' emotion, and analysis of experimental results. This analysis is about exploring all possible solutions to a complex problem. Feature-based product modeling is the leading approach for the integrated representation of engineer- ing product data. 1. One way to address a complex system using a systematic approach is to combine creative and analytical methods, such as general morphological analysis and design structure matrix. Jul 12, 2020 - Explore Filipe Calegario's board "Morphological Analysis" on Pinterest. Later, novel indicators are used to evaluate the subsequent technological feasibility of each new configuration under a customized analysis and prior combinations aided by a high score can be identified. Test software is implemented and integrated with the i-deas solid modeller. Rationality of the model and the effectiveness of the method were illustrated by an example. Abstract. During the design process in architecture, particularly at the beginning of the design process, architects consider the entire form of the place, not each geometrical segment of the form that is used in industrial studies, ... Multi-resolution B-rep, solid and feature modeling. Production rules are inadequate for dealing with these undocumented features. Keywords: business model; business modelling; morphological analysis; morphological chart; Product-Service System (PSS); case-based system 1. This paper presents a form of features based tool to aid the integration of analysis during the design process. Such conversion is of particular importance for the support of concurrent engineering, in which several engineers from different disciplines work simultaneously on the design of a product. Feature-based Computer Aided Design (CAD) models contain abundant intellectual property information. Current implementation of the feature recogniser is limited to polyhedral features such as pockets, slots, steps, blind steps, blind slots, and polyhedral holes. designers in performing CBDA singlehandedly, or in any other organizational setting, by utilizing a Template-Based Design Analysis (TBDA) approach, as an integrated part of their activities within the engineering design process. The suppression stage ensures the geometric and topological validity of the simplification result. Morphological Charts. The speed and efficiency of modeling would Cunningham JJ, Dixon JR. These factors were identified and defined through six action research projects with industry and government that used specific datasets to design new IISs and by analyzing data usage in 149 IIS cases. Why do consumers choose one product or service over another? Interoperability is the major issue addressed. Usually, functions of the product are taken as a starting point. Against this background, we propose subject–action–object (SAO) based morphological analysis to identify technology opportunities by detecting prioritized combinations within the morphology matrix. Analysis plays a significant role during product design. An individual product being analysed. To integrate software for design, analysis and Morphological Analysis (MA) can also be referred to as ‘problem solving’. they were freely choosing more or less coarse linguistic scales as well as the related shapes of fuzzy sets to adequately represent the level of fuzziness of their judgments). Morphological chart . CAD, Defeaturing, Sheet metal features taxonomy, Feature-based Design, Midsurface. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors. Features should in principle offer a high level vocabulary for characterizing errors and for specifying how they should be corrected. In addition to this, inner loops of edges and concave edges are also detected, because they give rise to some faces that belong to a feature. Morphological analysis with FSTs. Furthermore, it helps to improve decision-making among engineers, planners and designers by providing a basis for communication and learning across domains with high impact in eco-design practices. The proposed methodology is tested on a full case study, namely the choice of optimal design for the traditional Neapolitan coffeemaker, inspired by the prototypes of the Italian designer Riccardo Dalisi. Morphological Map Analysis in Design Cashew Sheller (Kacip) as a Creative Process to Produce Design Concept Bertha Bintari Wahyujati Department of Mechatronics Product Design, Politeknik Mekatronika Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Corresponding Author: (Received 29-05-2019; Revised 17-10-2019; Accepted 17-10-2019) Abstract The design of cashew nut … describes facets of functional approach in product design. A customer survey for helmet established primary and Erep: An editable, high-level representation for geometric design and analysis. The conclusion of the thesis work clearly supports the claim that TBDA is not only a competitive approach to current alternatives in supporting the engineering designers performing CBDA, but also of a complementary nature providing functionality not included in the alternative approaches currently used in industrial practice. It is used when exploring new and different ideas. Interfaces between sub-domains are evaluated to robustly process the connections between the idealized sub-domains leading to the complete idealization of the component. In this chapter, an innovative customized encryption approach to support product development collaboration is presented. 48, pp. Extraction multi-vue des formes carac-teristiques. One aim of this article is to give an overview of the main concepts in feature modelling, another is to indicate the issues in feature modelling that are relevant for further research.There is much confusion about what features actually are, and therefore definitions, classifications and examples of features are first given. We consider the uncertainties of elastic modulus and mass density into account as stochastic inputs in static and dynamic isogeometric stochastic analyses. For gender difference, the results indicated that females provided larger scores in fixation count and fixation duration, but a smaller score in hit ratio in all stimuli than that provided by males. In Feature-based CAD models, features being readily available and suppressible, the critical challenge remains of correct identification of them, based on the application context. Geometric computation for the recognition of spatially interacting machining features Advances in feature-based manufactur-ing. Morphological … Petrusel, R. & Mocean, L. (2007) "Modeling decisional situations using morphological analysis". the agile modeling ideas. Before allowing the engineering designers access to them, these tools need to be approved by relevant bodies within the industrial enterprise and/or by external sources such as those responsible for certification and risk management.In this paper we present the development of the proposed integrated design analysis process model and an industrial case study, which incorporates a non-linear design analysis activity, utilizing the FEM-program Abaqus within the CAD-software Catia V5 and its imbedded optimization module. Product Design Morphology, ... Morphological Analysis Explained - Duration: 5:11. A morphological chart is a table based on the function analysis. The aim is to propose a framework to address complex systems in two stages: first, formulation and generation of alternatives through general morphological analysis, and second, improvement and integration with design structure matrix for sequence optimization and cluster analysis. For analysis applications, the adaptation of the product geometry is required and consists of producing an idealised model out of a product solid one. Design by features is illustrated by the GeoNode system.One of the main themes in this article is that for different applications, different features are required, and that therefore there is a need for automatic conversion between features. It is argued that a successful feature recognition/abstraction scheme must combine topologic and geometric data. Define the design problem, this has to be de ned as clearly as possible. The essential properties of the approach are its sustainability, predictability of the result, and extensible architecture, which allows new topological cases to be added without modifying the algorithm's core. Second, this research introduces probabilistic cross-consistency assessments instead of traditional binary assessments to account for uncertain future states of the world. To perform the mechanical simulation of a component, the corresponding geometric model typically needs to be simplified in accordance with hypotheses adopted regarding the component's mechanical behaviour. Second, a method based on the size of remnant portions of the feature volume is developed to determine the eligibility for suppression. Base on the above method, parts of a Computer Aided Design (CAD) model can be selected flexibly by users for encrypting with multi-granularity, according to different users' requirements. Moreover, we derive and expand the IGA based random-input parameter and all state functions included in static and dynamic equilibrium equations around their expectations via a generalized n th order Taylor series using a small perturbation parameter [Formula presented]. Can help the team generate a complete range of alternative design solutions for a product through a systematic analysis of the form/configuration that a product or machine might take. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is used extensively during mechanical product design, which involves creating 3D models of components and then assembling them into modules and systems. The design velocity field managed the movement of the structural material points due to design changes. A complex case study has been used to verify and illustrate the effectiveness of the approach to industrial applications. The present work shows the computation of the local parameters of transformation from the old to the new reference system through the application of an interpolation method: the least squares collocation. Morphological analysis or general morphological analysis is a method developed by Fritz Zwicky (1967, 1969) for exploring all possible solutions to a multi-dimensional, non-quantified complex problem. However, the measurement of pupil diameter yielded different results. The results of this research are compiled and presented in morphological chart. Starting from an enriched DMU with geometrical interfaces between components and functional properties, the proposed approach takes DMU enrichment to the next level by structuring components' shapes. Finally, the optimization design model for mobile phones was established considering design requirements and users’ emotional needs. Once the opinions are collected, the set of best candidate(s) is easily identified and useful suggestion can be obtained for further developing the product. The descriptive features of each cluster could show its formal characteristics. TASKS 1. Note that the function “accept energy” was not chosen as a critical function because once you’ve selected the energy source there are very few acceptable ways to fulfill the function “accept energy”For example, if in a is powered by electricity then we would be forced to use a standard electrical plug to accept the energy. In multi-state model theory, model states are generated from reducing the geometric complexity of original model, which may help to improve computing efficiency by replacing the original model with its model states in computation. [Permanent Address - ] It is a visual aid used to come up with different ideas. The simplification process consists of two stages: recognition and suppression. Get in touch. In the current research, the most commonly used product feature deconstruction methods are morphological analysis (MA) (Hsiao et al., 2010;Hsiao and Huang, 2002 Ko, 2013;Li and Zhu, 2017;Lin and Wei, 2017;Luo et al., 2012) and the numerical definition-based systematic approach (NDSA) (Chen and Chang, 2009). We labeled all the images in AutoCAD software depending on form features. The combination of SAO semantic structures can support the establishment of matrix, which consists of two dimensions: compositions and properties of technology. An implementation of the proposed algorithm on the Open Cascade platform is also presented. Diante das distorções existentes, An integration approach was presented to support topology optimization, shape optimization, finite element analysis and Computer Aided Design (CAD). Feature modelling is a relatively new development in CAD/ CAM. A wiley-Interscience publication Incluye bibliografía e índice, Information sets (features) used in engineering design and These detected thin regions can be wrongly recognized, which, together with potentially missing ones are thus detected and corrected by a synthesization process. These details increase the computing time due to a refined mesh in these details, which are considered as constraints hubs, without providing more precision in the simulation. Through using ObjectARX development technology, the stone paving can be completed automatically and the parametric design of stone paving can be realized, improving the efficiency of stone paving design and enlarging the CAD applications in stone industry. Under this new paradigm, product information needs to be shared flexibly to meet collaborators’ requirements. The research reported by Belaziz et al. The main advantage of the proposed method is that by considering one face at a time rather than the whole component, the complexity of the problem is reduced drastically. The suppression stage ensures the geometric and topological validity of the simplification result. A morphological chart has the critical sub functions listed across the 1st row and then each column contains the different solutions for each … Their needs are plotted on the general tension model, leading to specific tensions and need segments. From characteristic shapes to form features. The proposed approach is showcased in a case study of sustainable policy formulation for a wastewater treatment plant at a pulp and paper industry in Brazil. In order to support collaborative product design in a secure and flexible means, a multi-granularity partial encryption method has been proposed in this paper. Effective methods to identify and model design processes are important for understanding organizational complexity. Recombine alternative components of a product in a visual representation. Because feature modelling builds on solid modelling, an overview of advanced solid modelling is given, with emphasis on the concepts of parametric and constraint-based modelling. Service Design. Much research has been done in order to reduce computing cost without sacrificing too much precision by simplifying geometric features in model. And its theories, methods and technologies are subject to manufacturing and scholars' attention and concern. In this example, this technique helps establishes a vegetable collection system. Morphological chart . The morphological chart (see figure 2.32) is a method to generate ideas in an analytical and systematic manner. Moreover, hierarchical relationships between the recognized form features are obtained in addition to global spatial information. Through examples, we, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. What is PRODUCT DESIGN? Computer aided design (CAD) models reflect design goals, intentions, and functions so that they are the key intellectual properties of companies. A feature is any geometric form or entity that is used in reasoning in one or more design or manufacturing activities (i.e., fit, function, manufacturability evaluation, analysis interfacing, tool and die design, inspectability, serviceability etc.). For the ease of model quality knowledge representation and maintenance, a knowledge representation framework based on the object chain and parameter table is developed. Geometric computation for the recognition of spatially interacting machining features. Three agile modeling approaches will be designed and implemented such as model quick search based on the index table, rapid assembly based on the strategies of unit store and automatic assembly and collaborative modeling. However, in deterministic numerical techniques, such as classical FEM, there is a huge gap between CAD and CAE [18,19] because the CAD and CAE models inherently use different types of geometric model. - CPS for Smartcity management, Le projet de recherche COPILOTES avec ses partenaires industriels vous aide à vous poser de bonnes questions pour construire des relations de collaboration dans votre chaîne logistique: The analysis feature model is a mixed-dimensional model with shell features representing thin regions and solid features representing thick regions. To provide multi-resolution models, the features need to be rearranged according to a criterion that measures the significance of the feature. By incorporating multiple design dimensions and categories, new co-creation opportunities are highlighted and their requirements can be consolidated and optimized. It derives a meaningful feature interpretation for the opened view. The method was developed in the 1960s by Fritz Zwicky, an astronomer from Switzerland. If you can describe a problem situation in terms of its aspects or dimentions, morphological analysis will uncover original and often innovative solutions. Je souhait. The proposed method consists of filtering, to remove those parts that ought to be removed, and progressive control, to remove sequentially the features acquired by volume decomposition. Design, structure, modelling, and analysis of complex systems can significantly benefit from a systematic approach. The research has focused on several topics: topological frameworks for representing multiresolution solid model, criteria for the LOD, generation of valid models after rearrangement of features, and applications. Abstract. ... Defeaturing has largely been a manual and tedious process. In this paper we present the algorithms for a new approach, based on midsurface abstraction, which holds significant promise in simplifying simulation-driven design. In order to handle these difficulties, the author introduced the use of templates. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution to the robust automation of the time-consuming sequences of assembly preparation processes. In CAE, the thin-walled models are often abstracted to a midsurface for quicker analysis. Affect the accuracy of the features need to generate and evaluate future scenarios a. Reducing up to 80 % the iteration time called maximum convex cell composition is developed determine... 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