Sending a follow-up email to the prospective client that recaps the conversation and provides more information on the subjects discussed is a great way to continue to build trust without being annoying. Fortunately, it sounds pretty realistic. If you’re going to invest 30-60 minutes in meeting with someone, you owe it to yourself and whoever you met with to send a follow-up email. Many people are reluctant to send follow-up emails because they worry about bugging the recipient. Personally, I … Many professionals don’t realize the importance of email closure. As you know, I love tea as well; and it’s not every day that I run into someone who appreciates a great cup of tea. Again, I enjoyed our meeting very much and look forward to meeting you again next week. You can always flesh it out after the meeting. One is a standard phrase, the other is a little more thoughtful. From: [email protected]’s email To: [email protected]’s email Subject: -----Dear Drone Peter. You can highlight any items achieved, projects completed or important announcements that were made.] To truly make it a relevant and valuable experience for both parties, it takes more than a simple intro email. 8 email follow up templates for every situation We’ve created a range of follow-up email templates to help you get an answer from your more non-responsive clients. The true impact of a meeting is determined by what happens after it ends. And the first step of that post-meeting phase is a follow-up email. People are attracted to positivity. Here are 10 follow-up email templates to help boost your sales. To learn more about meeting recaps, review the FAQs below: Some meetings that are more formal will require an employee to write meeting minutes either verbatim or summing up the details discussed in a meeting. Using sentences like, “I really appreciated the time you spent with me today. Your follow-up thank-you email after a meeting is a part of networking A thank-you email after a meeting not just a nice touch, but a necessary step in building and maintaining any business relationship. You don’t need to use my exact words; they might not be right for you. At the end of the email, write when the date of the next meeting is, if it was established. Write an attention-grabbing subject line. A follow-up email puts you in the flow of the typical busy professional’s day. Post initial client meeting This email is ideally suited for following up after an initial meeting. At the end of the email, you can ask if they would like to see a demo of your product or schedule a call to follow-up with a sale. Great content that is really very useful. You seem quite happy.”. I enjoyed it very much, and was particularly intrigued by your passion for tea. These recaps can also benefit any employees or clients who were unable to attend the meeting and need updates on important details that were missed. [Tweet this!]. If you are unfamiliar with all the people attending the meeting, it's often helpful to pass around an attendance sheet with contact information included to gather email addresses from attendees. I hope it was time well spent for you, too” or, “Let me start by saying thank you for your time today” are a great place to start. It can feel too hardcore to reach out to new connections right after the event. Email may be the most convenient and logical way to follow-up with your prospects after the initial intro or proposal, but it has one very serious drawback. Case 1: sample follow up email to the client after sending a proposal [Company name] – [service] Hi [Name], I … If there were any additional documents attendees gave you or supervisors instructed you to include, you can attach them to your email. Hope you are doing great. Here’s the Antidote. Follow Up Email After A Client Meeting: If you have a meeting with an existing client, it’s always useful to know the next step you’re taking together. This will likely cause the other person to perceive you as caring, thoughtful, and attentive. Email Subject: Meeting Recap [Current Date], [Thank everyone for attending the meeting. Related: How to Write a Professional Email. A follow-up email structure after a successful meeting will consist a greeting, a thank you, a brief overview of the already discussed topic (s), key takeaways, next processes, a call to action, closure, and your business email signature. Email is an extremely effective method of connecting with businesspeople; in fact, 86% of professionalsrate email as their preferred communication channel. For example, if you notice a prospect is re-opening an email or proposal you sent, you can try to follow up with them. It may also be beneficial to highlight the due date for the employee to easily locate and reference. You can use the example below as a guide to help write your meeting recap for employees or clients. And the first couple days of your initial attempt probably went really well. You invest all of your time and energy into resolving the crisis and, as a result, forget about sending follow-up emails. Here’s an example of what this email draft might look like: Thanks for meeting with me today. Your meeting recap email can briefly explain the input you received on your call with the client. This final component is your opportunity to show that you’re committed to this relationship by going the extra mile. After a meeting, it's important for employees to be reminded of what was discussed so they can remember significant action items or announcements. We covered many important items and achieved several goals that were set during the previous meeting. I enjoyed our meeting very much and look forward to meeting you again. Sales Sample Follow-Up Email to Send After an Event . Sending it as soon as you can displays that you valued the meeting. Find yours, and start following up. We reviewed what tasks were completed since the last meeting and listed additional projects. When It Works Best: It works best when you still don't get a response after one or two follow-up emails. This template works because instead of reaching out to the wrong person, you navigate quickly to the right person by asking. An effective follow-up email has three components: Let’s walk through a three-step process to create a follow-up email with these three sections. In fact, it probably isn’t even the first time you’ve tried to make this practice into a habit. Related: Writing a Follow-Up Email: Tips, Template and Example. You can also CC your manager on the email to inform them of your conversation with the client or prospect. At the end of the day, you’ve got to actually send them; and finding the time to do so can be a problem when your calendar’s booked back-to-back. Though they both provide overviews of a meeting, minutes will be listed in a more formal document that is often attached to an email, rather than written in the body of the email. Subject: Meeting recap. You can also express your excitement for the action items that were discussed and any accomplished goals. This helps ensure you're sending the recap to all recipients who would benefit from the information in the meeting. In this article, we discuss what a meeting recap is, how to send a meeting recap and provide an example and template to help you write your own that will remind and inspire employees or clients. If you're holding a virtual meeting over the phone to discuss sales-related information with clients or prospects, you can send them a recap email summarizing your conversation and any next steps. So one must know how to write a thank you letter … 2. But then something happened; a crisis arose. These 5 follow up email templates will give you a good starting point, but you will still have to put some effort into it. Email Subject: Meeting Recap- January 9th, 2020. What else makes a follow-up email an important follo… Like baseball, network relationship management is a game of inches where the difference between winning and losing is rarely decided by grand gestures; more often than not, the winner is the person who took the small extra steps. If you are sending it to clients, be sure to remind them to contact you for any questions about the meeting and include your contact information in the email. But how do you Yet, a good follow-up email can mean the different between doing business with a client and not doing business. |. Try to only include brief overviews of discussions and information relevant to the meeting and its attendees. An email after a business meeting is a good chance to build relationships. But, it matters a lot. Do you know the three types of learning styles? This can help you remind clients or prospects of what was discussed. The second half of your body paragraph should include important action items that were established. Creating a strong meeting recap email requires brief sentences that provide meaning and important details for the readers. This helps both parties understand what page they’re on, and avoids a bunch of useless back-n-forth emails later on. Don’t Delay Sending the Follow-Up Email After the Meeting Don’t leave it days or weeks before sending the thank you email after the meeting or job interview. However, it’s likely you only had a few minutes to speak with them before … It can be beneficial for employees to receive any project instructions or guidelines if they were assigned a complex project during the meeting. This component adds a sentence about what you enjoyed about the meeting and what you have in common with those you met with. Once the meeting has adjourned, you should immediately begin typing up your notes so you can remember to include all the important details discussed. Express excitement for all items discussed and goals accomplished.]. I Sonas Covey just wanted to say a huge thank you for meeting with me on----- (date and day). Make sure to list the next steps you’ve agreed on, mention the deadlines and responsible people. The following projects and deadlines have been assigned: Our next meeting will be March 5, which will include updates on each project assigned in the meeting today. After a business meeting, it’s helpful to summarize everything you’ve discussed and send a follow up email to all participants so everyone knows what’s next. The meeting recap gives a basic overview of the meeting and reminds recipients of what action items need to be completed, deadlines for assigned projects and any other important information that was covered. That, and because there are two ways of communicating thanks: One is just saying it, the other is meaning it. We all have our own style. It personalizes the email so it doesn’t look like you’re just sending out a pre-written template. Easily apply to jobs with an Indeed Resume, Active Listening Skills: Definition and Examples. Why It Works: Your prospect might change position, or you got a wrong contact. If you're hesitant to send an email follow-up, you're not alone. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to write a follow-up email. After all, if you don’t have an immediate reason to stay in contact with a person—you just think he or she would be “good to keep in touch with,” it’s hard to justify sending a follow-up email. Attach supporting documents, if necessary. Related: 8 Best Practices for Business Email Etiquette. gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to make a connection, Create “Wow” Moments in Your Relationships with the Meeting Debrief. to provide context for your recipient — this will jog their memory so they can remember you. Follow-up emails are just one common part of a greater whole I call the Meeting Debrief. Sound familiar? Showing gratitude is the important thing that you can give to that person. Thank you all for attending the meeting this afternoon. These useful active listening examples will help address these questions and more. Okay, maybe you’re all in on the idea of a follow-up email. Follow the steps below to learn how to properly send a meeting recap to employees or clients. Then ask yourself, “How would I communicate gratitude, establish common ground, and sum up the key takeaways?”. 15 Business Follow-Up Email Templates December 29, 2020. Think of sending follow-up emails as one of those small extra steps that can make the difference between victory and defeat. A networking follow up email may be written to meet a number of objectives. Please contact me if you have any questions. When you write the recap, thank the attendees for taking time out of their day to attend the meeting. Your message should include the following features, no matter the type of networking you took part in or which industry you're in. Check out this article to supercharge the ROI of your meetings and, as a result, your relationships. When it comes to meetings there is a code of conduct and professionalism that you have to follow to make a good impression on your client, boss, and immediate teammates. However, if you’re reaching out to the busy CEO of a big enterprise, give them more time – maybe 4-7 days – before you send your first follow-up. This probably isn’t the first time you’ve thought about sending follow-up emails. As you attend the meeting, try to take notes of only important events happening in the meeting. After dealing with this issue one too many times, I created five check-in email templates—one for each type of connection. Use these templates whenever you’re struggling with finding a reason to reach out to someone. It’s the classic story of well-intentioned habits being crushed before they’re fully-formed. And when you’re writing follow-up e-mails, it’s important to time the sending properly. Hi [Name], It was great meeting with you today. In the past, I frequently used it after a demo. Simple: Because gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to make a connection. 5 Follow up Email Templates. Meeting minutes also provide more detail on specific items discussed and may even detail certain conversations in a meeting, if requested by leadership. 2018 © Mindmaven, LLC. Once you’ve got this email sitting in your drafts folder, it’s hard to forget to send it. Local and virtual events like conferences and networking sessions are excellent opportunities to meet new prospects. Here are more details on these discussions: After our discussions, a strategy has been put in place. [If many items were discussed that you'd like to cover, you can list them in bullet points below]: [The next sentences should discuss action times to be completed and any plans or strategies that were set in place. Here’s how this might look in practice. Sending a personalized thank-you note for the business meeting establishes a connection with your clients. In a nutshell, this concept is all about collecting and acting on the most valuable information you learn about someone over the course of a conversation. By highlighting a positive element of the meeting, those you met with are likely to have a better opinion of you and think of the meeting as a success. The problem is, most people vastly underestimate the introduction process. Follow up email after a demo. Using the list below, identify which situation is most like your own and adapt the sample email after networking event activities are over so that it fits your needs. A meeting recap is a message, often in email format, that is sent to employees or clients after a meeting. After a trigger event; After recently speaking with a prospect; After a demo; After sending a pricing quote; After you don't get a response; 10 sales follow-up email templates. Common ground is the source of all connection, and this component allows you to establish that common ground quickly. All you need is a good subject line, a greeting, a reminder of where you met and what you talked about, a thank you for their time, and something of value to them: How to Make Professional Introductions and Write Business Introduction Emails That Deliver Massive Value to Your Network, My 2021 Resolutions: Simple, Pragmatic Habits for a Happier, More Connected Year, How to Use Asana to Create a Flawless Scheduling System with Your EA (Step-by-Step Guide with Screenshots), Beyond Meditation: 58 Mindfulness Practices so Pragmatic, You Can Build Them into Everyday Life, A “Common Ground Reference” component, and. One can send a simple and nice letter to his business associates. You can list these action items in their own separate bullet points and highlight the name of the person assigned to the task. 3. This often includes new projects or tasks assigned to employees or the next steps for a strategy or plan. Proofread the email for any spelling, grammatical or clarity issues. Use case 1: A trigger event occurred One of the most common commitments made in meetings is an introduction. The information on this site is provided as a courtesy. When deciding who to send it to, you should address it to all meeting attendees and other employees or clients who were invited but unable to attend. But at the end of the day, keep this in mind: Focus on the components of a great follow-up email; not my specific examples. You don't just show that you're polite, but also you're a good person to do business with. Obviously this draft can’t be too specific or detailed since it’s being written before the meeting is taking place, but that’s okay. If you say, “I’d never write that way,” that’s fine! Hi! These can be instances like tasks assigned to specific employees or clients, any votes that were passed or announcements that were made. This can be a scalable variation of the previous follow-up. in todays world everyone wants to save the time and have qualitative work to get nice results. Here’s how to identify which style works best for you, and why it’s important for your career development. Saying “Thank you” is usually a given in follow-up emails, so why even mention it? Here’s why: By sending a follow-up email, you increase your mindshare—or how “top-of-mind” you are—with that person. Image courtesy of Freepik The meeting recap gives a basic overview of the meeting and reminds recipients of what action items need to be completed, deadlines for assigned projects and any other important information that was covered. As you know, I love tea as well; and it’s not every day that I run into someone who appreciates a great cup of tea. [The first few sentences should cover what was discussed in the meeting. The most important rule in Network Relationship Management is being genuine and staying authentic. Well, until now. For a fast follow up, plug this information into a pre-set follow up email template: How you met — Refreshes their memory A takeaway from your conversation — Shows you were listening Your ask — Keeps the ball moving Now, let's look at how you can craft your follow-up email. Sending a meeting recap can summarize discussions and important details for attendees or employees who were unable to attend a meeting. In addition, this component also creates an informal agreement that the other party will follow through as well. Conference, networking event, etc. after an internal meeting, conference, networking event etc... Qualitative work to get nice results me today, I frequently used it after a meeting... Commoditized market where the difference between you and your competitor is marginal as well experience for both understand... The account manager or the next meeting is, if it was meeting... People assigned in bullet points and highlight the name of the previous.. 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