Looking for a good ground cover that can survive the Florida heat even in the shade. Frost resistant but drought tender. Australian Native Ground Cover Range by Plant Native! Both smell like new mown hay when dry and have insect repellent properties. Description: Bindiis are the bane of anyone who has walked barefoot across grass in summer. Grevillea (G.baueri xG.Alpina) x G.Rosmar.Lutea. Thyme Serpyllum The leaves are blue/green, the flowers a pinkish/ purple. There are forms with dark green or golden leaves and the flowers are bright yellow. The hardier groundcovers won't need much watering once they've established. They have lovely fan-shaped 'mauve-blue' flowers. Herbs are beautiful as well as practical. * Fan Flower (Scaevola cvs.) Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’. On the other side of the nature strip Jerry planted Aloe Vera. Lawns are a marvellous surface. Follow us:    Ground Covers & Grasses. Packet contains approx 100 seeds. Violets, Viola odorata; are the probably the best known, and will thrive in any position where they get summer shade and winter sun. Thyme is one of the most popular herbs for ground cover. Rounded jelly bean-like foliage makes an outstanding ground cover, with the added attraction that its leaves turn a bright red in the heat of summer then revert to bright green again when the days cool down. Both were used as strewing herbs to scent rooms in Medieval times and also to stuff mattresses and cushions. Fortunately there are several herbs that will tolerate shade for some of the day, and quite a few that actually thrive in partial or full shade. Brachyscome White Wash Read more. Thyme plants can become woody after a few years, so dividing or replanting with younger plants is a good idea. Sandra Adams. Its traditional use is as an astringent for wounds and bruises, and a tea made from the leaves is used to treat coughs. (A good rule of thumb is to add one bag of compost or manure for every square metre.) Sweet woodruff was also used to make perfumes and to flavour wine. The only real maintenance required is trimming it back after it has finished flowering, or whenever it becomes too scraggly for your tastes. Others you might like to try are lungwort, Pulmonaria officinalis, meadowsweet, Filipendula ulmaria, Solomon’s seal, Polygonatum multiflorum, and lily-of-the-valley, Convallaria majalis. Jerry loves the variegated leaves because "they make the plant look decorative all year round." Moneywort derives its name from its attractive round leaves that resemble coins. Now one of the more versatile Australian native herbs is Native Ginger (Alpinia caerulea). It can attract a range of beneficial wildlife as well. Blooming on and off between spring and autumn, it does best in full sun and well-drained soil, with good watering through dry weather. Ground Cover Flowering; Ground Cover Foliage; Ground Cover Grassy; Strappy; Australian Natives. Jerry says that although the costs for groundcovers are initially higher than for turf "in the long term, you'll save on maintenance and on water too.". While the plant is green, the flowers that bloom are a very strong magenta in color. If you have dogs like we do, edible ground covers are best planted outside the dog’s range if you plan to eat it. Whenever I write or talk about herbs I advise gardeners that most herbs like lots of sun. Ground covers will also provide the soil with organic material over time, thus improving its quality. It looks like parts of Australia are heading for a prolonged hot dry summer. Sometimes it can be tricky to identify the right groundcover for a particular area of your garden. But I do not have to weed a large area under same maple and azela bushes. Jerry says not to use chemicals as any of them will also kill the grass. For details about how your personal information will be handled by the ABC, please see our Privacy Collection Statement. Planting living mulches (green mulches) are a good way to maximize production in your space with less work. Jerry says, "It's bold and productive." Aussie Crawl Read more. Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’. It can spread into garden beds so Jerry suggests, "Give it a mowing strip and keep it disciplined, just as with a lawn.". Some Mediterranean herbs, such as rosemary and sage, prefer poorer, lime-rich soils. This makes a wonderful groundcover with its soft blades but Jerry says the golden rule is to "get rid of the weeds first. Ground dried rosemary works wonderfully on lamb cutlets and roasts as it rubs on the meat’s surface and enhances the flavour during cooking. Today lungwort is grown for its attractive leaves and delightful bell-shaped flowers that start off pink but turn to blue as the nectar content increases. The clusters of creamy-white flowers with green tips dangle below the stems in summer. One option, if you want to reduce or remove your lawn, is to dig it up and plant ground covers. Herbs and Spices Australia. This strappy plant is widely used and very adaptable. Categories Herbs, Lawns and Grass Tags Ground Cover. Australian Native Violet (LT) (ML) Viola hederacea. There are several herbs, worth growing for their flowers alone, that also do well in shaded positions in the garden. Ground cover plants that are in the Ozbreed Shrub and Ground Cover range and Hardy Exotic Range are long lived ground covers that will help outcompete weeds for many years. Because it has proven itself for decades for its adaptability and reliability. Primrose flowers, Primula vulgaris, are also edible and can be used in the same way as violets. Light-green, kidney shaped foliage. Suitable for moist positions. ", On the other side of the fence, Jerry conducted an experiment with other ground covers and he's very pleased with the result. There are several different varieties of thyme that provide excellent ground cover: Crimson Thyme – As the name suggests, this is a brightly-colored strain of thyme. It comes from the rainforests of south-east Asia. White creeping thyme is a ground hugging plant, which grows to 5cm and spreads up to 50 cm. Shade Loving Ground Covers. They won't replace the utility of turf, but they require less maintenance and ground covers can look even better than grass. … Scaevola. Native to south-eastern Australia, it is fast-spreading, frost resistant, loves the cold weather but can struggle in dry conditions. * Dwarf Panda Grass (Pogonatherum paniceum) This is slightly less common. Contrary to common belief, they do not flower well if grown in full shade. They add interest, fragrance, and unity to your garden. Sweet woodruff and lady’s bedstraw are more vigorous sprawling plants. As an aromatic herb, oregano is said to repel a range of common insect pests, and so it is good for confusing, repelling or distracting a range of annoying species. Herbs need sunlight, good drainage and regular water during dry weather. This herb is not often taken today but it was once widely used, internally and externally, for the treatment of wounds. This one is known commonly as the fan flower, is an Australian native groundcover which bears pretty little blooms, mainly in shades of mauve, blue and purple. This is a bright cheerful little native plant that likes sandy soil enriched with compost and at least half a day's full sun. Native to south-eastern Australia. Use it in sun or shade to cover large areas under tall trees or across sloping banks. Rosemary. It forms a dense cover about 30cm high, but if you want something lower, denser and tighter, look for Asiatic star jasmine (Trachelospermum asiaticum), especially the cultivar 'Flat Mat'. * Temple Grass (Zoisya sp.) Box Hedges; Larger Hedges; Small Hedges; Australian Native Plants. Violet flowers are edible and can be added to sweets and salads, used to decorate cakes and crystallised for confectionary. Winter is a good time to look at your garden and find the gaps that need to be filled. Break of Day Read more. How to grow bromeliads. Boy I have money wort and it can take over. Ground covers should be enjoyed by the eye as well as the foot. Fast spreading, low ground cover for moist shaded areas. Most prefer good soil, but don't be tempted to add too much compost or manure, as you'll get rapid growth at the expense of flavour. Lily-of-the-valley is smaller growing and forms dense clumps. Ground Covers & Grasses. They're ideal for entertainment spaces and if kids want to play games, there's nothing more durable. 1 Grevillea ‘ Poorinda Royal Mantle’ . Jul 9, 2014 - Explore mark morris's board "Healesville Groundcovers & Herbs" on Pinterest. Thyme . Broadcast: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 1:00am Published: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 1:00am Oregano . The big problem with bindii weed is that it … Angus’s Top Ten Australian Groundcovers. Bugle is an all-purpose groundcover. Campanula; Cyclamen; Daisies; Dianthus; Geraniums (Pelargoniums) Heucheras and Tiarellas; Natives; Other Ground Covers; Pigface; Violets; Hedge Plants. 2 Scaevola albida ‘ Mauve Carpet’. Succulents that make good ground covers include low-growing varieties of Senecio serpens, which has stunning blue leaves, kalanchoe, Sempervivum, sedum and Echeveria. I have read, understood and agree to The Terms & Conditions and The Privacy Policy and from time to time I may receive special offers and discounts from Organic Gardener, nextmedia Pty Ltd, or its valued partners. (Liriope sp.) Beware if you have hayfever though as the flowers can cause an allergic reaction. Propagate by cutting or division. February 22, 2017 at 1:19 pm - Reply. Brachyscome diversifolia. Another popular culinary herb that can be used as an edible ground cover is oregano, which is also in the mint family, and sometimes known as wild marjoram. But these days, with smaller gardens and a need for shade in summer, there are many shady spots that would be enhanced by vigorously growing plants. By the time you've dug these out, the whole effect will be ruined." $ 2.99 Premium quality THYME ‘Creeping’ seeds – heirloom. Ground Cover Plants. "They're really trouble free plants. This plant’s claim to fame is that is a source of salicylic acid, the active ingredient of aspirin, and so was used for centuries to treat arthritis and rheumatism. Together there's a lovely contrast in the textures of the foliage and the bees love the Pigface flowers." Australian violet is an attractive choice as a ground cover for your garden with bold mauve and white flowers all year around. It’s the perfect cover for shaded, damp narrow areas such as down the side of a house, next to a garage or along a fence. Instagram link. These include bugle, Ajuga reptans, sweet woodruff, Galium odoratum, lady’s bedstraw, Galium verum, ground ivy, Glechoma hederacea, and moneywort, Lysimachia nummalaria. Tasty Turf: Tips for Using Culinary Herbs as Ground Cover. Ground Cover Flowering; Ground Cover Foliage; Ground Cover Grassy; Strappy; Australian Natives. But for Jerry, "the winning combination is that the Pigface really likes cool, dry weather in winter and the Acalypha likes the warm wet summers. See more ideas about Herbs, Plants, Australian flora. Pinterest link  * Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls' is a spectacular groundcover that is very easy to grow. The flowers and leaves have been prescribed to treat coughs and bronchitis. Locations: Australia wide. Jun 19, 2020 - 101 Likes, 4 Comments - Plant Tiles Australia (@planttiles) on Instagram: “The roots of our unique Plant Tiles of no mow ground covers and herbs are raring to grow on your…” Flowering Gum Trees; Native Climbers; Native Grasses; Native Ground Covers; Native Shrubs; Native Trees; Trees – Fruit & Nut. Jerry says he "suggested planting this at St Mary's Cathedral down in Sydney as a lawn alternative way back in 2000 and it's still going strong.". Several old medicinal herbs make useful ground covers in the shade. The strongly scented, bell-shaped flowers appear in spring. The Acalyphas produce cute hairy caterpillar-like flowers. I've got a dynamic equilibrium and both of these plants are really tough.". May 5, 2020 February 10, 2019 by Gretchen Heber. Navigate by plant type or feature, or try out search. This plant loves the sun and can be planted in dry, exposed locations, including loose, sandy soil. If you can't find a plant you are interested in here, feel free to contact us and let us know what plant you are after and we will see whether we have something similar, or give you some helpful info. It's suitable for growing in temperate to sub-tropical climates. They will only grow in shady, moist, humus-rich positions. Many perennial herbs are among the hundreds of plants that can serve as ground covers. Another groundcover herb used to flavour alcoholic beverages is ground ivy. Perfect as ground cover, the Swan River daisy (Brachyscome iberidifolia) is one of the most popular Australian native flowers, with delicate mauve, white and blue flowers. Member $6.95 Non-Member $8.95. One look at these amazing Australian grown dried herbs from Glenelg River Herbs in Balmoral, Victoria, will show you that they are superior in every way. It has lots of different cultivars with varying leaf and flower colours. We sell mostly plants in tubes, as these seedlings are smaller, cheaper and easier to transport but usually are at a size that they establish well. Scaevola albida ‘Mauve Carpet’. * Brachyscome cvs. * Variegated Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Variegatum') This familiar plant is a climber but it also makes a wonderful ground cover. Neither of these plants is ever watered. Back to top. Anigozanthos - kangaroo paw; Banksia ; Callistemon - bottlebrush; Chamelaucium - waxflower; Grevillea - spider flower; Leptospermum - tea tree; Lomandra - mat rush; Melaleuca - honey myrtle; Syzygium - lilly pilly; Westringia - coastal rosemary; Flower Colour This plant, which is also known as alehoof, has been used for centuries to clarify and flavour beer. Dainty mauve / white flowers on short stems are borne all year round. The sweetly-scented flowers appear in spring and autumn. Primroses are tough, hardy attractive plants that will grow in most positions in the garden because although they grow well in the shade they will also tolerate sun and quite dry conditions. Unlike grass, ground cover plants not only beautify your yard and reduce maintenance, they can also be edible and medicinal! You may also like 8 best climbing plants in Australia. Anigozanthos - kangaroo paw; Banksia ; Callistemon - bottlebrush; Chamelaucium - waxflower; Grevillea - spider flower; Leptospermum - tea tree; Lomandra - mat rush; Melaleuca - honey myrtle; Syzygium - lilly pilly; Westringia - coastal rosemary; Flower Colour This plant needs too much sun. I am forever cutting it back from other plants in the area and pathways. Bugle is an all-purpose groundcover. Even though it has a bamboo look to it, it is actually a grass. The money wort grows dense enough to keep weeds away. There's creeping oxalis, nut grass and others too. Shear it all over after flowering finishes. That one likes shade. These include bugle, Ajuga reptans, sweet woodruff, Galium odoratum, lady’s bedstraw, Galium verum, ground ivy, Glechoma hederacea, and moneywort, Lysimachia nummalaria. Home; Shop; Salt; Chilli; Pickling mixes; Spices; Pepper; Cart; My account ; Creeping Thyme ground cover seeds 100+ Heirloom. Oregano is another important herb in Mediterranean style cooking, and can be used, fresh or dry, in a range of recipes. Ground covers may be used to carpet areas surrounding a formal ­garden; cover steep banks that would require a lawn mower to defy the laws of gravity; fill areas too shady, wet, or arid for other plants, or naturalize areas that would otherwise be difficult to maintain. Grevillea ‘Royal Mantle’ providing bird tucker. As alternatives to lawn, Jerry has planted his nature strip with a sweet potato cultivar called Ipomoea batatas 'Margueritte,' and it's been very successful. Australian native plants are slowly becoming appreciated for their complex and unusual chemical and medicinal properties, as well as their potential as climate adaptable breeding stock for conventional foods and also as novel foods, spices and flavourings in their own right. Sprawling plants in impoverished coastal sand and will die in heavy, damp soil soils. 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