Or for full on judgement when the chastening didnt bring repentance. You really can trust God in the midst of your questions, confusion, uncertainty and doubt. Absolutely not! It may be observed that the book which mentions the sun oftener than any other in the Old Testament describes his course thus: "The sun ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose" (Ecclesiastes 1:5). Look at verses 6–7 (HCSB; emphasis, mine). Ajalon (Yalo), about five miles south-west of Beth-horon the nether, is only 940 feet above the Mediterranean. in the valley of Ajalon.--The two prepositions are the same in Hebrew. “Are you not excited that I found the place?”, The second brother said, “That is not the man I saw.” He pointed to another photo. Boys, God is not a God of confusion! Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world." You are just overexcited, and this is simply your imagination running wild!”. 1:3), confusing these same Israelites by not just telling them but assuring them that they must consume His flesh and drink His blood, if they are to have life in themselves? An ancient road from Gibeon (El-Jib) still passes both the Beth-horons, first the upper (Beit'ur El-Foka), then the lower (Beit'ur Et-Tahta). I pray for all of u . Brethren, has not Brother Thomas correctly perceived and accurately prophesied about our condition? When we seek God’s presence and ask for his provision, our prayers pierce through the darkness and confusion of this world, creating an opening for an outpouring of God’s peace. Beyond that we have insights from the Holy Spirit through dreams and visions which have be…, Please Please do not take the vaccine. "From the utmost foundation of heaven, giants are…. God’s Word is a light for our path and a lamp for our feet, and it … I needed to hear this as I have struggled with receiving what appears to be conflicting prophetic insights. So where is his faith?”, “She does not love her neighbor as herself!”, “Because she weareth not a mask and is therefore unconcerned if her neighbor contracts COVID-19!”. THE APOCALYPSE, THE CATACLYSMIC EVENT 2021 – War, Sulfur, Charred Bodies, Rubble, Burnt By Fire, Cities Plundered, Missing Children, Mothers Laying in the Streets, Sudden Destruction & Significant Death (Godshealer7), Post Election Prophecy: Biden May Die, Restoration, Vindication, Holiness, Preaching the Cross, Prophetic dream shows price relationship between Bitcoin and a certain alt coin, ‘Perfectly Healthy’ Florida Doctor Dies Weeks After Getting Pfizer COVID Vaccine. Now I bring you His message. God chose to use a lying spirit because Ahab rejected God’s rebukes and warnings all through his life and the cup of God’s wrath was full. Christopher, Is it convenient for you to share what coin you were personally directed to buy on that day? Gibeon and Ajalon are only about nine miles apart. Sisera abandoned his chariot and fled on foot. It has gone higher than that and very steeply. And we, what did we do with it? That confusion was authored by YHWH Himself. LORD -- the proper name of the God of Israel, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Qal - Consecutive imperfect - third person masculine singular | third person masculine plural, To make a noise, move noisily, confuse, discomfit, Preposition-l | Noun - common plural construct, Israel -- 'God strives', another name of Jacob and his desc, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Hifil - Consecutive imperfect - third person masculine singular | third person masculine plural, Preposition-b | Noun - proper - feminine singular, Elevation, the act, the condition, a climactic progression, Beth-horon -- 'place of a hollow', two adjoining cities in Palestine, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT History: Joshua 10:10 Yahweh confused them before Israel and he (Josh. The mountain had a face like a man!”, “What?” snapped Solomon. But in John 14:26, it is the Holy Spirit who is called the Counselor, and here in the above passage, this child is also called Eternal Father. This is a true story, shared by a woman who found inner healing during her journaling time, alone with the Lord. That is why He spoke in parables. This callous attitude of flippantly throwing one-line scriptures like darts at everything and everyone without wisdom and forethought just because things do not line up per our understanding and expectations is not only faulty and unwise but also spiritually dangerous, because we then become predisposed to be a potential progenitor of heresies. 1 Corinthians 14:33 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. But some sneered and said, “They’re full of new wine!”, The Holy Spirit has been poured out. The humility and sincerity in these few lines of yours, James, are worthy of a godly and biblical leader. And if they are not independent, it is not easy to say why a perfect solilunar cycle is not more readily obtained. (Deut. All down the slope the hail followed them, for some seven or eight miles. My heart has felt that seniors and older people with children will be thrust into chaotic lives SUDDENLY. A really big mountain!”. Truly, in what sense is this not confusing to the natural mind? Sometimes God allows us to come to a place of confusion, where the road forward seems unclear. Now as to what occurred. There are some prophetic voices out there that seem to lack substance and tickle the ears. Many circumstances may lead to a lack of knowledge of thetruth. I think in the case Satoshi its likely the coins are tied up. The other two brothers suddenly did not share his excitement. Tragic loss of life of this DR. This verse is one among many others that we tend to use flippantly, all the while claiming that we are judging prophecies or testing the spirits. Maybe this is an exceptional circumstance. The LORD will use that ruler although evil t…, Steve Quayle posted an article from Mike Adams (Natural News) regarding Focus on the Family pushing the COVID shot. God gave us His Word to help us whenever we are in need and when confusion sets in, we can run to it and find our answers. The words in this post are mine, but the message is the Lord’s. Do Hope carolanne bought some. “Look!” said the first brother. Ajalon and Gibeon are about nine miles apart in a straight line, due east and west of each other, and El-Mughar (Makkedah) is about eighteen miles from Beth-horon the nether. Nor, again, can we accept the view of some, that it was the night, not the day, that was specially prolonged. The confusion in language at the tower of Babel was not authored by the devil, a false prophet or teacher, or a mischievous angel. In fact, they only claim to be 10% to 65% accurate! They insisted that Daddy should take them for a small vacation once they were in America. Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.Ignorance causes confusion and division. God does not cause people to endure hardsh…, I posted this prophetic dream back on Dec 1 in which a woman saw a big storm on the horizon in the first week of January. Jesus & the Father tells us. His name is mentioned as George Washington.”, And the third brother then piped up, “That’s not possible.” He pointed to another photo. Prophetic dream reveals big Bitcoin crash ahead. The Lord will send against you curses, confusion, and rebuke in everything you do until you are destroyed and quickly perish, because of the wickedness of your actions in … Because if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his own face in a mirror. EXCURSUS TO NOTES ON JOSHUA.THE DEFEAT OF THE FIVE KINGS AT GIBEON (Joshua 10:10-12). No, brethren. Introduction and Petition: Brethren, this long and strong message is going to challenge all of us, not because it is an attack on the Word of God (as the title might lead one to believe), but because it is a rebuttal against how we use the Word of God. Our region has no 5G, but still quite high Covid-19 rate. Let’s chew upon some other references now. I'm hoping fot 40x gains or higher this year. I quote him here: This is a generation where believers will quote a scripture to reinforce their particular perspective. I pray for us all to be blessed. Confusion brings fear. The first brother then said, “Let’s ask Daddy to decide. The late Professor Mozley has well shown, in his Bampton Lectures, that the presumption against a miracle of this kind is not a reasonable presumption. The miracles of Moses and Elijah and Elisha are not less wonderful than this. I don't know why but at the time I thought it was something else and not related to crypto so I didn't share, but now seeing BTC break $40k it could be that…. https://coinmarketcap.com/charts/ We're in the trillions now. You’re then going to say God, but I thought you said you will provide for me, what did I do? What a privilege it is to know Him! Therefore He sometimes uses evil rulers to accomplish His purposes for the greater good as shown in Daniel ch…. To make wise the simple, yet withhold wisdom from those in opposition to His word and His ways. I repent of my own flawed character. ‘(KJV.). Christians unsure about whether to take the COVID vaccine. Thank you and God bless. Even if God has given you a personal promise that He will make a way for you, the devil will bring confusion. God bless. This confusion was the result of false teaching that said converts to Christianity had to obey all of the requirements of the Jewish Law, including circumcision. We are at 768 Billion now on Coinmarketcap for Bitcoin. The LORD is willing to deliver us from all evil that so easily entangles us. 20:11 SENDING CONFUSION INTO THE CAMP OF THE ENEMY Scripture Reading: Psalm 109 Confession: Jer. Joshua 12:16 The king of Makkedah, one; the king of Bethel, one; Joshua 15:41 And Gederoth, Bethdagon, and Naamah, and Makkedah; sixteen cities with their villages: (11) Great stones from heaven.--Compare Job 38:22-23, "Hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?" Me and my famil…, I have no choice, I cannot take this vaccine for legitimate medical reasons (past severe allergic reactions). It went to .22 cents in 2018. The songs of Moses, including the ninetieth Psalm, belong to this literature. Coming back to our topic of interest, please read Acts 2:1–13. He will make wise the simple if they ask for wisdom. New Heart English Bible Yes, you read that correctly. Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for the well-being of these people. For example, in Acts 15 the early church's leaders gathered together due to confusion among the churches. God says He ble…, God's perfect will is for everyone to walk uprightly before Him, but very few actually do. IT was not until I had an opportunity of verifying the course of the combatants on the large Ordnance Map with the sheets fitted together that I was able to form a clear and connected notion of the proceedings of that memorable day. Haven't we gone over 750 billion? But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. And here is an example. Let’s at least be honest with ourselves, brethren. But sometimes, like in John 6:53, God uses “confusion” to. It will alter your DNA and turn you into a zombie. Christopher. All three of us saw it.”. If the Lord says anything it is important and not flapping of the mouth to be heard. Are you making fun of me and my country, poking holes in the Bible, in my theology? Rather, I will finish them off by sword, famine, and plague.”, And I replied, “Oh no, Lord God! Again, Dean Stanley makes the hail come up from the westward. So why don’t you three ask God where we should go on vacation? D. God punishes unrepented sin with mental illness/insanity: 1. " Well your screen names. Hi Z3 I saw in a very brief vision RDD move from $0.0027 to $0.0040. I am sure as time goes on, there will be much more debates, possibly heated debates for or against. They presently saw--what we so often see in the early morning--the moon in front of them on the west, just setting in the valley of Ajalon, and the sun behind them over Gibeon on the east. This was a special mountain. Sometimes, God sends confusion as a curse upon His people as a result of their unfaithfulness toward Him. Brethren, we did not receive the full counsel of the Word of God so that we may only pick a few punchy verses from it and compile our own Bibles to preach our own doctrines. Nice one -Matt . Solomon had only heard stories of America. Their mother tried to intervene, but they kept on with their arguments. And may our Lord’s favor and grace rest upon you and your loved ones always. Look at verse 13. The three boys’ faces lit up with joy, and Solomon’s wife could only beam at her husband with pride. https://z3news.com/w/urgent-can-you-bear-jesus-revelations/. Did James have us in mind when he penned his epistle? I think another danger is of being one who sows discord by name calling and premature judgement. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Eastern Europe and South America. I needed His word this morning. Then, in the afternoon, Joshua and his warriors returned to Makkedah, and unearthed the five kings to die. First Corinthians 14:33 clearly says He doesn’t! We have with us and in us someone greater and wiser than Solomon. Because they do not receive the truth. Translated into technical language, the command would be to suspend the motion of the earth round its axis, and that of the moon round the earth. Joshua replied by a night march from Gilgal, which brought the host of Israel to Gibeon at early dawn. How soft and tender your heart is toward the Lord, Lydia! Five miles from Gibeon would soon be accomplished. Next morning the boys woke up excitedly and went to Solomon and said, “Daddy, God answered our prayer, and we saw the place in a dream. As they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take and eat it; this is My body.” Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them and said, “Drink from it, all of you. May we always be willing and ready to receive His counsel. The three days' darkness in Egypt, the sign that was given to Hezekiah, which brought inquirers from Babylon (2Chronicles 32:31), the star that conducted the wise men from the East to Bethlehem, and the miraculous darkness at the crucifixion, were wonders of the same kind. Rather, it is our heavenly Father’s desire that we grow up into Christ in all things (Eph. 2 Chronicles 20:22 And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir who had come against Judah, and they were [self-] slaughtered; A state of perplexity, bewilderment or disorder. Pharisees? This is regardless of whether or not the view that is being reinforced is actually true. In Genesis 11, God divinely confuses the people who had a common language so that they could not understand one another’s speech. He confused the earth’s population at Babel, so they could not communicate and finish their humanitarian project for world unity. If the devil can quote scripture, then anyone can; that is worth pondering. The first 200 words of Z3 News articles may be shared online in exchange for a clickable link to our site. Greetings, to one and all, in Jesus’s glorious name! “This is whom I saw. Isaiah 28:21 For the LORD shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act. Even before the death of the hero of the story, it had come to be told in a set form of words, in which the ear could tolerate no alteration. Blessing to you and all that hear and understand. When evening came, He was reclining at the table with the Twelve. Have we, the body of Christ, not discoursed as below among ourselves or witnessed such exchanges among brethren? An…, Before Jan 20th's new president inauguration , DT is still the current lawful president .Now Nancy Pelosi want to impeach NT quickly. But for this to happen, His children must abandon carnal, fleshly ways of thinking and learn to think like Him. No, brethren. . I receive it’s correction. The objection which we sometimes hear, that if the earth had stopped in its orbit it would have fallen into the sun, is nothing to the purpose (supposing its Maker to have arrested its motion in such an imperfect and clumsy manner), for Joshua did not ask that it should cease to move in its orbit, only that it should cease the revolution which causes day and night to succeed each other at fixed intervals. Some people wear the mask as not to offend, which is also commanded in Scripture. Confusion over spiritual truth is the natural state of humanity; believers, too, may be perplexed by God’s purposes or thrown into confusion by false teaching. Confusion may be brought about by God to cause the schemes of the wicked to fail and opposition to his people to prove ineffective. Later in the day, as one of the brothers was looking through the little material on America that their father had brought for them, he exclaimed, “I found it! From Beth-horon the upper there is a steep descent of nearly 600 feet in the first half mile, and from Beth-horon the nether a continuous slope towards Philistia. But is it? Unbelievers? We must learn to perceive what it is that our heavenly Father is truly doing and saying. And the excellency of His gifts and calling dwell in you as well. If we fall prey to confusion, It doesn’t make us hopeless or lost, it should lead us to the Cross for clarity, certainty, and understanding, and deliverance from confusion. I personally saw bitcoin at 70000 and this might be that rally, I'm hoping to see litecoin run up to confirm. Prophetic dream warns of big storm coming into view in first week of January 2021, Claire Edwards: The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020. Prayer Points From Prayer Your Way To Breakthrough By Dr Olukoya. Prophecies do not run on our time schedule and we have no idea how things might line up. What if Satoshi is still alive and dumps all his coins at one go. If the battle began at daybreak, a single hour after sunrise would be sufficient to bring the pursuers and pursued to the required spot. Joshua 10:28 And that day Joshua took Makkedah, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and the king thereof he utterly destroyed, them, and all the souls that were therein; he let none remain: and he did to the king of Makkedah as he did unto the king of Jericho. the vaccine. And so I will present one here to graphically illustrate why when a prophetic word/vision/dream appears contradictory to or non-conciliatory with other prophetic words/visions/dreams or does not line up with our understanding, it is unwise to regard such prophecies as always worthy of the dart of 1 Corinthians 14:33. To Him only that establishes the covenant ; it is for chastening the who. To Joshua for help sun arose on Joshua and his ways at her with... Songs of Moses and Elijah and Elisha are not informed new charismatic prophets fail this god sends confusion., shared by a night march from Gilgal, which was still quite some distance away turned! Father ; Jesus is the Son ; Jesus is the man i saw a... I was stranded by myself in Atlanta and i needed to get back to the:! There is still alive and dumps all his army drop a paper in your lap one morning, telling what. More debates, possibly heated debates for or against from the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves Africa! 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