Kindly share the article to your family, friends, colleagues and business associates on the different social media platforms. There you have it. Identify the core goals that the employee must meet to achieve the appropriate level of performance that the organization needs. Ultimately, you’d have built and guaranteed a steady flow of support when you need it. To achieve excellence requires taking action. By building strong relations with your colleagues, you ensure that mutual cooperation and harmony is the order of the day. The scourge of jealousy and envy can bring down even the greatest of business teams. This is where having adequate emotional intelligence comes in. Look out for the bigger picture and foresee events before they happen by carefully observing the numbers and keeping a keen eye on things – both within the company and outside the company, even among your competition. Maintain 100% focus on every task at hand. A series of steps that leaders and organizations can take to gradually create a more inclusive and positive environment where employees feel inspired to do the best work of their lives. Too many times, leaders demand that their … The world needs you! And don’t stop there. Think about the skills which you possess at the moment as well as skills which you would like to have, but have yet to acquire. In this respect, there are 10 critical areas of improvements which can … For appreciating their kindness, they too will appreciate your gratitude. You must therefore, ensure that all projects that you are directly handling or indirectly a partaker of finds their way to completion. Every excellent business leadership has always been proactive about decision making and engagement with customers as well as colleagues at the workplace. When a part or fraction of the chain is weak, the entire chain becomes weak. Being an excellent leader entails knowing how to get the people on your side by showing them gratitude when and where it is due. To improve your attitude in the workplace, first start by asking if you know yourself well. A high performer knows and prepares themselves for the fact that taking action that will result in change is likely to bring them pain and … When they love their jobs and have a strong working relationship with their managers, it takes significantly more than 6% to get people to jump ship. You must ensure that all activities or projects are carried out according to the company's policies. If you are not passionate about your idea and why you believe it would work, no one may believe in it either. Select Accept cookies to consent to this use or Manage preferences to make your cookie choices. Effective leaders know this. It was Steve Jobs’ excellent visionary and proactive business leadership, and his ability to see into the future and its astonishing numbers, and going ahead to do what needs to be done to get there, even when critics criticized that same vision that has made Apple Inc. the top global brand it is today. As the saying goes, you are only as strong as your weakest link. This will work towards reducing the “Pull Him Down” (PHD) syndrome, as your colleagues would feel part of the successes achieved as well. People first must develop the mindset that achieving excellence is a journey, not a destination. The key is to keep an open mind and be willing to learn and grow. Elections in the year 2015, insecurity in the North East, pipeline vandalization in the South South and political crises all over are not helping matters either. Find out what motivates you with this free AMA webcast. High achievers do not play the blame game and are a part of those few personalities who set results as their topmost priority. Peter Stark is president of the Peter Barron Stark Companies ( Here are five ways a leader can build a family environment to achieve excellence in the workplace: 1. Make Firm Blueprints. So, how do you keep an employee engaged when they’ve watched their 401K or IRA accounts decrease by 50% or more in a few short months? … So when your colleague helps you on a task, do not forget to thank them and show appreciation for their support. You need both to succeed at work. Discover how to lead and become a person of excellent leadership quality in the workplace that guarantees you become a business leader in the 21st Century. Based on surveys of over 100,000 managers and employees from hundreds of organizations around the world we have uncovered the following “10 keys to workplace excellence” implemented by the “Best of the Best” (those in the top quartile) organizations… However, they don’t just get the results, they breathe and live results. The first step to improving your workplace ergonomics process is to do a gap analysis. Start with a compelling, positive vision, along with clear, concrete goals for achieving it. It’s clear that maintaining a vital, engaged workforce has a significant impact on the bottom line. Choose to make every moment count. Fortune favours only the bold. You want to achieve satisfaction and excellence at work? Employees with an above-average attitude toward their work will generate higher customer satisfaction, higher productivity, and higher profits for their organizations. Learn to deflect excessive praise and acknowledge the contributions of others in whatever you achieve. Proactively do … When we talk about these 10 keys, invariably someone asks, “Where’s the money? Motivated employees want to come to work, and they improve your product and your service in so many ways. When the set objective proves daunting, put your excellent leadership qualities to work by seeking novel ways to achieve the desired goal. Give Your Team a Sense of Ownership. How to Achieve Excellence? Creativity involves thinking outside the box to come up with innovative solutions in the pursuit of organizational objectives. Always be willing to lend a helping hand to an ailing colleague. The veracity of such statement cannot be denied. Every long term goal you make has to be supported by a solid plan. Step 2: Be intelligent -- work smart, with no extra steps. 2. 8 Ways To Be Excellent In The Workplace 1. And when the answers leap out at you, don’t discredit them (or let anyone else) until you’ve had the chance to test their workability. Don’t be afraid of failing or being called names or ridiculed for your ideas. Benchmark … So many times a company sets out to accomplish a project, and then after a lot has gone in, the business simply looses interest or motivation in the continuation of such project and suspends it subsequently. How to Achieve Excellence in Ergonomics. Most companies, and even the national economy is been forced to adapt to the change in the depreciating naira value as well as pressures in the capital market and the import business. Your organization can be one of the Best-of-the-Best. Projects and tools are a useful place to start but on their own, they are … To excel in leadership, especially in the workplace, always seek WIN-WIN situations with both your colleagues and customers alike. Always ask yourself, “What does the team need?” “What can be done to improve efficiency and effectiveness of how things are done?” Anticipate changes in the market before it actually happens and make your observation known to the owner and those in the position to take note and act on the information. There is no substitute for creativity and independent thinking. You can also follow me on twitter @benchidiele or like my pages on Facebook: or So often you find that it’s easy to start a project, but staying on course till the end becomes another issue all together. All rights reserved. Convention doesn’t always have the answers. How Leaders Build Organizations Where Employers Love to Come to Work. In essence, you cannot do it all alone. … Work hard at it until you succeed. This website uses cookies to improve service and provide tailored ads. Lead 7 Ways to Build Influence in the Workplace Influence has countless benefits, and is a particularly lucrative asset in the business world. (Keywords: Courage, Belief, Conviction, Perseverance). It is apt that this point follows right on the heels of Vision and Proactivity. In turn, it boosts the belief and confidence of the team in your leadership to achieve even the impossible. Manage yourself in a way that no matter how difficult a particular situation … By using this site, you agree to this use. Because of the increasing ethnic, social and religious diversity in work teams today, it often proves difficult for team members to readily get along due to individual differences. Achieving Operational Excellence Operational excellence is the ultimate goal of all organizations striving for continuous improvement. Seize every opportunity for improvement. Their positive attitude is contagious. This is the hallmark of excellent leadership. A tree does not make a forest, thus the saying goes. With these three evil arrowheads, it becomes difficult to build unity, loyalty and a sense of community. This can harm you or any business which allows such approach to take root. This will stand you in great stead in the organization and solidify your leadership potential and capability. Market forces also throw up sudden surprises that jolt businesses from their very foundations. This is an installment of the Workplace Ergonomics 101 series. To achieve people excellence, organisations need to focus on the growth and development of individuals. Determine if a critical … This has the capacity to hold great ideas back from being implemented. find the workplace to be cooperative and fun. This is one of the keys to excellent leadership. Remember that it’s all about the collective. Ensure you are always thinking of new ways to solve problems. When the objective is realized you’d have presented yourself excellently and your leadership qualities shone through for all to see. Because you’ve naturally trained yourself to always prepare for and adapt to change when necessary, your competence in handling the challenges posed by market forces will stand you out and place you in the Hall of Excellent Business Leaders! Remember that many business successes of our time and in years past are borne out of original ideas. Leadership Strategies for Creating a Respectful Workplace. By building strong relations with customers, you maintain good business relationship between customers and the company. • Rewards: 85% of employees reported that Twitter supports their work… This enables genuine cooperation, understanding and commitment to team ethics. When everyone is happy, everybody is happy. Add in an ongoing attitude that more communication to employees is better and hire and train the people who are receptive to achieving the company vision. This causes stagnation and inertia. Try some urgency, completing your daily goals by understanding … Professional excellence requires employ-ees to work fluidly with one another, thus minimizing miscommunication and conflict. Practice a little non-orthodox thinking from time to time. On one hand, your workplace goals must support the company mission. Set a date and time for follow-up. Another hallmark of an excellent business leader is the ability to work in a team and for the team. Remember it’s not about you, it’s about the collective. A fundamental way to achieve personal excellence is to develop the ability to do one’s tasks better each time around. As leader or member of a team in the company, show your leadership qualities by working to see that objectives and targets are always achieved. And they do this with so much pride and enthusiasm it becomes a natural part of their personality. You can’t just make … For example, some of the skills which I target to build for the upcoming few … Be known for your Vision and Proactivity. To excel in leadership, especially in the workplace, always seek WIN-WIN situations with both your colleagues and customers alike. Hold people accountable and continually recognize excellent performance. 10 Steps To Achieve Excellence in Anything 1. Good Work Ethic means being honest and hard working. When a colleague learns that you have put in a good word for them for the part they played in helping you on a project, they will be motivated to do more. It flourishes in a … To ensure, therefore, you become an effective leader who brings excellent leadership to your work that inspires all round productivity and effective team spirit, here are twelve ways: Always be yourself – be original. (Keywords: Emotional Intelligence and Cooperation). When we establish routines, we can carry out tasks faster … Communicate and understand the organization’s vision.. It’s not enough to simply have a stated organizational vision. Success often comes down to having the right attitude and smart decision … They must develop attitudes that promote engagement and behave in ways that set high performance standards. An additional complication is that certain companies (and managers) are better at helping their employees set and achieve work … Have the hunger for excellence.. You need to want to achieve excellence. This requires constant upgrading of one’s knowledge and skills in various areas of work. Remember it’s not about you, it’s about the collective. To lead with excellence you have to anticipate things before they happen and put the necessary steps in place to ensure positive outcome. Instructions Step 1: Demonstrate classy appreciation for the help colleagues extend. Get the training you need for workplace excellence and take our course on Leadership Strategies for Creating a Respectful Workplace. Why? Otherwise, goal-setting is just a rote, check-the-box exercise. For more information, see our Cookie Policy. In the end, their energy and positivism filters through to those they lead till excellence is achieved. Companies with higher morale (more than 70%) outperformed those in the same industries by 11.3%. (Keywords: Focus, Purpose, and Dedication). We and third parties such as our customers, partners, and service providers use cookies and similar technologies ("cookies") to provide and secure our Services, to understand and improve their performance, and to serve relevant ads (including job ads) on and off LinkedIn. In order to build an effective team, managers must transform themselves into leaders who inspire excellence in those around them. Passion is the first but most important step to reaching excellence. Because of the ever competitive nature of doing business today, most companies are beginning to realize that to stay top of their game in the industry, they need players/employees who have what it takes to lead the company to business success and more. The author , Benedict Chidiele, is a trained Psychologist, Writer, Editor, Business Systems Strategist, and Poet, and has the honour of being among Top 100 Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter. Fear of failure is one of the limiting factors of excellent leadership. A WIN-WIN situation boosts relationships both within and outside the company. So, become an excellent business leader today. Excellence also means that you’ve identified the areas that are OK for this go … You strive and strive till results arrive – till you obtain the outcome you seek. Therefore, you must show your leadership qualities by not fearing failure’s shame, rather you need to up your game to bring your organization to fame. Setting and achieving goals, clear expectations, recognition, feedback, as well as encouraging management all contribute to an increase in workplace motivation. In the end, it’s a WIN-WIN situation for the business owners, the active workers and those seeking active employment, their families, the economy and the world in general. This can pose damaging consequences to the underlying dynamics of the members of the company as the ill blood and negativity it generates often leads to sabotage, betrayal and the loss of trust. All great leaders in business and politics know this. There is only a 5.9 percentage point difference between Best-of-the-Best companies and the rest when it comes to employee compensation. Sometimes we fail to see the picture and end up running into obstacles and challenges because we are least prepared for them. Be clear on your organization’s purpose and meaning… You refuse to take failure as a conclusion. Offer the training and opportunities people need to perform well, and make sure they have the resources to provide service that delights your customers. Your enthusiasm fuels optimism. Greater emphasis is now being placed on a staff force built on excellent leadership qualities that guarantees optimum performance and productivity. By being willing to take on more responsibilities, one can develop more skills and gain more experience. Also feel free to add your comments below. They approach every task with the mindset of achieving something remarkable from it – their eyes always fixed on the “ball”. This is a standard practice with any sales job but can be useful in... 2. Now you know the ways and what you need to do to become an excellent business leader. Having the bigger picture in mind also helps you to maintain focus. And if the responsibility falls in your lap, then get up and do something about it. Think outside of the box to discover how you can help and lead the team better. It is interesting to note here that we need great businesses and great business leaders to build a great world. When businesses become great, the economy becomes great as well. Six ways to achieve a culture of excellence in the workplace 1. (Keywords: Enthusiasm and Achievement-Orientation). Not all your ideas will be appreciated, not all of them would work, but your originality will be welcome by those who look for and appreciate excellence. He is the author of ENGAGED! Therefore, you need to ensure you strive as much as you can to reduce the degree of envy by allowing more “We” than “I” to be attached to you and your accomplishments. Behavior At Work: Slow Down To Increase Your Work Efficiency These are some of the easiest and more practical behavior at work to help you increase your efficiency. Productivity Work Smarter, Not Harder: 10 Ways to Be More Effective at Work We are creatures of habit and so are our brains. All smart leaders understand this, and use such leadership style to get more out of the people while excelling in their leadership. If someone helped you on a project, acknowledge their contributions. Empathize with your struggling colleague. This guarantees continual business, which leads to improved revenue generation and profit. For more articles related to "How to achieve excellence in the workplace… Such altruism will endear you to your colleagues and employers, and stand you out as a leader who can inspire his team to greatness because he works with them side by side, helping them on when things are challenging and being there whenever the need arises. I’d be glad to add you as a connection! I’d be glad to have them and share with you. See our,, 5 Ways to Build Tomorrow’s Business Leaders…, How to Successfully Manage Anger in Your…. Don’t be shy to ask those who know more or have more experience… 5 Simple Tips To Achieve Excellence: 1. Most companies are so afraid to fail that they begin to be less and less adventurous. The 2008 economic crisis that rocked the whole world is one such example of how the market can suddenly somersault and turn on it head in a sharp nose-dive that most businesses fail to recover from. The real reason employees leave is that they do not love their jobs or feel a strong relationship with their bosses. ©2020 American Management Association. Or when they’ve had to pick up the slack of employees who have been given pink slips? Have a Strong Desire for Excellence. You must always work for a positive outcome. Moreover, … This is one of the foundations of all failed work teams. Be convinced of your idea and believe in yourself. Your ability to understand, manage, regulate and adapt to the different contending emotions and orientations, as well as your own emotions, will ensure you relate and connect with members in the best way possible. You may also connect with me here on LinkedIn. Contact him at 877.727.6468 or [email protected]. Without... 2. Approach every task given you with courage and belief, no matter the level of difficulty or the obstacles before you. Be passionate about your idea and show how it can work to move the company forward. He writes and speaks on Leadership, Relationship, Branding and Business. Each day is an open opportunity for mastering skills and furthering goals. On the other hand, they must be your own. You can reach Benedict Chidiele on +234 813 733 7618 or at and Implement actions to achieve work excellence ; Work Ethic and Excellence. These differences have a way of spilling into the team dynamics and can easily bring about fractures, factions and frictions. American Management Association is a world leader in professional development, advancing the skills of individuals to drive business success. Demand that their … how to get the people while excelling in their leadership take.. 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