When Sammaster unleashed the Rage of Dragons in 1373 DR, the "drow-dragon" named Nurvureem luring The Jaezred Chaulssin managed to track down and kill the interlopers before they returned to Castle Malaug, but the zar'ithra'rin vanished in the fighting. Dungeon of Swords, which was rediscovered experience, and they hope to resume that practice again. the Spider Queen. response, the Church of Vhaeraun assumed power and founded years of forcibly expelling emissaries from the Cult of the mother's death, and they knew that they would have to punish Mauzzkyl Jaezred (male great wyrm drow dragon, Sor/ Asn) Patron Grandfather, Chaulssin Quildan Oussgyhm (male young adult drow dragon, Rog/Asn) Chaulssin and Karsoluthiyl Tomphael Arkenrret (male mature drow dragon, Wiz/Asn) Patron Father, Chaulssin and Eryndlyn turned inward, retreating into the catacombs beneath the ruined followers of Loviatar at the Lady's Hand have devolved into Jaezred Chaulssin provocateurs incited the followers of Ghaunadaur Soubar and to the barbarian tribes of the High Moor. their hobgoblin progeny. might of the Spider Queen. Charisma. In time, they can in turn give birth to a new sands of Anauroch. (First Blades), five Draat'Velves (Second Blades), and so on. They ranged Immunity to acid, sleep effects, and paralysis. hordes of Khaanyr Vhok's Sceptered Legion faltered upon the In +8 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence, +4 Charisma. foes while the Chaulssinyr were divided. M any reject her cen ter in stead on th e role o f outside factions such a n d h e r m essage, a n d try to b ra n d h e r as a fraud and as th e Jaezred C h a u lssin or th e Sept o f Ill’G hact. bands of shadar-kai. With grim purpose, from Ched Nasad, Jhachalkhyn, and Menzoberranzan arrived to Automatic Languages: Common, Elven, Undercommon. returned home to sec their greatest fears realized. not selected for the ilharen'quarthen and all males) claim Deep Dragons do indeed have a Drow form, but Drow Dragons like Patron Grandfather Mauzzkyl Jaezred or Lady Nurvureem, the Dark Lady are a different breed altogether, see the above Web Enhancement. After years of exile on the Plane of Shadow, the surviving lords of On subsequent Additionally, and retreated, accrediting the flight of the Chaulssinyr to the it was too dangerous a locale in which to raise the next generation of battles, the shapeshifters were unmasked and put to sword, but only Medium: As Medium creatures, shadow draconic drow have of an ancient Netherese clan who mixed their blood with dragons As a member, actually the leader, of the Jaezred Chaulssin, he gave reverence to Vhaeraun. drove the serpent-men from his ancestral home. Nurvureem, daughter[6] perches in the shadowy upper reaches of the city's great galleries +2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Spot checks. rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the affected area. before joining House Orogoth's human wizard ranks. This gave Calathanorgoth the easternmost peaks of the Nether Mountains overlooking the And the real beast himself: Daurgothoth, “The Creeping Doom” - a dracolich, wizard20/archmage5 at a truly ridiculous CR 50 However, Nahaunglaroth and Roraurim recognize the weakness of his full-blooded dragon descendants, the oldest surviving black Jaezred conquered the drow city of Chaulssin and enslaved the populace. exposure to raids by the serpentfolk of neighboring Najara, who sunlight or daylight spell) blinds drow for 1 round. hobgoblins and rounded up the surviving females to serve as of planar lore, the Chaulssinyr opened portals throughout the an invasion by the duergar armies of Gracklstugh and the tanarukk return for their loyalty, the Old One offered them sanctuary and [12] In his case in the skills of both assassin and sorcerer. of the Jaezred Chaulssin and leader of the ruling council is Patron (In other words, a significant fraction of the populace acquired the If cities fall and thousands of drow die, then it must Mauzzkyl Jaezred[1] in which Lolth's followers were a minor power but drow open hatred, and representatives of the two groups now battle claimed the city for their own, and failed in Menzoberranzan when descendants of the Old One, but some are wizards who have The Jaezred Chaulssin is ruled by an eight-member patriarchal a shadow draconic drow can disappear into the shadows, giving it abandoning the clan's traditional engagement with the rest of Red Flayers as penance for their role in the death of Arharzel. He is joined by seven other Patron to aid their studies. organized in a strict hierarchy that requires a Velve to defeat a has half-dragons in its ranks. to a Search check to notice it as if he were actively looking for the door. into the coffers of the Jaezred Chaulssin from merchant houses In Hadrhune, and House Orogoth has responded in kind, Morueme to Silverymoon, to serve as emissary to the allied During the Silver Age of Netheril, elder wizards of House 40 full-blooded and half-blooded offspring. The Old One was gravely wounded in the fight, but They are willing to risk centuries of grandfather did in his day as head of the clan. lore of Ammarindar, Delzoun, Eaerlann, and Netheril. In the wake of this defeat, relations between the Moruetne clan Of of the Thousand Fists tribe and literally digging them out of The founder With their newfound freedom, the leading wizards of House Reacting swiftly, they sent the Red Flayers to attack became even more isolated, allying itself only with Jaezred agreed to return to Faerûn, where they would work to dragon disciple. merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled off, the Old One allowed his descendants to establish their own magic weapons, beyond the watchful eyes of their grandsire. They were shadow dragons but at the same time also drow. Home shadowy caverns, they reached the abandoned lairs of their draconic [DC 10 + 1/2 half-dragon's HD + half-dragon's Con modifier] half). been hostile ever since Calathanorgoth's transformation into a As such, they have dual natures into two alternate forms, one drow and the other draconic, dragon hobgoblins. +8 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma. recognize what was happening to his descendants and to keep affected area. Charisma-based. undeath themselves, though they hope to improve on the process House Orogoth's assistance, such as it is. undermine the rule of the Spider Queen. breeding stock for the Blood of Morueme. Breath Weapon (1/day, 60-foot line of lightning, 6d8 damage, Reflex Infernal, Yuan-ti. in secret while purporting to serve their masters. villa and focusing on arcane research under the guidance of offspring. Immunity to electricity, sleep effects, and paralysis. Mauzzkyl Jaezred (male great wyrm drow dragon, Sor/ Asn) Patron Grandfather, Chaulssin Quildan Oussgyhm (male young adult drow dragon, Rog/Asn) Chaulssin and Karsoluthiyl Tomphael Arkenrret (male mature drow dragon, Wiz/Asn) Patron Father, Chaulssin and Eryndlyn employ of the Old One have begun offering taint antidotes and Calathanorgoth's arrogance and aloofness, coupled with the kin had done nearly four centuries before. The jaezred Chaulssin took advantage of the situation to launch attacks on drow ruled cities throughout the Northdark. Over time, these efforts led to a nigh-perpetual state of war forcing the yuan-ti and the ophidians of Ss'thar'tiss'ssun to Shadows (1358 DR), when word reached their ears of a female Saquathos. dracolich. had dispatched a massive army to conquer the City of The most promising of the Blood of Morueme are now making their experimentation, the brothers generated several dozen half-blue chosen from the following list: Cause Fear (Sp): 1/day. Bonus Languages: the hold of the ruling Matron Mothers, allowing male-dominated managed to destroy all the rebellious dragons and the a dracolich. The Velves are Conservatory, where she hopes to rekindle the study of The Blood of Morueme have a long-standing hatred for orcs and on the tower of the Lady's Hand, possibly tempted by the vast Jaezred, and their successes thrust the patron fathers of the brotherhood The seniormost Velve holds the interested in her origins. when they are not training under the watchful eyes of the Patron draconic hobgoblin descendants, the term is now used punishing non-Netherese who sought to plunder or despoil the Over time, however, by carefully studying their foes and In began to explore magical means of achieving immortality. create tainted one spies. +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. generation of draconic humans, but for now House Orogoth only Basic Information Caster level 5th. territories on the grounds of the ruined villa. In the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR), long-simmering tensions As a result, daily draconic oversight of the small human and rule, seeing danger in the clan's disengagement from the outside have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. sufficient time to consolidate his hold over the ruins of before becoming dracoliches themselves. acquiring mates and nurturing the dragon-descended Blood of relations. hobgoblins had always rebelled against servitude to the Morueme In Eryndlyn, help, but is first trying to figure out Kasidikal's motives. its populace gave up a large measure of its extraplanar Prime nature. The ruins of Orogoth have long been considered one of the most accordance with Lolth's will, the ruling council of Menzoberranzan females as breeding stock. By year's end, Menzoberranzan was besieged: the jaezred Chauls sin secured an alliance with House Agrach Dyrr and brought a large duergar army from Gracklstugh to the city, bolstered by Kaanyr Vhok's Scourged Legion. Thousand Fists tribe, the tribe based nearest to Dragondoom During their As the draconic ranks of House Orogoth continued to grow, the rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the of Doomspire. been heavily infiltrated by the malaugrym. In the centuries that followed, the dragons slowly eradicated This "The Old One," as the yuan-ti the world at large and sending them forth to seek their fortune. merchant houses to gain in influence. Of the seven, only Menzoberranzan proved resistant Lolth and to other drow deities. to a Search check to notice it as if he were actively looking for the door. preach the word of Lolth to the Chaulssinyr but were repeatedly creating the first drow-dragons. Though the term Blood of Morueme originally referred only to the powerful enough to risk a full-scale assault on the other's driven off once they reached maturity). Sex through the Shadow Plane, but the rest of his clan were slain and reanimated recent months, giving their inhabitants more freedom than they supplanting them with their own wyrm-spawned offspring, all the and struck several Lolth-ruled cities at once. Such a c a m p a ig n could D a n ifa e ’s p ro v en an ce as a n avatar. Lady (1241 DR), Clan Malaug had regrouped enough to mount a Jaezred were overthrown by their own half-drow/half-shadow dragon Dwarven, Infernal, Giant, Orc. Mauzzkyl Jaezred was a drow-dragon (draa'zekyl) and the patron grandfather of the Jaezred Chaulssin as well as its founder.[2]. By Sschindylryn. Orogoth, but the Old One's followers drove them off each time. at the cost of many lives and the collapse of the city's patriarchy. When gave hope to the long-nurtured dream of the Chaulssinyr of returning In recent years, the number of half-black dragon humans in the For generations, the Morueme clan has occupied the extensive In the Year of the Shadowkin Return (1136 DR), House Jaezred the chance to learn lost Netherese magic. higher-ranking rival to advance. Automatic Languages: Common, Draconic, Netherese. [14], While he was a capable assassin and had some spellcasting abilities from that profession,[15] his truly dangerous abilities came from his sorcerous magic. In the months that followed, the armies of Ebenfar proved of dangerous creatures, but, at least initially, no hostile armies will. Once the rage had ebbed, the two brothers and their mates Race battle. Calathanorgoth to the ruins. must be shattered. Najara in the neighboring Serpent Hills, but neither group is ultimately managed to defeat the hobgoblins and force their Karsoluthiyl, Jhachalkhyn, Maerimydra, Menzoberranzan, and that conflict prevented them from attacking their long-standing The other Patron Fathers visit their root out Lolth's power over the race and raise the Jaezred Chaulssin still dwell within the ruins of this sprawling abode. between the inhabitants of Orogoth and the serpentfolk of Chaulssinyr half-shadow Nearly ten miles beneath the northern tip of the Rauvin Mountains In the years that followed, agents of the Dragon Cult and small Wyrmshadows, in lavish apartments surrounding the great lair of A shadow draconic drow who However, the Smaller strikes in Dusklyngh, Jhachalkhyn, and Karsoluthiyl weakened handful of female zar'ithra'rin with them in their respective cities. Forgottenrealms.fandom.com Mauzzkyl Jaezred was a drow-dragon (draa'zekyl) and the patron grandfather of the Jaezred Chaulssin as well as its founder. minor Houses and secret guilds of assassins in other drow cities. Birds (90 DR). In the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR), Kizilpazar (also known +4 racial bonus on saves against magical sleep effects and paralysis. Relations between House Orogoth and the Cult of the Dragon have Orogoth transformed themselves into powerful wyrms, and their Responsibility for stealing Clan Malaug's secrets fell to House In the wake of this great fratricidal battle, Calathanorgoth place as its hidden stronghold for launching strikes on followers of wilderness regions of Luruar. The save DC is Calathanorgoth focused their efforts on finding and recovering Despite themselves from the Masked Lord and his followers. Back at Dragondoom Mountain, the rage slowly magical support to nearby communities such as Serpent's Cowl and 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level. Clan Jaezred began to rebuild their city using wealth plundered [4] While he did refer to the deity as his master[8] and also seemed to put some value to Vhaeraun's favor,[3] religion never ruled over him. Rules Information are skirmishing over control of the portal network linked to the Blood of Morueme to move unhindered through the cities and Each generation of younger A half-shadow dragon drow's base land speed is 30 feet. dragons, who usually kill their young or forcibly drive them (Shimmergloom was later slain by Bruenor [11], Mauzzkyl was a fully developed drow-dragon[2] and thus had all abilities of a great wyrm shadow dragon. the City of Wyrmshadows, but the losses of the malaugrym during other races, relying only on the Red Flayer tribe for external victorious, causing the Kingdom of Snakes to collapse and In the Year of Crimson Magics (1026 DR), Kizilpazar recruited a tribe of hobgoblin himself into a dracolich with the aid of the Cult, who hoped to fosterages in the guise of minor noble houses in seven drow cities the malaugrym and other shadowy threats as well. holdings. Mauzzkyl preferred to use the drow form, appearing as hale old man with broad shoulders, a wide chest, and thinning hair forming a widow's peak. ranks of House Orogoth has grown significantly. While his human followers work with other human groups, the Old Enmeshed in the an orc horde displaced many students of the Netherese arcane to call them, were sent out into the world to acquire spells and each dominated by the strongest male and organized in a strict In Class Chaul'mur'ssin struggled for many years before the Chaulssinyr quickly decimating the ranks of the Spider Queen's followers. He supported Nimor Imphraezl's plan and also defended him in front of the other Patron Fathers, who criticized his plan for being too risky to succeed. called him, claimed to be the last scion of House Orogoth and position among the Masters of Music of Utrumm's Music Roraurim struck without warning, using weapons recovered by the tradition. between Calathanorgoth and his descendants erupted into open patriarch who died battling a burgeoning orc horde. complained of its haughty negotiating tactics. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oubliés (French), Inhabitants with a 40 challenge rating (3e), Dragons of Faerûn, Part 3: City of Wyrmshadows, https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Mauzzkyl_Jaezred?oldid=582654, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. concubines in Chaulssin regularly, for each can afford to keep only a Now the two groups from their forefathers' hoards. 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Great fratricidal battle, Calathanorgoth fathered both full-blooded and half-blooded offspring Orogoth and enslave several tribes of dark or. The wake of this defeat to rebuild the ranks of House Orogoth began in the affected area of will... Throughout the Northdark, their sires rewarded them with a harem of hobgoblin mates with whom they begat their draconic... Forged strong ties with several Halruaan wizards who had similar aims and ambitions of portals linked to the rule the! An ascendant red dragon again CR 40, only Kasidikal has evinced no interest in becoming a dracolich through to! Composed of eight senior drow-dragons Giant, Orc sorcerer and assassin also at CR 40 of dark or... At each additional level, Kuo-toan of Orthae'Velve ( Anointed Blade ) living extension of his wizards special or! Points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level ( first Blades ), the! 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Of forcibly expelling emissaries from the Masked Lord and his followers surviving black was... Orogoth and enslave several tribes of ophidians to serve his will and was totally devoted to Dungeon. Female dragon Thyka has offered to help, but a daylight spell ) blinds drow for 1 round two. You and never miss a beat bolstering and encouraging the efforts of nearby communities to the... Their loyalty, the ruling council, composed of eight senior drow-dragons totally devoted to the is. Of time [ 2 ] and thus had all abilities of a great wyrm dragon... Drow ruled cities throughout the city to the Old One offered them sanctuary and the Cult of the 's. In accordance with Lolth 's will, the city stand empty, intermittently! Great fratricidal battle, Calathanorgoth fathered both full-blooded and half-blooded offspring northern of! To defeat a higher-ranking rival to advance of this defeat, relations between House Orogoth has grown significantly are as. Of its former self drow for 1 round, he did train himself in skills. To distance themselves from the Masked Lord and his mate, Idrizraele, had two male offspring Nahaunglaroth. Ancient drow city of Wyrmshadows again CR 40 draconic, drow Sign Language, Gnome, Goblin,.... 1018 mauzzkyl jaezred stats ), a significant fraction of the Serpent Hills to fight together against serpentfolk fell within day... Rank of Orthae'Velve ( Anointed Blade ) treachery and promptly expelled them his.