Lemme guess - you, too? Seaman: I work for Sensui. - you'll go zippin' and we'll be the champions o' that one! Don't you have a team? Sorry I couldn't finish the first three of them as I planned. Who am I gonna fight? I trust you found evidence before punishing. Fortune's tappin' at my elbow. Maybe I'll handle that now. When released, the Mafukan will create a Kekkai Barrier Net to ensnare the encroaching enemy. It seems you haven't lost your Spirit Power, you just needed a kick in the ass. Because he's training to be a man. [Kuwabara runs straight into Onji's conjured bubble]. Ogre: Koenma, sir. Why did I run away to be an announcer? Even a person with the slightest spirit awareness can feel this forest will tear you into pieces if you let it. Jaganshi Hiei: Surely you're not dropping out of the game when we've come this far? Dr. Ichigaki: My perfect inventions! He stopped wearing it midway through the 2nd season (presumably because it was ruined in his fights against the first two members of Team Masho). The title "Saint" was given to them by their followers. My powers have to be carried forward even if they must stay for awhile in the hands of the wicked. [Captain Otake reveals that Spirit Detective Yusuke Urameshi is a direct descendant of the Mazaku]. Jaganshi Hiei: If Kurama is injured, we're going to have some problems. I'm hanging upside-down from a tree. Why do they hate me? [in flashback] If there has ever been a human destined to be Spirit Detective, it was you. Youda: I've charted the military power of each of the three territories in Demon World. Yusuke Urameshi: Anyone care if I puke on myself? Kurama: Apparently he's learned what no one before him has: The only way to gain real control of the Darkness Flame is to trap it within. Botan: Oh, you know. You're free to go with us or you are free to be our foe, but if you choose the later the next time we meet I'll show you no mercy. Risho: We must always keep our eye on the final goal, Touya. Sakyo: This is so boring. We've gone far past the stage of fighting for our honor. So much for those freshly waxed washboard abs I loved so dearly. Those who lost - please get lost. But can you really be surprised? Goodbye. Yusuke Urameshi: And I'll check the upstairs. Koenma: Now you look like you're gonna flash somebody. But I've been helping Urameshi. Shinobu Sensui: My job was to protect the universe as a whole, and that's exactly what I'm doing. None succeeded. They're watching us risk our lives like it's funny. How creepy is that? Koto: How odd that Chu has stabbed his knife into the ground instead of into Yusuke. And do it with some style. In times before, I've seen Hiei act with similar cruelty, but something about Byakko's execution has caused great anger in him. Genkai: Cut the sentimental crap! Penalty: one death. Kazuma Kuwabara: [disgusted with Yusuke's continued absence] That punk. How long have I been out? Elder Toguro: Sensui gathered up a bunch of these new psychics for his plan, including this brainless lump. Dr. Ichigaki: [chuckling] Isn't this mysterious? Yusuke Urameshi: So I guess your legs are shaking out of eagerness? He'll destroy whole cities, not to mention my precious backside. Koto: There're relatively few of us left in the audience now. We could run, if you want. Youko Kurama: Do you realize the danger you'll be in? I don't think my ears are old enough for this. Botan: I guess Kuwabara won't be so easy to beat from now on, huh? Narrator: Deciding to pass her technique to one person before she dies, Genkai is holding a contest to find the most worthy pupil. Shinobu Sensui: Open your mouth and close your eyes. Botan: It's ironic that, out of all of the fighters, Shorin was last on my list as a suspect. At last I enter a fight for which I don't know the outcome. A pawn of insecure males seeking to own their women. Prove to me who you are by telling me your boob size. Yusuke Urameshi: I'd like you to remove your head from your ass, but I don't see that happening any time soon. The baby is always female unless the mother has violated the laws of our society and conceived the child with a man. Judging from the attacks, Kuwabara's obviously had the upper hand, but by the looks of them it's as if Kuwabara's the one taking all the blows. Captain Otake: That's affirmative, sir. You leaving now? You need some motivation, and that's why I've come here. Just look. Yusuke Urameshi: Of course I heard you. Hiei: You see, I told you Kuwabara's training wouldn't be enough. Itsuki: If it's possible, let me have one more day to live, Mr. Sensui. After going through a big ordeal to get his life back, Yusuke had a brief second chance until he was EATEN BY A FISH! It's both Yusuke's and Genkai's destiny. Yomi: Hello, Kurama. He's even got your hair. Onji: Even with YOUR abilities, the Dragon of Darkness Flame can roast you like a blond chicken on a spit. Itsuki: At every moral crisis that stood in the way of Sensui's plan, a new personality would be forged to do the work. And if we're right, which by all signs we are, he's a genetic time-bomb just waiting to trigger. Yoko Kurama: Creating a bomb form nothing takes talent. The animated series won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize for best anime in 1994 and 1995. [Two demon members of Team Ichigaki come upon Hiei and Kurama in the woods, looking for a fight]. Botan: [livid and storming in] You must be out of your mind! I must have forgotten to turn my hearing aid on. I take it you are fighting first. Her name is Keiko Yukimura, and she's very close to Yusuke's heart. Youko Kurama: Hopefully, he's finding us a fifth fighter. No, they sure don't, thank you! I must take the burden for what you are now. Your Spirit World will have to create another enemy so you can keep on fighting, as that is, after all, what you do. Yusuke Urameshi: It's showdown time on the next ass-kickin' episode of Yu Yu Hakusho. Misako: [possessed by Yusuke] You should have listened. Even Bui must accept what that means. I don't have time to be arrested. Toguro's demon energy is so strong that it's literally melting the flesh off the weaker apparitions. Botan: Sure. Really, there won't be any humans to protect in a few centuries anyway. Gourmet: Bingo! Keiko Yukimura: But they'll kill each other, Shizuru. Koenma: Your golden egg, you moron. Botan: You got him good, Yusuke. This tournament full of demons isn't real. Gourmet: Pretty big words comin' from a guy who's as hard to catch as the case of the clap. Get yourself to higher ground, Botan. Hiei: What is that ridiculous appendage growing out of your head all about? And I can see your entire body shaking. Now we can all go back home and not have to look at each other for awhile. There's no point in doing it if the people closest to you don't care. [Suzaku laughs] [Yusuke puts his rubber shoes on his hands]. Yusuke Urameshi: [from the ground, unmoving] Even though it looks like I can't move right now, I'm very dangerous. Then I'll go see Keiko when she's an old hag. If it's huggy, kissy stuff you want, go home and watch your soaps. Shinobu Sensui: This is not something I usually do - fighting opponents who I know have no chance of beating me - but I'm making exceptions for you, to offer some modicum of peace that you at least TRY to avenge your friend's death before your own. Yusuke Urameshi: That's what the saying means: No matter what you have you always want what's out of reach. Kaname Hagiri a.k.a. Gagaki: Five fights in a row - you'd be exhausted. I'm going to come back and heal you from your madness. Sensui Shinobu: [reflectively] Never satisfied, never full, they eat and destroy with grubby hands until nothing is left but piss, but now the judgement of all humans has begun. It makes injuring me very complicated. Keiko Yukimura: Hurry, Yusuke! So you see, a poor choice seals our fate. Guess when you become a champ you get to do all the cool stuff. Shizuru Kuwabara: That's right, baby brother. They did everything together. Botan: Well of course it is. He can not last through the year. Kazuma Kuwabara: You're just gonna walk away? Byakko: [from a distance] What, have you all surrendered? You won't be fooling anyone else with that crappy mask. If my assumptions are correct, he's about to detonate. Koto: Oh, wow, folks. You're acting like a little bitch. It's just my pure energy, and I bet it can kick the crap out of you spirit gun. Botan is just too depressed to perform the duties that are expected of her. Genkai: All these years to find the right student. He deeply enjoys the suffering of others. What aren't you guys tellin' me? How could you kill off your own friend? we all have to die when our time comes, but if we do our duty we don't have regrets, so taste a little piece of my sword toguro! [a gang of demons discover Yusuke asleep under a tree]. She was a fighter who wanted to be the very best in the world. Keiko Yukimura: Ew! Botan: It's really quiet, almost eerily quiet. I even timed the video's climactic final scene as a requiem for his death. Koenma: Wow. I think the feeling is hidden really good. Kazuma Kuwabara: Ladies and gentlemen and other stuff - Kuwabara returns! And i'll prove it. Yusuke Urameshi: The sinning tree? The last time Yusuke died, his ghost popped right out of him. Kurama: His wits match my own. Didn't even have to break the other leg. Fortunately the brains in Spirit World only made this net to filter out demon energy. Ironically though, now that your powers are finally strong enough to match me, you can't get close. What's wrong with the lights? It should have ended. Younger Toguro: You do know this is your fault, right, for living in a constant state of repression? Why let some teacher get the credit? Younger Toguro: If you don't mind, I'd like to fight against your team single-handedly. Your friends will last thirty minutes, and then I'll get to watch them die. [Hiei exerts his restored energy toward breaking free of Ruka's trap. Yusuke Urameshi: [to Shinobu] Just you and me now. Yusuke Urameshi: There's no way she'll make it! Keeps the demons occupied. My father talked of it once but I didn't think anyone could do it. Kurama: We're in the locker room, and you've been hibernating for a little over six hours. Not everyone, believe it or not, is interested in how groovy they look. You do have a VIP ticket, you know. LOOK at this baby! Two-Eyed Demon: De nerve o' dat guy, attackin' the audience like dat! Y? Kuwabara has greatly increased his powers, and no one even had to force him. Yusuke Urameshi: [to himself] Damn it! It's a strength. Yusuke Urameshi: I'm fighting you 'cause you won't let us save that girl. How well will he fight here inside Maze Castle while back on the Earth his dear Keiko screams in agony? Kazuma Kuwabara: I'm serious. Botan: "Sneezy, sneezy, achoo - somebody special's thinking about you.". Hiei: You're playing a dangerous game, Kurama. Yusuke Urameshi: No. Yusuke Urameshi: [standing near Kuwabara] Well, thanks for the offer, but this doofus would have a fit if I gave his spot away. Would never do something so deceitful. Genkai: Everyone has to fight with time to find their place before their inevitable death. Yusuke Urameshi: Yeah, we're lost, and the birds ate our breadcrumbs. I won't say a word. Alliances are formed strictly to gain power. The potion wore off. And then from the B-class a handful take the next big leap, intellect close to omnipotence, bodies of huge size and power, creatures fit for human legend, like the Titans of Greek myth. Shizuru Kuwabara: [yells to Yusuke] You tell 'em, kid! Youko Kurama: By aiding in this mission, Koenma has assured us we can clean our slates in Spirit World. Yusuke Urameshi: [smiling in kind] I think I do. They're not protecting me because I've given the command. You have shown me that fear. Hiei: Who am I to turn down a fan's request. In the fourth and final stage, the border tunnel breech achieves a stabilized diameter of over two kilometers, allowing total passage. The television series has also been broadcast in various other countries around the world. Mr. Iwamoto: Yes. Genkai: I think this kid's far too young to be having control of us. Yusuke Urameshi: [welcomingly] Well, well, well. Hiei: He's trying to talk in his sleep when he's awake. Could spark a newer and stronger rebellion. Koenma: I had ordered him to seal up the tunnel between the human and the demon world. Three-Eyed Demon: YOU wanted to stick around longer to get mutilated and massacred, ya glutton for masocism. Hiei: It's an explicit sign that he's internalizing his power, which means the bombs he creates are now inside of him, virtually making him one giant explosive. Younger Toguro: And I thought you might actually be the one, Urameshi. Kazuma Kuwabara: Yeah, and after him, you're next! Koenma: The blue-haired person on the end is my assistant, and apparently she has a very loud mouth. Why don't you stay down and watch the end of Kayko's movie? Suzaku: Your final attack... Its power was very impressive, but I'm afraid it will not accomplish what you wished. Your voice grows irksome ] Pardon my insolence, but they happen be... Of Jankin 's grandmother it certainly was kind of girl, botan than! Of vibration, it was palpable, a poor choice seals our fate thick strands that constitute her dress! 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