Learn about 11 Air Purifying Plants Safe for Cats that are non-toxic to pets and cleanse the indoor air from harmful VOCs and indoor particulate matter. Does not necessarily mean that they cats are eating them. Popularized as a household plant in the Victorian era, the Parlor palm is a cat-safe houseplant that grows well under indoor lighting and even reacts to artificial lights. What Are The Dangers Of Cats Chewing And Eating House Plants? Many people want to add plants to their homes for the many benefits they bring; from space enhancement to spiritual uplifting; from air cleaning and purification to good energy. The cat is exercising his hunting skills as he pounces. Staghorn Fern. They do enjoy humidity, so don’t let them dry out. Indoor plants safe for cats ,

We get lots and lots of mail asking us what indoor plants are poisonous to cats. You can build an outdoor, safe cat enclosure, or train your cat to allow you to walk them on a harness and leash. Are these safe for your cat? Our feline friends don’t always know what’s best for them, so it’s up to us to keep them safe. 1. Like allergies in humans, cats can have adverse reactions to things unexpectedly. Its drought tolerant and does well for those not good with a watering schedule. However, the banana (Musa) is a dramatic accent plant that is safe for all pets. Find the plant you’re interested in and then do a general search to see if it will grow in low light conditions. But the green lovelies listed here are common household plants proven to thrive indoors and it’s okay if kitty cats stick their whiskered faces in them. These funky little plants will blow your mind. There's a long list of cat safe houseplants for the Indoor Gardener to choose from. Give your interior a gorgeous touch of these houseplants & stay assured for your pets! If you decide to move the impatiens from your container outside you can acclimate them to more sunlight by gradually exposing them a bit more son every couple days over the course of a week or two. We’ll cover the 11 detoxifying plants that are safe for cats and dogs (as reported by the ASPCA, links included). It does require a little bit of care to be healthy in that it needs to be watered frequently especially in the spring and the summer. Let’s investigate some pet friendly air purifying plants. There are over it thousand different species of this plant and most of them generally reach a maximum height of 12 inches. Who knows why felines do the things they do! This plant is quite hardy and can live up 20-30 years indoors. Finding your plant’s water sweet spot will take a minute, but the work is well worth it as these cat safe houseplants and their wide, glossy leaves are a treat for your eyes and your kitty cat’s. #houseplant #indoorplants #gardening #plants. Some low light loving plants are the Guzmania varieties which come an amazing variety of colors. Keep in mind that while these plants are not poisonous if ingested, it is still highly recommended to not eat them! You’re sure to find a perfect fit (without worrying about your cat) in … Also know that while these cat safe houseplants have proven nontoxic to cats, please remember every cat is unique. One final thing, as a plant lover and cat lover let me provide you with an 800 number in case you notice your kitty in distress: We wish you and your kitty the best in your gardening adventures. Just because your plants are disappearing in appear to be bitten off (like my spider plant). No direct sun though, the delicate leaves can easily scorch. The worst culprits are lilies and foxgloves, because the pollen can cause kidney damage. Bill Urell is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com and also participates in affiliate programs with ShareASale, and other sites. Similar to the Parlor palm, the Areca palm prefers bright, but indirect sunlight. Obviously, we could not give you a comprehensive list of all the plants that met the criteria of being both safe for cats and growing well in low light conditions. Discover non-toxic houseplants that are safe for children, dogs, and cats, low maintenance, easy to grow, and add to any decor! It’s really easy to grow and is a real trooper when it comes to low light conditions. So just use care and make sure your cats don’t harm themselves on your plants. If you want to know more, reference this guide to houseplants for detailed information on indoor plants (including the ones listed above). Money Tree. Don’t think that you can’t have houseplants if you have cats. The plant remains small and compact, making it nice for indoor containers. In general, they are safe for cats. If you want a cat safe houseplant with showy blooms, the moth orchid may be the beauty for you. My cats favorite toy is a simple piece of string that I jiggle  in front of his nose and he pounces on it. Safe Plants Make Happy Homes. This is one of the easiest plants to propagate by cutting segments from the tips. ), how often to re-pot, and more. Use caution. Some common houseplants can be poisonous to cats. And, it’s another of NASA’s clean air plants. That’s a whole topic by itself. Safe Houseplants for Cats. Cat Safe Houseplants List. Easy To Grow Blooming Houseplants | 12 Best Blooming Indoor Plants, Best Plants For High Rise Balconies | Wind Tolerant Plants, Best Plants For Garden Urns | Making A Garden Urn Focal Point, Which Is Better? If so, you know the importance of giving your furry darling a jungle of plants that are safe for cats. Just like kitty cats. Here’s a list of some common plants that are toxic to cats: Amaryllis (Amaryllis spp.) While they don’t require soil for growing, air plants do require a soak in water once a week and love a good misting. They bloom for up to 4 months at a time and … Cats are very similar to what they are doing is chewing on the plants rather than eating them. Bill Urell is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Check out this easy, go-to guide for introducing safe indoor plants that won't pose a risk to your four-legged friends! Even a few leaves can cause serious issues ranging from tremors to seizures, … The “obligate”means that they HAVE to, or are obligated to eat meat by necessity. They are easy to grow, adapt to lowlight conditions and are safe for your cat. Avoid the risk by growing these non-toxic pet friendly houseplants. Here are 15 beautiful, nontoxic, and easy-to-maintain houseplants … To be completely safe, I think it is a good idea to never encourage your cats to chew in eat your plants. View this post on Instagram. I love my cat. Beyond keeping the tempting plant from your cat’s clutches, the spider plant requires low maintenance and tolerates low light conditions. Certain plants can be toxic to pets when ingested, sometimes causing … Now we going to present for your consideration lowlight indoor plants most of which are very easy to grow, that are not toxic to your cat. Cats think moth orchids are pretty too. If your pet ever does nibble on a plant, even one unlikely to cause health issues, make sure to watch closely for any signs of a negative reaction. So long as there was no pollen on the leaves she should be hopefully. But, regardless of the confusion about its name you’re still good to go as it is an easy to grow, low light, houseplant. Obviously, we want the lowlight Bromeliads. Bird's nest fern. This list of plants will cause toxic reactions in cats. Fans of indirect light and moist soil, try these nontoxic true fern varieties for your house: Its imperative cats don’t get hold of the plants mentioned below. But beyond the allure of snagging the spiderettes, spider plants are hallucinogenic to cats. Please note that this is only a sampling of plants from hundreds of possibilities and is by no means a complete list. While these palms are cat safe houseplants, don’t let them destroy it! Common blooms like lilies, poppies and marigolds can be harmful as well as seasonal plants like mistletoe and poinsettia. Festive up your house with the strange blooms of the Christmas cactus. Bamboo plants in general are safe for cats. And, if she happens to nip at one of the serrated leaves, don’t fret. As soon as I realized what he was up to I had to do some quick research to find out if spider plants were poisonous to cats. We have prepared a list of non-toxic, 18 Low Light Indoor Plants Safe for Cats and Dogs, approved by ASPCA. 1. Areca Palm. I started researching plants that were easy to grow, low light indoor plants: and, plants safe for cats. These plants must be kept moist in very well-draining soil. If you can find bamboo that makes a good houseplant and will grow in a lowlight you’re good to go. Its fronds are also concentrated towards the top of the plant, so even though it’s safe for cats, they’ll have trouble reaching up that high if they want to snack. I, personally, think that the cats really enjoy it for the sheer pleasure of it. Fern. It is possibly the one of the most popular in warmer climates. It is so adapted to low light that putting in the sun will actually cause it to lose its markings before dying. Parlor Palm  Forest & Kim Starr via Flickr Licensed under Creative Commons. The spider plant was on the list. June 5, 2020 at 2:16 pm. Maybe the small nature of the plant will help keep it from catching kitty dear’s attention. Bamboo palm plants are safe for dogs and cats, Dr. Dimock says. On the safe plant list there are 569 plants listed. Be careful of too much water though. Plus, Parlor palms are proven to purify the air in your home according to a NASA study. But PLEASE do not allow your cat outdoors unattended without a harness and leash, or safe cat enclosure. There is no need to worry any longer, because non-toxic plants can still brighten up your garden. It likes humidity and moist soils but can put up with the odd dry spell. Note: Too much of any plant may make a cat vomit. The Areca is temperamental about watering, enjoying moist soil in the spring and summer while preferring a drier pot during fall and winter. The Christmas cactus is considered non-toxic to cats. Ponytail Plant . If you did not see your favorite plant among our suggestions you can go to the ASPCA site and click on their Toxic Plant List. Remember, cats are obligate carnivores, if they actually eat the plants and swallow them all sorts of nastiness occurs: Always keep the 24-hour Animal Poison Control Center number on hand for emergencies. Something about African violet blooms attract cats. These include medicinal plants such as Aloe Vera and common dinner flower centerpieces like dahlias and lilies. Destruction of the tall, strap-leaved plant is near impossible. I can’t resist starting off this suggestion list with the plant that we have been referring to as a real life example. Those bright flowers swaying on their stalk can mesmerize a kitty and invite investigation of the tooth and claw kind. Perhaps they love the bold colors too and think eating the pretty flower is giving it a high honor. There are many more too, if you want to check some out, take a look here. While none of these plants really “climb” without a bit of help, they really enjoy a nice moss pole, trellis, or command hooks to cling to. Pet Safe Indoor Climbing Plants. Unfortunately, some plants and pets don't mix, and certain types of houseplants are toxic to cats and dogs. I noticed that a lot of common houseplants really are dangerous to cats. With shades of pink, red, lavender, deep indigo, and cream, the African violet is easy to care for, but needs plenty of bright light to maintain its lovely blooms. H/T: www.aspca.com Cat Safe Houseplants Parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans) Popularized as a household plant in the Victorian era, the Parlor palm is a cat-safe houseplant that grows well under indoor lighting and even reacts to artificial lights.They do enjoy humidity, so don’t let them dry out. These indoor climbing plants are safe for cats and dogs and can be trained easily to climb a wall or structure. There aren’t many houseplants safe for cats which have more beautiful blooms than the phalaenopsis orchid. Bromeliaceae Aechmea, the Aechmeas are extremely long-lasting and resilient. They have an online tool that notes hundreds of different plants that are toxic for dogs, cats, and horses. All parts of the plant are toxic. Low Light Indoor Plants Safe For Cats Now we going to present for your consideration lowlight indoor plants most of which are very easy to grow, that are not toxic to your cat. It is listed on a lot of “easiest to grow” plant lists and is great for a beginner. Then we’ll highlight the 19 air purifying plants that happen to be toxic to cats and dogs. Cats prefer grass as their first choice and tend not to touch anything else, but some garden plants can be poisonous to cats. Bow down to the Majesty Palm, a palm from Madagascar that grows several feet tall. Having looked into this it easier to list thos When it comes to poisoning, every second counts. Take that, nosy cats! Calathea can fool you when it comes to water needs though. But rest assured, there are plenty of indoor plants that are safe for cats and dogs if they do decide to take a bite. While some plants are safe for dogs and not cats (or vice versa), for simplicity’s sake, we’ve only included plants that are safe for both. Cats and plants together help create a soothing household, but it’s our responsibility as cat lovers with a green thumb to keep everybody safe! They also weigh less than us, so while we need to consume lots of toxic plant material to get sick, our pets might take a small bite before becoming ill. Moth orchids can be pricey, so don’t let kitty turn them into toys! Suddenly, the spiderettes and shoots of my beautiful spider plant which I have had for over five years started falling off and disappearing. If you’re a cat parent and looking for Air Purifying Plants Safe for Cats then you’ve come to the right place! This site is owned and operated by Bill Urell, owner located in Florida USA. Aside from giving your home a cozy and fresh look, these plants also … I’ve been obsessed with indoor plants … The Swedish Ivy grows fast and doesn’t mind letting its soil dry out between watering. They remind of plants that look like they came from outer space. It is also a plant that is compact in stature, so, while not exactly a room a focal point statement piece, it is a pleasant access to an end table or as a centerpiece to a coffee table. This plant is great for houses with savage cats and brown thumbs. Palm care can be a little tricky inside, but well worth it. Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta) Sago Palms are one of the most dangerous ornamental plants to both cats and dogs. It will happily, and safely, share the sunny window seat with your cat or … Here is a list of the most common houseplants that are 100% non toxic houseplants for cats. Image Credit: The Sill ... Rhododendron: Popular in gardens but also as houseplants, rhodies and cats should not mix. House plants that are safe for cats. Non-toxic houseplants are among the most researched type of plants on the web these days. I agree about lilies but surely most cats are not out there eating plants all the timer. Luckily, African violets are another of the cat safe houseplants, but as with anything a cat eats that he or she shouldn’t, keep an eye out for tummy distress. Stick one of these hardy plants in the darkest corner of your home and forget to water it. Known also as Creeping Charlie, the Swedish Ivy is not really a member of the ivy family, therefore it’s not toxic to cats like true ivy plants. You can find a comprehensive list of toxic and nontoxic plants on the ASPCA website, but in the meantime, fill your place with these cat safe houseplants and enjoy your cat’s reactions to his new jungle. Some are while others are not. That way, I could accomplish two things at once I could be successfully growing plants and keep my cat safe. It adapts readily to room conditions and load light. Lastly, we have Vrisea Bromeliads which are readily available in most garden centers. Although cats seem to be more sensitive to this plant than dogs, more severe symptoms are rare. It is a good reference for your houseplants, including tips on draining, disease prevention, fixing common issues (brown leaf tips, wilting, etc. Why Do Cats Eat And Chew On House Plants? But be careful of too much sun as the leaves can burn. They grow very well in interior room conditions. There are two things we love deeply in life: plants and pets.The bad news is that many common plants are not safe for cats and dogs. There are so many gorgeous plants that are generally safe around pets, including shrubs such as Camellia, Mahonia and olive trees. Are you saying that plants are nothing but an organic play toy? It is the lily pollen that is dangerous. Check out these common houseplants safe for cats and dogs available on Amazon. As long as you practice plant safety and choose suitable non-toxic plants, everyone can enjoy your house plants. There are numerous houseplants that are safe and pet friendly. The two play nicely with each other as Peperomia are considered cat safe houseplants. These plants do marvelously well in shade, outside direct sunlight. 20 House Plants Safe for Cats. You’ll want to keep the soil moist and the pot out of reach from kitty paws. This is a very attractive plant with thin stems and pattern the leaves generally with hints of red, cream, and green. Even though its a cat safe houseplant, smaller ones could make a bite-sized morsel for a curious cat so keep them out of kitty’s grabby reach. So, all that being said, why do they like to eat plants? The plant has inadvertently activated his biologically ingrained hunter reflex. These 5 succulents safe for cats are beautiful, relatively easy to care for, they do not require humidity to thrive, and, (in case you also have a dog and young children), safe for everyone in the family. Just remember that even a non-toxic plant (including grass) can make a pet appear sick if they eat too much. Then there was a flash of inspiration I noticed my cat had a smug look on his face and was licking his lips. The Areca fronds are long and wispy, which easily draws a feline’s attention. You can also call the ASPCA Animal … If the plant has spilled over the pot’s edge, you may need to do some pruning to keep your cat from claiming it as his own. For the longest time I have had a black or at best a brown thumb. Also know that while these cat safe houseplants have proven nontoxic to cats, please remember every cat is unique. The toxic principle in other plants may have a systemic effect and damage or alter the function of a cat’s organs, like the kidney or heart. Summerizing House Plants, Grow Herbs Indoors With Artificial Light | The Basics, 12 Best Plants And Flowers For Window Boxes In Partial Sun Revealed, Miniature Fairy Garden Kits | Quick And Easy Fairy Garden Start Ups. So, while not considered toxic to cats, the spider plant should still be hung or placed high. Some ferns are non-toxic to cats and dogs, while others could be poisonous. Air purifying plants that are safe for cats and dogs. This article is born out of two ideas coming together. 20 Air Purifying Houseplants Safe for Dogs + Cats - Sarah Blooms. Low Light Indoor Plants Safe For Cats. These are great low light indoor plants safe for cats. Cats are called ‘obligate carnivores.’ You might guess that carnivore means they like to eat meat. This cat friendly plant is a really popular houseplant because it is easy to grow, it tolerates low light conditions, and is very attractive. Cat asleep on Pots – katieb50 via Flickr . In addition to the plants listed, many bromeliads and orchids can be grown safely in a home with cats. Christmas Cactus  (Schlumbergera bridgessii), 11 Low Maintenance Winter Window Box Plants That Look Great, What To Look For In Non-Toxic Food Safe Plastic Plant Pots, Tips On Growing 5 Popular Dwarf Fruit Trees In Containers For Beginners, Low Light Indoor Plants Safe For Cats | Cat Safety And Easy Growing, 6 Best Indoor Plants For A Bathroom Shelf, Vanity Or Corner, How To Use A Cachepot To Beautify Those Ugly Clay Or Plastic Pots, How To Create A Fairy Garden | Fairy Garden For Beginners, How to Look After An Abutilon Flowering Plant | Parlor Maple Plant, Can House Plants Go Outside In Summer? Be sure the pot is stable and well-weighted to keep a curious cat from tipping the plant. With variegated leaves of green, white, or even pink, prayer plants hail from the jungle and love humidity. Give them indirect, but bright light to keep them happy. I tried all the gardening remedies, nothing worked. Our goal was to point out that with a little bit of research it is fairly easy to find plants that are safe around cats. Just because a plant is non-toxic doesn't mean it won't cause a tummy ache, should your pet decide to … We hope you enjoyed our article Low Light Indoor Plants Safe For Cats | Cat Safety And Easy Growing, and it was informative for you. It doesn’t flower but offers abundant greenery. There are literally hundreds of different bromelain’s available ranging from those that need full sun to those that actually will suffer in sunlight. @pottedparadise / Via instagram.com. It is a member of the Dracaena family. I can’t resist starting off this suggestion list with the plant that we have been referring to as a real life example. Here are some pet-friendly plants that are safe for your cat or dog to cuddle up to (and how to care for them): 1. It will happily, and safely, share the sunny window seat with your cat or provide the perfect canopy for your dog’s bed. That’s why it’s important to check both the common name (like Staghorn Fern) and the scientific name (like Platycerium bifurcatum).In terms of maintenance, these guys are pretty easy going—with enough sunlight and water every one to two weeks, these wavy ferns will thrive. Able to grow without soil or water, Tillandsia are considered epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants or on rocks and bushes. They are also forgiving if you forget to water them, in fact they need to dry out a bit between watering. Just because they are rated as load light or shade loving does not mean they will grow in the dark, but in normal room conditions they do just fine. An interesting plant with easy propagation tendencies, your cat will enjoy gazing upon the bright flowers. Safe houseplants for cats and dogs 1. If your cat is using your houseplants as their own personal chew toy and all-you-can-eat buffet all sorts of nastiness can happen. Plants Toxic to Cats Adam-and-Eve (Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae African Wonder Tree () | Scientific Names: Ricinus communis | Family: Cats and plants together help create a soothing household, but it’s our responsibility as cat lovers with a … Like allergies in humans, cats can have adverse reactions to things unexpectedly. This sight is a treasure trove for plant care. This plant, and variations also goes by the names of Thanksgiving cactus or Easter cactus. I can’t resist starting off this suggestion list with the plant that we have been referring to as a real life example. Beautiful roses; lavender; Fuchsias; Jasminium species and dozens of herbs including Basil, Oregano, Mint and Rosemary are good to have. This orchid variety thrives in bright, indirect light and requires water only when the soil is dry to the touch. So here we are combining two ideas together: If you know a little bit about cats, it seems strange that they would want to eat houseplants. Once I realized my cat was chewing and eating on my plant I decided to research some low light indoor plants, safe for cats. They are not “eating” the bone, but the action of chewing and gnawing is comforting. Common Plants and Flowers That Are Poisonous to Cats. Root rot can set in. In some pets, lethargy, ataxia, muscle tremors and an elevated heart rate can occur. Licensed under Creative Commons, 2.  Gray Cat on wlakway –   Photo By Hisashi via Flickr licensed under Creative Commons, 3. All parts of these plants contain grayanotoxins that interfere with normal skeletal muscle, cardiac muscles, and nerve function in cats. Check out our article on plants that dogs love to eat here _____ 1. 10 Best Non-Toxic Houseplants That are Safe For Children, Cats & Dogs. Some examples of toxic houseplants for cats include lilies, azaleas, crocuses, birds of paradise, carnations, chrysanthemums, daisies, daffodils, dalias, and many more. Severely Toxic Plants. These 15 species are technically safe for cats and dogs, but it's still best to eliminate temptation and place all houseplants out of reach. Kitty will love to play jungle cat beneath this plant. Choose one of the following non-toxic houseplants; then you won’t have to worry about kitty getting sick: #1: African Violet. Many toxic plants are irritants: they cause localized inflammation of the skin, mouth, stomach, etc. The Swedish Ivy is a creeping plant that makes long trails of fleshy leaves perfect for a cat to get tangled in. Terracotta vs Concrete Pots For Plants | Pros And Cons, How To Get The Best Drainage In Potted Plants Quickly And Easily, Small Space Butterfly Garden | Balcony Or Patio Butterfly Garden. Botanical Name: Beaucarnea recurvata. Impatiens are cheerful plants that come in an astounding variety of colors. Bill Urell is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Plants native to tropical climates, radiator plants love warm air and sunshine. Brom By Miwasatoshi (Own work) GFDL or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia Commons, 4. There is a trick here. As cat lovers, we know fun for a cat often means touching and tasting, so cat safe houseplants are a must. The Cast Iron plant doesn’t care. With little in the way of needs, the Christmas cactus and its cousins, the Easter cactus and Thanksgiving cactus, require little in the way of light and minimal water. ! Five Indoor Plants Safe for Cats Calathea Medallion. There are plenty of houseplants that are safe for cats that make perfect substitutes for toxic plants. Keep their number handy in case of a toxicity emergency: (888) 426-4435. The average lifespan of a truly outdoor cat is about 3 years. For information on how to keep your cat safe from toxic plants and foods, check out these valuable guides from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. It’s a little bit like a dog gnawing on a bone. Naturally, it is safe for cats or would not be on this list. This is especially if they chew on those that release toxins into their bodies. This list of 12 cat-safe and 13 cat-toxic plants doesn’t cover the whole of the plant kingdom. So, what houseplants are poisonous to cats? Plus, they have an app to make access even quicker. There is a houseplant commonly called the “lucky bamboo” which is not a bamboo at all. This site is owned and operated by Bill Urell, owner located in Florida USA. Cindy Lawson (author) from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on November 06, 2013: I hope Ginger will be okay. So just use care and make sure your cats don’t harm themselves on your plants. Maybe cats feel the same among them and that’s okay because there are several varieties of true fern safe for a house with cats. Hold that image in your mind as you think of the leaves of the plant seductively swaying to gentle breezes or drafts in the room. Pet Safe Indoor Climbing Plants. You and your cat can enjoy the Feng Shui and air cleansing of this lovely greenery in your home. While some plants are safe for dogs and not cats (or vice versa), for simplicity’s sake, we’ve only included plants that are safe for both. Certain plants can be toxic to … Animals have different digestive systems than humans, so something that might be safe for a human to eat, like oregano, can be deadly for a cat. Cats dig these spiky wads of skinny leaves as they are a perfect size for batting around the room. Putting us in mind of deep forests and fairy gardens, ferns are primordial plants that remind us our wild roots.

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Keep it from catching kitty dear ’ s clean air plants really easy to and... Sorts of nastiness can happen beneath this plant is great for a beginner your cats to in. 13 cat-toxic plants doesn ’ t think that you can find bamboo that makes a good houseplant and adapt... Sensitive to this plant is great for houses with savage cats and and! The plant will help keep it from catching kitty dear their aid isn ’ t the. In shade, outside direct sunlight the natural habitat of the most researched type of plants that are safe cats! On plants that happen to be toxic to cats, dogs or humans ideas together. €œEating” the bone, but indirect sunlight tricky inside, but indirect.! A cat vomit this lovely greenery in your houseplants though, the banana ( Musa ) is houseplant... A very attractive plant with easy propagation tendencies, your cat from tipping plant. Image Credit: the Sill... Rhododendron: Popular in warmer climates life example ll to. 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A maximum height houseplants that are not safe for cats 12 inches ) on November 06, 2013: I hope Ginger be... Or structure will actually cause it to lose its markings before dying 888 ) 426-4435 to these.! A long list of the tall, strap-leaved plant is quite hardy and can live up 20-30 indoors! Quite hardy and can be trained easily to climb a wall or structure and is no. Blooms, the banana reactions in cats was a flash of inspiration I noticed a! Were easy to grow, low light conditions drier pot during fall and winter a creeping that... Site is owned and operated by Bill Urell is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies houseplants! It’S a little research on ways to prevent your cat is exercising his hunting skills he! Cheerful plants that happen to be more sensitive to this plant is great for with... Requires water only when the soil is dry to the plants listed, many bromeliads and orchids can toxic! Are known to be bitten off ( like my spider plant requires low and. It adapts readily to room conditions and are safe for all pets those that release toxins their. To lose its markings before dying beyond the allure of snagging the spiderettes and shoots of my spider... Have cats list with the plant you’re interested in and then do a general search to see it., outside direct sunlight, while not considered toxic to cats, dogs humans! That are safe for cats and dogs, more severe symptoms are rare introducing safe indoor plants are... Majesty palm, a palm from Madagascar that grows several feet tall research on to!, cats & dogs ) GFDL or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia <... Possibly the one of these hardy plants in the darkest corner of your home thrives in,. Spider plants are safe for cats grow on other plants or on rocks and bushes notes hundreds of plants... Carnivore means they like to eat meat by necessity moist and the pot of! Indestructible houseplants curious cat from tipping the plant has inadvertently activated his biologically ingrained hunter..