In a perfect world, a Restokin (+Healing Gear and Moonkin Form) will be allowed to Raid as a legitimate DPS, while wearing +Healing Gear and competing for such Gear against Healers. In fact, the argument can be summarized as follows: Moonkin Form vs No Moonkin Form; QED. Done! You can also NS + regrowth a different raid member if they are also low and cast Tranquility for party-wide healing. 2. You do not need to raid as tank, but I promise it'll come in handy - even for the most hardcore Restokins among us! b) All DPS Epic Gear Drops, which the Moonkin would normally roll for, are now instead directly funneled straight to the 'true' (and possibly 'best') DPS players first - potentially even resulting in a possible total net damage increase across the entire Raid - particularly, at the beginning of each new phase of TBC. Well. target in place for up to 27 seconds depending on the rank. control, and eventually burst them down: You can find our recommended gear, gems, and enchants for PvPing as a You have some powerful Healing Touch talents but you will mostly be staying in the Tree of Life form. into all sorts of compositions and are great in all Arena brackets, It is 100% clear that tanks rule the world, which means that - for the good or bad of it - you make the rules! I didn't try it. This is a fantastic talent to pickup if you have points to spare. In case you want to compare this list with the Restoration Druid PvE Best in is one of your first lines of defense. Intensity allows up to 30% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting and causes Enrage to instantly generate rage. As a follow-up, a Naxx geared druid, with very high +healing gear, should have no problem dungeon-leveling as a DPS role, while maybe switching to the Healer role upon learning the magnificent Lifebloom Spell - which will make your life a hell of a lot easier! Normally a raid will have a Balance Druid with this talented, but there is the chance that a Resto Druid will need to play into the Balance tree and pick this up if there are no other Druids capable of doing it. in the Restoration tree in order to pick up Insect Swarm and In order to become the best Druid possible, you should understand what your You can also The first portion of this talent is really great in order to maintain a healthy mana pool and will be taken for all Resto builds. This build will focus mainly on HoTs. to reliably land your Cyclones and Entangling Roots. I also like to use Swiftmending to get the ability to burst heal. One of the most impactful Druid talents, Nature's Swiftness allows your next Nature spell to be an instant cast. i played tbc back then, and my favourite build was restokin. using your heals-over-time, and instead pick up Brambles and some In such circumstances, you would have no choice but to advocate a position as Guild Backup Healer, in order to get your Healing Gear - however slowly that may be. you a general idea which you can use to jumpstart your PvP experience. It benefits tanks by giving them extra reflect damage and better threat. In this Video I'm playing some 2v2 arena as. Restokin can be defined simply as the combination of both +Healing Gear and Moonkin Form, irrespective of talents. used, causes your next cast to be instant. by 20% for 15 seconds on a 1-minute cooldown. You want to kick the rogue tossing insults? Aggressive double DPS comps can be a big struggle for newer Druid players. Typically used with Healing Touch, Balance Druids do use DoTs, but they are now known for their strong single-target damage and can easily kill an enemy in a stun. You have to remember that Restokin is designed so you can do damage too, which is why it's good for wPvP and 1v1s, where Druid generally excels in Arena is by keeping the person who does the actual damage alive. This gear Nature's Focus gives a 14% chance per point to avoid interruption from damage while casting Healing Touch, Regrowth, and Tranquility. Of course, the whole concept of the Restokin is only made viable by the recent change to the +Healing Stat in TBC: One-third of the total +Healing is applied as a +Spellpower Bonus. learn all you need to know to properly play Restoration Druid in PvP scenarios. Restokin - PVE Build WoW Classic Back to the list Restokin By yani9o - 2 years, 7 months ago Class Druid - PVE Build 31/0/20 Version 1.13 Phase 2 0 Balance 31 Feral combat 0 Restoration 20 Druid 31 / 0 / 20 Level required: 60 Edit Description Moonkin-Resto-Hybrid In order to crowdsource how to beat warlocks 1v1 as Restokin in TBC, of course! 1. This does see some use in hybrid PvP builds but mostly just to get to later talents. An increase to Starfire and Wrath is fine for PvP or solo content but doesn't impact healing at all. It is a nice pickup if you are a Feral Druid and want to heal without swapping specs, but it is not worth running this build if you are focused on healing end game content. Depending on which encounter you face, you can pre-rejuvenation several raid members so that you can Swiftmending for a clutch burst heal when spike damage comes out. Firstly, great news for our healing hybrid brethren: Restokin PvE dungeon-leveling druids could actually be in quite high demand, due to their lovely +3% Hit Faerie Fire spell, which, when grouping with melee & hunters, is exactly what you'll want to do! Honestly, a good/geared lock could potentially be unbeatable, while swapping gear & set bonuses (which I didn't have access to at the time) could also potentially yield some interesting results, for the dr00d. 1. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Restokin can be defined simply as the combination of both +Healing Gear and Moonkin Form, irrespective of talents. If I were Raid Leader, I'd keep that Restokin in all +Healing Gear, Start--->Finish, with the caveat that his most important job is to 'know' when the rare occasion calls for switching out of Moonkin Form. If you have the right gear, Druids can be extremely tanky. still allows you to pick up most of the best healing talents, making it the best damage talents in the Balance tree for more quality of life. This allows the set bonus to become very valuable and strong. Insect Swarm seemed like a good choice. Savage Fury increases the damaged caused by your Claw, Rake, and Mangle abilities by 10%. There are two very different PvP builds commonly talked about. This guide has been written by Seksi, original Burning Crusade Also, you can force trinket usage or end a game if trinket is on CD. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Entangling Roots shares diminishing returns with Frost Nova Edit: In Raiding, however, I'm not so sure a Restokin would be chosen over a traditional Tree or Moonkin druid, as Lifebloom healing is a Tree's bread & butter, and the Moonkin will already have Improved Faerie Fire; min-maxing culture is a bitch! :). Con's: -Gear reliant. Improved Regrowth increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth by 10% per point. While they do damage, they are extremely hard to control. -Strong large heals, useful for burst heals against burst DPS classes. Restokin PvP Druid Talent Build 4. Finally, it is important to note that Cyclone shares diminishing With this point allocation, it is For Druids in arenas, the main priority is to have your CC available for easy use on your Focus target. Post by Rhod . Any piece you lack from the best in slot list below can be temporarily replaced Once you have some gear and just want to focus on end-game raiding, you should This talent gives the "Dreamstate Druid" build its name. You can learn more about how to leverage your unique skills in the Restoration The Restokin spec is a jack of all trades, master of none, which is The off-tank can also have full Lifebloom stacks. For Druids in arenas, the main priority is to have your CC available for easy use on your Focus target. Welcome to our PvP Restoration Druid guide for TBC Classic. In short, Restokins will do just fine in dungeons. I'm also very curious to see how our feathered friends stacked with PvE +Healing Epics do in Arena. Getting a clutch drink in a mirror match is usually enough to put your team over the top. I think Restokin is the most fun spec in the entire expansion. Ferocity reduces the cost of Maul, Swipe, Claw, Rake, and Mangle. The perfect Druid play can make DPS classes shine as a good CC rotation can set up easy kills for Warriors, Rogues, Hunters and Warlocks. ManI just realized that seeing another Restokin in the Arena will be a completely brand new experience for me, as I had only played TBC (and thus Arena) for that one season. Work well with Arms Warrior and SL/SL Locks. You will be the Guild Backup Healer - essentially choosing either a traditional Boomkin role (Damage Gear) or Speccing Tree (Healing Gear) before each Raid - based on the needs of the group. Smolderforge | Instant 70 PvP Burning Crusade Server Latest News Happy 15th Anniversary! ::waves hand in a sleep-kinda-deprived way:: tips: Wear Leather Spell Damage Gear as possible (PvP Druids will respect you more for it) and dps cloth casters won't hate you! These are some of the Macros i like to use: Signup to get Method updates to your inbox. Restokin can be defined simply as the combination of both +Healing Gear and Moonkin Form, irrespective of talents. 1. TBC Classic - Moonkin Restoration and why its actually legit (not talking about innervate) Necerium Cloudes 9.94K subscribers Subscribe 16K views 1 year ago Hi people. Restokin (Dreadmaul) Cracked - 70 Night Elf Restoration Druid, 400 ilvl Subtlety reduces the threat generated by your spells and reduces the chance that your spells will be dispelled. Restoration Druid in the link below. their Armor and making them unable to turn invisible or stealth while active. i enjoyed that hit and run durable playstyle, with great hots and solid caster dps. by Rare-quality Honor gear or whatever And, if you want even more heals over time, use Rejuvenation + Regrowth stack on top of the main tank. I did, by-the-way, once 1v2 a new (undergeared) druid/lock team in skirmishes - and shared the video, with the entire UI turned off, including health bars - a fun challenge! Lifebloom is an instant cast that heals the target over a period those points into Balance, for control and instant damage talents that make you a When playing Druid, you'll have to prioritize some stats over others. There is a 10 resilience gem obtained from. When Extra Heals are needed after things go bad, the Restokin will do it As much as possible, the PvE Restokin will act as a traditional Boomkin, with the caveat that that he wears Healing Gear - at a slight personal DPS loss, but very minimal Raid loss - and providing all of Druid Utility, so that other Druid Healers can Heal, and other Druid DPSers can DPS. to also use some PvE items for increased DPS, especially if you have access to control and interrupting enemies as well as quickly moving around the Feral Tanks will also love you long time, since they won't have to then cast Faerie Fire repeatedly, which is on a 6-second timer. Tree of Life Restoration Druid Healing Talent Build This is a fantastic talent as it improves your mana regeneration through. Restoration Druids are one of the strongest specializations in TBC Classic PvP, Feral is fun to play (I know, I did it), but it's very limited by a lack of a healing debuff. Restoration has several viable builds for end game PvE content. Best PvE Spec for Restoration Druid Healing in Burning Crusade Overall, the best PvE spec for Restoration Druid Healing in TBC is deep Resto using Incarnation: Tree of Life and making the best use of heal-over-time effects such as Lifebloom , , and Regrowth . This improved version adds the bonus of healing when landing a critical hit. just won't have the time to do anything tomorrow, but gonna spend launch day leveling to 60, before bringing my poorly-geared tanks to The Outlandsand will also be entering TBC with no gold or professions, so that should be interesting, but it definitely at least feels damn good to be dungeon ready! having high control, survivability, and great healing with their multiple So, I'll be leveling 58-60, for a couple days after launch - with no gold, professions, or settings, which places me a fair bit behind, but I suppose this is just who I am, and am quite comfortable in the position. Using PvP gear with Resilience is generally the way to go, but it can be useful Rogues. Furthermore, no actual ISP until launch day (using a cellular data plan right now, while setting everything up, and thus not so sure Dungeons will be viable, until a better connection is available on launch day. They have easy to reset fights with travel form and CCs and can Innervate to gain a large amount of mana back. healing due to their powerful defensives, such as Warlocks and But I am thinking about feral, ret, spriet, warrior etc. This spec drops some of the raid talents in the Restoration tree and invests This spec drops some of the raid talents in the Balance tree and invests those points into Restoration Healing talents that make you a strong DPS that can also heal and reliably crowd control in PvP scenarios! the range at which enemies can see and attack you, giving you initiative in PvP. In all fairness, a Raid Leader could free up a little extra +dmg gear for mages/locks/elementals/moonkins/shadow priests simply by selecting one Moonkin, always specced for maximum dps in raids, but stacking all +healing gear: A Restokin. Brambles is not a bad choice in terms of utility and granting access deeper in the Balance tree. Use it at the start of each match, but be careful of enemy Humans with . This is When raiding and doing dungeons in Burning Crusade Classic, I like to switch to raiding spec with Tree of Life, which increases healing received for party members and reduces the mana cost of my HoTs and Swiftmending by 20%. Abolish Poison removes a poison from your target every 2 seconds It is best used with teammates who require a lot of healing, such as This talent increases the attack power reduction of Demoralizing Roar and the damage from Ferocious Bite. Use it to stay mobile and increase your healing done against and stacks up to three times on the same target. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Either way, your two options to get a "Restokin Spot" are: Make the argument that your loss of damage, while always wearing (and rolling for) +Healing Gear and acting as an authentic DPS will be minimal - still providing Moonkin Aura, while having much stronger heals in the event that things go South. In short, Restokins will do just fine in dungeons. My partner had written in an interview that I was "obsessed with thinking outside the box" - and he was right :). When fully talented, it gives Starfire a 15% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds. It's a good talent for PvP or solo farming. or Cyclone. This is incredible if you are using a HoT focused playstyle which is most common. ), so setup is going to take a few days (leveling professions as well) - and will be spending the today setting up new macros, bindings, and pluginsmore than likely ending up a couple days behind launch, unfortunately. For general PvE purposes, this talent is not taken by Resto or Balance Druids. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. This talent is generally not used unless you are running a build that emphasizes casting Healing Touch instead of HoTs, such as Dreamstate. Restokin can Heal and/or DPS in PvP - at the discretion of the dr00d, depending on time of month and how they are feeling; after all, a druid's tendencies are dictated by Nature, of course! - The Most fun I've had in a while! such as yourself! 2. returns with Blind, and it is important to avoid overlapping these In 5man groups it can do extremely competitive DPS or it can effortlessly heal a decent tank. In TBC, there is a new PvP-oriented stat. bursts, instantly healing the target for a large amount. case your raid does not have a Balance Druid. This is actually not a terrible pickup if you have the talent point to spare as a 100% free cast is nothing to scoff at. Healing Touch spam on injured players, making use of downranking Leader of the Pack is a great party-wide buff for Feral Druids that increases melee crit by 5% while in Cat or Bear Forms. for 30 seconds. It all depends on you and your partners playstyle. It gives your melee attacks a chance to reduce the cost of your next ability by 100%. It levels extremely well. - Classic Burning Crusade TBC Resto Druid PVP Guide 60,356 views Jun 1, 2021 Method 242K subscribers 519 Dislike Share Thinking of playing Druid in TBC and don't know where to start? So, my sincere advice to leveling druids, who wish to main Restokin: If you've played druid before, and won't be overwhelmed playing multiple specs, then I'd advise to level a druid tank via instances, while also readying your healer set (and/or dps set). Empowered Rejuvenation increases the bonus healing of all healing-over-time abilities. Nature's Reach, allowing the Druid to contribute more damage in a For PvE, this talent isn't generally picked up, but it shines in PvP and you'll definitely want to pick it up if you have the talent points to spare this far into the Resto tree. No offensive purges mean matches against some comps can be slow and difficult. of the guide is endless, but we will try to keep things brief in order to give This is normally used as a powerful emergency heal when paired with a max rank of Healing Touch. It should be noted, however, that a deeply specced Healer will still do very weak damage - in PvP or PvE. I highly doubt the overall raid loss for damage would be concerning to say the least. When a Druid CC is needed, the Restokin will do it. The threat reduction is solid if you have extra talent points to spare. Insect Swarm for the tank debuff if needed, and For addons, I like to use Weakauras, Omnibar, SArena, Bartender, SexyMap, Lorti UI, and Threatplates. Otherwise called "Trees" or "Treants" these fun bodyguards can be anything but helpful. The reason you want to increase Intellect is because it drastically increases your overall healing output. For example: When it comes to races, you only get two options in TBC: Night Elves get an additional 1% Dodge chance and Shadowmeld, a very powerful ability that passively reduces the chance for enemies to detect you while prowling as well as granting stealth upon activation. Anyway, my quick advice for druid leveling as Restokin: Don't! They are cooldown dependent for spike healing as Nature's Swiftness has a three-minute cooldown. Update: The Dr00ds are finally all macro'd and bound-up! The stats you want to be increasing are Intellect or Versatility. Golden Fish Sticks are useful for increasing healing and spirit for 30 minutes at a time. In arenas, keeping stocked up on water and bandages is key. In 5v5, Druid can fit into just Writing this post is making making me want to spec deeper into Balance (PvE Restokin DPS Spec), than I did for Arena PvP years ago (we took 2nd place in our Battlegroup - missing 1st by 4 pts; my cat tore up the keyboard cord the final week, which ruined my Travel Form Macro, since the replacement keyboard I had to use as a replacement (old Packard Bell) only allowed for the macro to be executed upon release, which caused me to lose more than one game); keeping your partner alive, while also Healing yourself is no easy task, and I maximized my Restokin Healing talents back in the day. For what it's worth, I've never played feral, but after choosing talents yesterday, it seems to actually be the 'easier' spec (Bear, not Cat) at level 58 - with only a few spell key bindings even neededso if you are playing catch-up, just stick to Bear Form, and only bind the few Bear spells necessary - since you won't be shifting so much as Tank. between healing, drinking, crowd controlling, and damage dealing (as Restokin) and taking into account the much higher overall total +Healing Stats on Gear than Spellpower, this is quite the significant boon to Healers. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Obviously this is a good talent to take for any reason. Return to board index. - YouTube missing your spells in TBC is still more satisfying for me then Shadowlands. Such a perfect synergy with the group IMHO! The Purple Raiding Gear that one will receive might have less to do with cherry-picking individual items and more to do with Lady Luck, Guild Status, Moonkin Colleagues, Tree Healer Priority, etc. We recommend having two sets of weapons you can constantly switch between depending on whether you're the kill target. Warlocks and but i am thinking about feral, ret, spriet, warrior etc mana back and.. I highly doubt the overall raid loss for damage would be concerning to say the least highly the... Have the right Gear, Druids can be slow and difficult great hots solid... New PvP-oriented stat restokin can be anything but helpful generally declined on,. Enrage to instantly generate rage an increase to Starfire and Wrath is fine for PvP or PvE two. Simply as the combination of both +Healing Gear and Moonkin Form, irrespective talents. Bonus to become very valuable and strong # x27 ; s: reliant! 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