9598144 9595425 9540918 9569248 By (b)(6), i began experiencing multiple sclerosis-like symptoms such as cramping muscles, vibrating/ electrical sensations throughout my body, continuing numbness and tingling in my limbs, continual muscle spasms, sore muscles, fibromyalgia, ear ringing, and a constant vibration sensation inside of my head. My vision became blurry, i had difficulty getting a full breath, my anxiety became worse, and i often felt as though i was going to pass out. 9579266 9538082 FDA Documents: Approval Date: November 17th, 2006 Recalls FDA Overview - Mentor MemoryGel [] 9574859 Link. Especially the last year. 9545544 I eventually closed my business as i could no longer teach fitness classes. Hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, weight gain. I spent years and probably thousands of dollars going to drs for testing, after testing and every dr said it was absolutely not my implants. Do you work in the medical industry? Link. Most recalls are not even mentioned in the mainstream! 9553340 Was given two weeks to live if no treatment. 9567889 9566958 im so frustrated and depressed about the last 12 years of feeling horrible and i wish i never decided to get new implants. capsule had gone away? Up to $3,500. I underwent treatment for this. Drs cant tell me what is wrong. I believe i was left out because the investigators used by mentor were not following up with pts as they should have and i think submitting false f/u reports. It was reported that a customer received a mentor spectrum smooth round implant (catalog # 3501440, (b)(4)) without the injection dome, cap and 21 gauge needle. 9607486 Product: Mentor Smooth Round SPECTRUM Post-Operatively Adjustable Saline Breast Implant, Product Code: 350-1490, UDI/GTIN: 00081317002048: Code Information: Lot Number: 7377332: . My sickness started about a year later. Health product recall MENTOR Saline Breast Implants Brand (s) Last updated 2022-03-10 Summary Product MENTOR Saline Breast Implants Issue Medical devices - Premature failure What to do Contact the manufacturer if you require additional information. Skin rashes, heart palpitations. I ran my own fitness business, i began having heart palpitations and tightness in my chest. I will speak with anyone about my experience. Breast implants thought to be cause of health problems. I also had an emg conducted and saw a separate neurologist within the veterans affairs hospital who were also not concerned. Lot Numbers: 9553669 9534355 I have actually been sick since 2004, but your calendar only goes back to 2007. Severe pain in breasts started in 2016 along with drastic weight loss. I havent even had a cold for at least 2 years or more. 9531112 33 Technology Drive. 9556605 It was further reported that the surgeon used fill tube from secondary implant that was used for contralateral side. I had suffered from thyroid disease, autoimmune disorder, hashimotos and p. O. T. S. Ive had to have a full hysterectomy, remove my gallbladder, appendix, and part of my colon out, all by (b)(6). 9564916 There was no previous history of autoimmune disease. 9615518 July 29, 2019. Patient was required extended hospitalization. Lot Numbers: 9606469 Link. They have many allergies and sensitivities and have similar reactions to things that i have reactions to. 9530918 How many women must get sick? I had my explant bilateral capsulectomy 01-14-2020 and am grateful to #1 GOD and secondly to all the medical community including my dentist that recommended a TMJ Pain Specialist who made me realize I was taking way too many prescriptions over a decade and some were opiates. The patient reported severe nipple pain, fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, and overall sickness. 9537341 I had a metal taste in my mouth, tinnitus, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, depression, brittle hair and nails with ridges, +ana test, thyroid levels off and left scapular pain so bad i wanted to overdose and die. 9580875 I hope your explant was successful. 3503330/81317001645 9529874 I couldnt eat anything without instantly bloating. Link. In 2009 i had several episodes of crushing joint aches in the absence of other clinical symptoms (no fever, rash, fatigue, sore throat, headache, cough, etc. ) Link. 3503630/81317001706 The correlation makes sense to me. Over the years i tried countless different medications, one that actually caused me to have a seizure. Examine inventory immediately to determine if they have product subject to this recall on hand and quarantine such product(s). that was produced by Mentor Texas, LP.. A correction or removal action taken by a manufacturer to address a problem with a medical device. I had 3 healthy boys regular delivery. By Michelle Stacey. I had severe brain fog and memory impairment as well as headaches, strange blanket-wrapping sensations, scalp pain, and constant fatigue. I will tell my story, and would never recommend breast implants to anyone. Please do something. I fall a lot, experience vertigo, blurred vision, dry eyes, dry mouth, extreme weight loss, no appetite. Health care professionals and consumers should report any adverse events related to breast implants to the FDAs MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program. Lot Numbers: I had saline breast implants in 2007. Manufacturer Mentor Texas, LP. I worked as a (b)(6) for 17 yrs but started having problems with memory resulting in mistakes in my work which had never happened before. It was reported that there were brown flakes on the implant that were noted out of box. 3501620/81317001195 9534031 9569688 There are to many women out there with the same story! Ive had tests done and never anything found. my breast implants due to cancer? By that time the patient was on the table. I had mentor smooth saline with silicon shell breast implants implanted in (b)(6) 1999. No family history of autoimmune disease. Spine pain (not the same as back pain, more of a tender spine). In (b)(6) 2017, my muscles began to spasm and twitch constantly all over my body. 9582861 Lot Numbers: As a result, the patient had undergone explantation on (b)(6) 2018. Link. If i had known they would make me sick and i would have pain in my chest and ribcage, i would not have had the implants. 9540919 Manufacturer Issues: It was reported by a physicians office that a mentor smooth round moderate profile saline implant (catalog #3501670, serial # (b)(4)) had an out of box issue. I had so much tissue and muscle wasting and weight loss. 9547113 9559881 9614987 I had the mentor saline implants 14 years ago. Is saline considered a gel? On (b)(6) 2017 he is a (b)(6) provider and had spoken to me prior. Link. I guess its best to contact my plastic surgeon? He has health issues that are related to the toxic exposure while in womb of the leaking implants. 3502250/81317001379 Testing was done immediately as well as steroid treatment and then other immune modulating drugs. 9580874 How are you feeling? Link. I scheduled an explant for 12/02/20. Since focusing on nutrition to reduce inflammation, i have lost at least 5 pounds and this is only the beginning to my recovery. Premature aging, weight problems, inflammation, poor sleep and insomnia, dry eyes, decline in vision, vision disturbances, hypo/hyper thyroid symptoms. 9574860 Ive struggled with constant fatigue, joint pain, headaches, hives- almost every day, chest pain, hormonal issues etc. Turns out the textured implants are made with platinum, the same agent used in Cisplatin chemotherapy which causes a permanent ringing in the ear. I was told by my plastic surgeon that they were safe and never warned of the dangers, including that the outer shell is made of silicone with almost 40 toxic chemicals. 9590273 No patient consequence was reported. All the plastic surgeon will offer me is a lift on my good breast, which she already reduced in half in 2015 with large lumpectomy. 9590027 9537339 Gloves were changed, and procedure was completed with a new implant. Immediately, my breathing was cured! 9549489 9561195 9596092 This is not ok!!!!! Breast implant illness is a real condition and needs to be explored further and of public health concern. 9584037 I called Mentor to ask questions but they said I need to talk to the doctor that did the surgery as he was supposed to give me a brochure. 9584308 Complete the Business Reply Form (BRF) (Attachment 2) confirming receipt of this notice and fax/email to Sedgwick at 888-912-7086 or mentor7209@sedgwick.com within 3 business days. I even developed (b)(6) 3 weeks after the surgery under my armpit, which ive never had. 9565269 Link. Link. Doesnt matter I want to feel healthy . 3502300/81317001393 9555186 Link. My card states Smooth Round High Profile Gel. His concern is that this has traveled to my blood. I know something is going on, but because doctors have deemed me a mystery, I dont want to see anyone. Starting in 2007, (no exact date) i began having recurrent full-body itchy rashes; presented to my primary care practitioner and was referred to several dermatologists when topical and oral steroids failed to clear it. Im trying to pick a doctor now. Post-approval Study Updates: IDEAL IMPLANT Structured Saline Breast Implants, Sientra OPUS Silicone Gel Breast Implants, Mentor MemoryGel Silicone Gel-Filled and MemoryShape Breast Implants . Memory zero memory. 9616932 The mentor spectrum saline implants were the devices implanted at the time of diagnosis. 6. Finally a cardiologist said he felt my symptoms were breast implant related. Lot Numbers: After seeking medical attention for this, i learned through labwork. Why cant older women get sagging implants?? 9599496 One year later, i started to have all kinds of injections and then started getting dizzy ended up bedridden for a year. My eyes were extremely sensitive to light and i had to wear sunglasses at my daughters basketball game. Lot Numbers: 9543628 3501635/81317001225 No patient consequence was reported. Mentor saline breast implants caused hashimotos and sjogrens auto immune. Released from hospital only to go back in 3 days later with worsened symptoms. It was reported that a (b)(6) caucasian female patient who underwent primary breast augmentation on (b)(6) 2009 developed bilateral baker grade unknown capsular contracture. I am scheduled for an explant June 2022. I could not concentrate. 9595426 They all said it was most likely lupus and left it at that. I decided to try silicone this time because they are supposed to be softer and i figured they would not press on my chest and make it hard to breathe. Is there a recall on any Mentor implants? Lot Numbers: By 2007, my health issues had progressed with increased fatigue, emotional lability, gastrointestinal problems, and increased breast pain. As a nurse practitioner and having a physician as a husband we realized immediately that it was likely an autoimmune condition. Link. I had an mri conducted with and without contrast and saw an ms specialist who was not concerned that i had ms. I have paid so much money to deductibles, medicine, out of pocket, you name it. 9532946 (b)(6). Severe hair loss, headaches temples shoot pain off and on, high liver enzymes. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, chronic fatigue, food allergies, joint pain etc. The FDAs warning letter to Mentor Worldwide LLC (Mentor) noted several serious deficiencies in the manufacturers post-approval study for its MemoryShape breast implant, first approved in 2013, including that the manufacturer had failed to enroll the required number of patients in the study. All tests came back as normal. Lot Numbers: I am (b)(6). Every part of my body was shutting down and no dr. Could tell me why. When they were implanted, the surgeon stressed that my case and the implants would be registered in a registry with the mfr which was mentor. I actually started feeling ill within a year of my implants. 9559517 Fevers, night sweats, intolerant to heat/cold, new and persistent bacterial and viral infections, slow clearing of common colds and flus, fungal infections, yeast infections, candida, sinus infections, skin rashes, ear ringing, sudden food intolerance and allergies, headaches, slow muscle recovery after activity, heart palpitations changes in normal heart rate or heart pain, sore and aching joints of shoulders, hips, backbone, hands and feet swollen and tender lymph nodes in breast area. 9583025 Upon follow-up, it was confirmed by the patient that the symptoms were experienced three months after the implantation and they are slowing going away after the explantation. I have injured my lumbar spine due to falls but have not submitted to surgery yet. He sent me on a chase for medical records 23 years old. I had mentor smooth saline filled under the muscle breast implants. MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Implant 350-2175/00081317001348 Copyright 2016-2022 BreastImplantIllness.com. Hi Mary, gel indicates you have silicone breast implants. Lot Numbers: The fda under the rules of conditions for approval, made mentor do a more aggressive search using the 411 databases. I am having the implants removed on (b)(6). 9545546 I am very healthy, eat healthy, exercise, and live an overall healthy lifestyle. 9606471 In (b)(6) 2017, enbloc i have heavy metal in my body, mercury and other chemicals that are in the shell of the implant. In 2014, my fatigue reached a debilitating level and i was diagnosed with narcolepsy and by early 2016 i was being treated for chronic myalgia pain. 5. Over the last year that i had my implants, i became so sick, i felt like i was dying. Were issuing these warning letters based on the manufacturers low recruitment, poor data, and low follow-up rates in their required post-approval studies. 9551036 It was reported that the patient was diagnosed with bia alcl after using mentor saline implants. 9598143 Weight gain, sharp pain in breasts, memory loss, brain fog, digestive problems, psoriasis, arthritis, thyroid issues. 9558853 Bedridden 9 years and on narcotics for pain. In 2011, my right implant was encapsulated with severe intermittent pain. 9550164 9568918 Link. Where your body attaches the liver. 9535773 The action also notes Mentor had poor follow-up rates with patients in the study. I started to feel bad in (b)(6) 2017, stomach issues that lasted the whole month. 9617820 But after seeing further specialist they said the sle was not my genetics but being caused by an autoimmune response to an unk source. Lot Numbers: Any non-affected product and any product returned after the dat. All of my joints and muscles hurt so bad. I had testing done on my eyes to see if my oil glands had degraded. Pain, swallowing issues, skin issues, high calcium, low potassium, high copper, leg pains, breast implant illness symptoms. 9563943 About 23 years ago i was implanted with (b)(4) saline breast implants. Link. Other generalized symptoms included night sweats, increased emotional lability, nocturia, muscle weakness, loss of strength in my arms and hands, intermittent numbness and tingling in hands and feet, raynauds like symptoms in my feet, calcified right breast encapsulation, and progressive joint pain in hands and wrists. He was able to locate me by my name and dob, locating my implants and told me to find a surgeon and they would send his replacement implants. 9578064 Customers are instructed to: 10 Year Implant coverage for capsular contracture (Baker grade III/IV . 9561861 Follow instructions in the letter and immediately return any inventory of MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Breast Implants with expiration dates ranging from 01/01/2025 to 09/30/2025 subject to this recall to Sedgwick. 9535131 9539273 I had mentor smooth round moderate profile saline implants placed in 2013. 3503250/81317001607 Currently, the manufacturer reported a follow-up rate of 61 percent, which is below the target follow-up rate. 9577401 I have been in the er at least 5 times due to headaches, heart palpitations, anxiety, etc. Get notified instantly when recalls like this are issued. 9571639 MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Implant 350-3170/00081317001560 Our reporting is not done yet. How many years did you have them in??? 300NACL. I now have heart issues, elevated blood pressure, inflammatory arthritis, lyme disease, morgellons, ulcerative colitis and neuropathy. I was depressed, no one knew what was wrong. 9571295 I was told by my surgeon that since silicone was banned that i would need special approval to get these implants. I began to feel like i had the flu, body aches and heaviness in all extremities. 9533840 They felt i was depressed with four kids. The patient also had low white blood count, positive ana, elevated monocyte level (13%), full body inflammation, massive weight gain, brain fog, tinnitus, major fatigue, memory loss, new onset allergies, skin condition on the knees, rashes, knee/shoulder throbbing, inflamed joints, painful breasts, and hand and wet swelling. Not just that, but i hope women can know how severe it can be and how often it is occurring. 9541465 9602497 My health has been on the decline for years now. Medical Device Recall of MENTOR Smooth Round Saline DV Breast Implants Page 1 of 6 Event #7209. 9535776 9550484 I take vitamins and try to eat healthy. Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters to two breast implant manufacturers for failure to comply with their requirements, under their premarket approval orders, to conduct post-approval studies to assess the long-term safety and risks of their silicone gel-filled breast implants. 9530516 On (b)(6) 2004 i had mentor saline implants put in by dr. (b)(6) in (b)(6). 9595691 My blood pressure is no longer high, i have zero neck or shoulder pain, and almost all of my other symptoms have went away. It is a dirty little secret, i had a wound culture, a cvc, wbc count is high, but no md saw me! Link. I grew up very athletic, so this was like dying. 3501685/81317001300 Link. 4 The list of materials used to make our breast implants can be found in Section V, Table 2, of the US FDA's Summary of Safety and . 9617818 Thank you. 9556174 9579267 Underarm, throat, neck, groin bouts of dehydration for no reason. 9565271 3. its an infection. I knew breast implants was the only remaining factor i had not addressed. These incidences spontaneously resolved. 3503500/81317001683 I had fever and chills a lot toward the end, and night sweats. 3502350/81317001416 9543989 I never equated my undiagnosable non-stop immune issues, GI issues, constant tissue nasal infections, fatigue, vision blurry, hair loss, osteopenia, all over the past 5 years. 9567890 It was the breast implant on the left side pulling my chest wall back causing my left scapular to wing out. Lot Numbers: I suffered and survived only because i removed my implants. 9534354 All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company. Some insurance companies with assist i having them removed if there is a rupture or they were implanted for reconstruction due to cancer, but i could not find a plastic surgeon that would take them out with insurance paying. Hair falling out, weight gain, lymph nodes swollen, breast pain left side. I am making a comeback and looking forward to returning to work in the legal community. Ive suffered with pain and feeling like im honestly not sure that i can get through most days due to fatigue. 9546780 It is reported that a patient had both mentor implants sal smooth rnd diap 350cc (catalog#3501655; lot# : 5547192-088) removed due to severe nipple pain, body was rejecting implants. I am an or/icu rn. Brain fog and decreased concentration and memory also took hold. Mentor saline implants in 2001. Other symptoms i have incurred with implants have been a multitude of dental problems, severe eczema, ringing in my ears, brain fog/memory loss, increased anxiety and heightened fears. 9569690 I cannot believe what I have just read all of my health conditions are listed in these posts. Dizziness / light headedness all the time, irregular heartbeats, daily exhaustion, beyond normal. 9608064 Something needs to be done about this!!!! A search has been done in the FDA post-approval study database for P990075 but no search results appeared. Headaches, fevers, fatigue, urinate on myself avg 5 times a day. Any news on this condition and 9556175 9619995 Within 6 months i developed autoimmune disorder; candida cystic acne, unexplained weight gain, cold sores, toe nail fungus, brain fog. Link. Scroll down for a list of symptoms women have reported to the FDA and for reports of mold, manufacturer issues, BIA-ALCL, other cancers, body parts removed, and pre and post approval study follow-up. Mentor Saline implants. I know it was the implants pushing on my chest, probably due to the capsular contraction. Dr. Justin Sacks at Johns Hopkins. 9550672 From the moment they were put in my body, my immune system reacted to everything. Any time i used any joint, whether it was my wrist on my shoulder, it would hurt for the next 5 days. It resolved with detoxing and i have residual lung scarring but no asthma or copd. God Bless everyone, its nice to know Im not crazy! Fda confirms all are bad, then recall any implants and make mentor, dow corning, allergan, etc pay for full explanation of all implants, including capsule and repair damage done to womens bodies. Cause 2. Depression, diagnosed in 1990 with ms 3 years after original silicone implants. Four months later, the patient underwent additional revision augmentation with unknown implant brand, texture, and fill. I literally cannot pinpoint that SN# TX-1246027 (left) & (right) SN# TX-1246059 MENTOR Sm Rd Saline-Filled Mamm Prosth LOT 246385 REF 350-1650 implanted in me on 08/28/2002 are the OVERALL cause of my limited Quality of Life. Extreme fatigue, sinus pain and achy. Ekg and labs showed no reason. The implants were found with faulty valves and mold. Irving TX 75038-3524. It was reported that a (b)(6) year old female patient who underwent breast prostheses implantation in 2009 with mentor saline smooth round moderate plus profile implants 350cc (catalog # 3502350, lot # 5915659) experienced bilateral discomfort and aching. But no return phone call yet. 9555923 Mechanical testing (i.e., fatigue rupture and shelf-life) to collect additional data. 3501625/81317001201 9582183 In 1997, i had mentors spectrum (saline filled) with silicone rubber shell adjustable put in for a corrective procedure. Approx. No extended hospitalization was required. 9587326 On 2013 began the onset of several health problems that at the time, i had no idea why or what was creating all of the problems. 9528578 At any rate, i explanted (b)(6) 2017. 9583791 Link. Federal health officials have determined that a second silicone breast implant recall does not need to be issued due to the potential safety concerns that have surfaced recently.. FDA officials . Lot Numbers: Its clear that the silicone toxins released through the shells were attacking my autoimmune system. I wish that dentists, doctors, and all of those in healthcare would get educated and offer a special updated course on what BII is and what it can do to a patients Quality of Life. The years following, i had fainting episodes, seizures and all my doctors couldnt explant the source. 9622909 I have been robbed of my ability to practice in the healthcare field, provide my children with a mother whom is both present and available. Thank you friend, hope youre feeling better! The implants were 5 y/o when my son was born. 9592614 Lot Numbers: 9610037 I have a weak immune system, i get cold sores now, recently had an anaphylactic reaction, the list is endless. The date above is around the time that i had my mentor saline breast implants put in. Armpit, which ive never had no appetite my chest wall back causing my left scapular wing! Morgellons, ulcerative colitis and neuropathy body, my muscles began to spasm twitch. Toward the end, and live an overall healthy lifestyle things that had. 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