Use M141](/docs/gcode/M141.html) to set target chamber temperature and M191 to set and wait target chamber temperature. #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_X true Enables G60 & G61 and specifies number of available slots. For CoreXY / HBot kinematics, toolheads are parked at one edge and held with an electromagnet. If the pins are able to do hardware PWM then a wide range of colors will be available. */, /** Options marked with can be changed from the LCD controller. BLTOUCH_DELAY defaults to 500 if not defined. // Enable this option to use an encoder disc that toggles the runout pin as the filament moves. This feature exists to prevent irregularities in the bed from propagating through the models entire height. The first serial port (-1 or 0) will always be used by the Arduino bootloader regardless of this setting. The P parameter controls the action applied to the Z axis: Adds the G12 command to perform a nozzle cleaning process. This option adds the ability to set a mixture, to save mixtures, and to recall mixtures using the T command. Extruders must maintain a stable temperature for TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME before M109 will return success and start the print. Having to revise your configurations every update certainly doesn't help. #define HEATER_4_MAXTEMP 275 #define INVERT_E2_DIR false #define SHAPING_ZETA_Y 0.15f // Damping ratio of the Y axis (range: 0.0 = no damping to 1.0 = critical damping). #define MAX7219_ROTATE 0 // Rotate the display clockwise (in multiples of +/- 90), // connector at: right=0 bottom=-90 top=90 left=180, //#define MAX7219_REVERSE_ORDER // The individual LED matrix units may be in reversed order, //#define MAX7219_SIDE_BY_SIDE // Big chip+matrix boards can be chained side-by-side, #define MAX7219_DEBUG_PRINTER_ALIVE // Blink corner LED of 8x8 matrix to show that the firmware is functioning, #define MAX7219_DEBUG_PLANNER_HEAD 3 // Show the planner queue head position on this and the next LED matrix row, #define MAX7219_DEBUG_PLANNER_TAIL 5 // Show the planner queue tail position on this and the next LED matrix row, #define MAX7219_DEBUG_PLANNER_QUEUE 0 // Show the current planner queue depth on this and the next LED matrix row, // If you experience stuttering, reboots, etc. The HOMING_FEEDRATE_XY and HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z constants no longer exist anywhere in the Marlin codebase.. Contribute to tgray-projects/VORON development by creating an account on GitHub. * - PWM255 (S0 - S255) If an axis is inverted, either flip the plug around or change its invert setting. Here were telling the firmware how many individual steps produce a single millimeter (or degree on SCARA) of movement. * In the procedure known as homing, each axis is moved towards one end until the endstop switch is triggered, at which point the machine knows that the axis is at the endstop (home) position. If Marlin reads a temperature above these values, it will immediately shut down for safety reasons. This is best for NC switches, preventing the values from floating. If only some endstops should have pullup resistors, you can disable ENDSTOPPULLUPS and enable pullups individually. i was trying to change the steps for my zaxis. Set these to the lowest value (in degrees C) that the machine is likely to experience. #define Y_HOME_DIR -1 If SOFT_PWM_SCALE is set to a value higher than 0, dithering can be used to mitigate the associated resolution loss. If you have a watchdog reboot in an ATmega2560 the device can hang forever, as a watchdog reset will leave the watchdog on. Thank you TechMasterJoe! The G26 command accepts parameters for nozzle size, layer height, etc. // Default action to execute following M605 mode change commands. Set the number of lines with BUFSIZE. Hot end thermal protection can be tuned with these sub-options. Set this if you find stepping unreliable, or if using a very fast CPU. #define TEMP_SENSOR_1 0 Toolheads are locked with a servo. With a filament sensor installed, Marlin can adjust the flow rate according to the measured filament width. The motor is appropriately powered and the first homing and z axis speed is normal. Add a secondary fan speed for each print-cooling fan. * These parameters are used to convert between tool power units and PWM. // 3/2 * (FTM_FS / FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ) for 2HEI. This offset can be saved to EEPROM with M500. M304 can be used to set bed PID. #define DUMMY_THERMISTOR_999_VALUE 100, #define MAX_REDUNDANT_TEMP_SENSOR_DIFF 10. #define DISABLE_Y false Supports more than 2 toolheads. Use software PWM to drive the fan, as with the heaters. { 14.4, 871 }, \ A probe that is deployed and stowed with a solenoid pin (Defined as SOL1_PIN.). 300ms is a good value but you can try less delay. Only one extruder can have a filament sensor. #define FANMUX2_PIN -1, //#define CASE_LIGHT_PIN 4 // Override the default pin if needed, #define INVERT_CASE_LIGHT false // Set true if Case Light is ON when pin is LOW, #define CASE_LIGHT_DEFAULT_ON true // Set default power-up state on, #define CASE_LIGHT_DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS 105 // Set default power-up brightness (0-255, requires PWM pin), //#define CASE_LIGHT_MAX_PWM 128 // Limit pwm, //#define CASE_LIGHT_MENU // Add Case Light options to the LCD menu. As a side-effect, X and Y homing are required before Z homing. Override at any time with M120, M121. Adds G425 to run automatic calibration using an electrically-conductive cube, bolt, or washer mounted on the bed. Read on for firmware configuration. Open Preferences and locate the Additional Boards Manager URLs field. See Configuration_adv.h and the Linear Advance page for more complete documentation. Add a menu item to move between bed corners for manual bed adjustment. If you have a single nozzle, a switching extruder, a mixing extruder, or dual X carriages, specify that below. Wiring Use these settings to specify the distance (mm) to raise the probe (or lower the bed). These values specify the physical limits of the machine. Most people might think of printers as having four motors - one for each direction and one for the extruder. An internet connection is required. Enable/Disable software endstops from the LCD. Qantip (Qantip) March 21, 2021, 6:18am #3. */, #define SPEED_POWER_MIN 5000 // (RPM), #define SPEED_POWER_MAX 30000 // (RPM) SuperPID router controller 0 - 30,000 RPM, #define SPEED_POWER_STARTUP 25000 // (RPM) M3/M4 speed/power default (with no arguments), #define SPEED_POWER_MIN 0 // (%) 0-100, #define SPEED_POWER_MAX 100 // (%) 0-100, #define SPEED_POWER_STARTUP 80 // (%) M3/M4 speed/power default (with no arguments), // Define the minimum and maximum test pulse time values for a laser test fire function, #define LASER_TEST_PULSE_MIN 1 // (ms) Used with Laser Control Menu, #define LASER_TEST_PULSE_MAX 999 // (ms) Caution: Menu may not show more than 3 characters, #define SPINDLE_LASER_POWERUP_DELAY 50 // (ms) Delay to allow the spindle/laser to come up to speed/power, #define SPINDLE_LASER_POWERDOWN_DELAY 50 // (ms) Delay to allow the spindle to stop, /** Removes the PWM noise but increases heating in the FET/Arduino. For more detailed information on various topics, please read the main articles and follow the links provided in the option descriptions. That said, I'd bet your issue is the current setting rather than the firmware. Similar to the description for the Bed Thermal Protection above. #define USE_YMIN_PLUG #define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_HIT_STATE HIGH Fan speeds set by M106 will be scaled to the reduced range above this minimum. #define FTM_SHAPING_ZETA 0.1f // Zeta used by input shapers. Does not work on boards using AT90USB (USBCON) processors! The default frequency for FAST_PWM_FAN is F = F_CPU/(22551). Note that M600 is required for the default FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT. * The calculation gives us ocr values from 0 to 255, values over F65535 will be set as 255 . Before deploy/stow pause for user confirmation. Setting HOMING_FEEDRATE_MM_M to higher values I cant increase the HOMING_FEEDRATE because its a prusa i3 and the speed is already at the maximum. If the buffer is too small at runtime, input shaping will have reduced effectiveness during high speed movements. Rotate a knob or use buttons to navigate menu items, edit values, and make other adjustments. With Dual X-Carriage the HOTEND_OFFSET_X setting for T1 overrides X2_HOME_POS. */, #define FTM_DEFAULT_MODE ftMotionMode_ENABLED // Default mode of fixed time control. Make sure you have enough clearance for the probe to move between points! #define NEOPIXEL_TYPE NEO_GRBW // NEO_GRBW / NEO_GRB - four/three channel driver type (defined in Adafruit_NeoPixel.h), #define NEOPIXEL_PIN 4 // LED driving pin, #define NEOPIXEL_PIXELS 30 // Number of LEDs in the strip, larger of 2 strips if 2 NeoPixel strips are used. These settings are used to override the home position. Warning: Does not respect endstops! This allows Marlin to do extra logic related to the bed size when it differs from the movement limits below. The BLTouch uses the servo connector and is controlled using specific servo angles. Support for G5 with XYZE destination and IJPQ offsets. Some hosts will have this feature soon. Temperature status LEDs that display the hotend and bed temperature. Currently handles M108, M112, and M410. Marlin 3D printer firmware is the code in the brain of a very large number of printers. #define FTM_ZMAX 100 // Maximum delays for shaping functions (even numbers only!). Note that probe XY offsets and movement limits may constrain the probeable area of the bed. Also see the jerk settings below, which specify the largest instant speed change that can occur between segments. This option applies only to character-based displays. ARC support enabled. Multiply by 1.414 for peak current. //#define GCODE_MOTION_MODES // Remember the motion mode (G0 G1 G2 G3 G5 G38.X) and apply for X Y Z E F, etc. * Feed rates are set by the F parameter of a move command e.g. Enable PID_AUTOTUNE_MENU to add an option on the LCD to run an Autotune cycle and automatically apply the result. That's what I've done. (What is that about - i.e., why the hard-coded weird number 1.732?) If you need to use a different pin, define it here in Configuration.h. //#define WIFISUPPORT // Marlin embedded WiFi management, //#define ESP3D_WIFISUPPORT // ESP3D Library WiFi management (, #if EITHER(WIFISUPPORT, ESP3D_WIFISUPPORT), //#define WEBSUPPORT // Start a web server (which may include auto-discovery), //#define OTASUPPORT // Support over-the-air firmware updates, //#define WIFI_CUSTOM_COMMAND // Accept feature config commands (e.g., WiFi ESP3D) from the host, //#include "Configuration_Secure.h" // External file with WiFi SSID / Password, // G-code to execute when MMU2 F.I.N.D.A. * M4: 40 = Clockwise, 41 = Counter-Clockwise Be careful when first setting these. // # define Z_SAFE . Heating may be slowed in a cold environment, if a fan is blowing on the heat block, or if the heater has high resistance. This option is useful to figure out the cause of unexpected behaviors, or when reporting issues to the project. See Configuration_adv.h for more information. A bang-bang heating method will be used instead, simply checking against current temperature at regular intervals. (e.g., RAMPS 1.4 uses AUX3 pins X_CS_PIN 53, Y_CS_PIN 49, etc.). //#define Z_PROBE_SERVO_NR 0 // Defaults to SERVO 0 connector. REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER|RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller. feedrate = homing_feedrate [Z_AXIS]; As probe_pt separates the Z and XY moves itself, this should do each move at the appropriate rate. Requires an LCD display. #define EXTRUDE_MINTEMP 170, #define PREVENT_LENGTHY_EXTRUDE Youll need to import the L6470 library into the Arduino IDE for this. A build of Marlin can range from 50K to over 230K in size. #define Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_HIT_STATE HIGH For DELTA Z home must be set to the top-most position. #define FTM_SHAPING_DEFAULT_X_FREQ 37.0f // (Hz) Default peak frequency used by input shapers. #define HEATER_2_MAXTEMP 275 User-defined menu items to run custom G-code. Start with 250000 and only go lower if line number and checksum errors start to appear. It is recommended to enable these options as a safety feature. #define DEFAULT_DUAL_X_CARRIAGE_MODE DXC_AUTO_PARK_MODE, // Default x offset in duplication mode (typically set to half print bed width). Enable this option for extrapolation. With this option simply connect the X2 stepper to the first unused E plug. By default, the magnet is assumed to be on the left and activated by a home. #define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0 For configuration options see G-code M593. * CUTTER_MODE_CONTINUOUS. * Laser power would be calculated by bit shifting off 8 LSB's. Marlin supports any kind of probe that can be made to work like a switch. Friday Facts 4: How to Marlin Polargraph. If jerk is too low, the extruder will linger too long on small segments and corners, possibly leaving blobs. Use the M280 command to find the best Z_SERVO_ANGLES values. The slower homing speed for each axis is set by HOMING_BUMP_DIVISOR. The most important setting is Marlin is the motherboard. #define DISABLE_INACTIVE_EXTRUDER false // Keep only the active extruder enabled, #define INVERT_X_DIR false { 14.4, 871 }, \ Inductive Sensor. They even provide MKS Tool which should use your configuration files and create build for their boards. Employ an external closed loop controller that can be activated or deactivated by the main controller. These offsets specify the distance from the tip of the nozzle to the probe or more precisely, to the point at which the probe triggers. Bad serial connections can miss a received command by sending an ok, and some hosts will abort after 30 seconds. Marlin is a huge C++ program composed of many files, but here well only be talking about the two files that contain all of Marlins compile-time configuration options: The two .h files contain all of Marlins build-time configuration options. Otherwise, adjust according to your host. Enable SINGLENOZZLE if you have an E3D Cyclops or any other multi-extruder system that shares a single nozzle. Settings can be enabled, disabled, and assigned values using C preprocessor syntax like so: To use configurations from an earlier version of Marlin, first try dropping them into the newer Marlin, updating CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION and CONFIGURATION_ADV_H_VERSION, and building the firmware. { 1.0, 1000 }, \ If the jerk is set too high, direction changes will apply too much torque and you may see ringing artifacts or dropped steps. See Configuration_adv.h for more details. #define MMU2_LOAD_TO_NOZZLE_SEQUENCE \ #define X_HOME_DIR -1 The one you are asking about is#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE. #define TEMP_BED_RESIDENCY_TIME 10 // (seconds) How many individual steps produce a single nozzle, a switching extruder, switching! Hotend_Offset_X setting for T1 overrides X2_HOME_POS one for each axis is set by HOMING_BUMP_DIVISOR connector! 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